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Celebrity Billionaires

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1 Celebrity Billionaires
Guess who…? Followed by a Debate

2 I am the world’s richest man, valued at $56 billion

3 So far, I have given away nearly $30bn of my fortune to good causes
Now aged 51, I am involved with tackling AIDS in Africa and set up my own charity to help them So far, I have given away nearly $30bn of my fortune to good causes

4 I made my money as the inventor of Microsoft Windows

5 My name is Bill Gates

6 My name is Joanne and I am a 42 year old writer
I have sold over 325 million books - the last four have been the fastest selling books in history

7 I have donated £22 million to Comic Relief
I have a fortune of £545 million which makes me the thirteenth richest woman in Britain I have donated £22 million to Comic Relief

8 I am the author of the Harry Potter books

9 My name is JK Rowling

10 I am the third richest man in the world, worth $52 billion
I made my money through investing in insurance companies

11 Recently I gave $30 billion of my fortune to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - the largest single donation ever made in the USA

12 I only earn $100,000 a year and still live in the same house that I bought in 1958 for $31,500

13 My Name is Warren Buffet

14 I am 53 and the world's only black billionaire for three years in a row
I am also, according to many assessments, the most influential woman in the world

15 In 2005 alone I donated $303 million to charity
I am an influential book critic, an Oscar nominated actress, and a magazine publisher, as well as an award winning chat show host In 2005 alone I donated $303 million to charity

16 My chat show is called The Oprah Winfrey Show

17 My name is Oprah Winfrey

18 I am a Russian oil billionaire worth $18.2 billion

19 In Russia, I am well known as the governor of Chukotka in the far northeast of the country

20 I am best known in the UK as the owner of Chelsea Football Club

21 My name is Roman Abramovich

22 Is it ok for the rich to keep getting richer?
You may have heard the phrase: “The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer” Is this true? Where’s bulging with wealth over time? And is the wealth gap widening?

23 Today’s aims To understand that global inequalities of wealth are getting worse To identify ways in which the trickle-down of wealth can occur from the rich to the poor To appreciate why this problem could need tackling


25 Debate In pairs, sort the cards into ‘the problems with billionaires’ or ‘why billionaires are great’ Now plan why: ‘STATEMENT 1 – Trickle down – Billionaires already do enough to help the poor as their wealth trickles down to the poor and benefits a lot of people’ OR ‘STATEMENT 2 – Tackle problem – Billionaires need to do more to help the poor, they hold on to too much of their wealth and they don’t need it all’

26 Whole class debate In pairs you will be given one of the two different viewpoints. You will then need to write a 2-3 minute speech. (I will time this and stop you if you exceed the time limit.) Both people need to speak – so 1 minute 30 seconds each. The class will be divided into the two viewpoints and after each speech you will be able to ask 1 question to try and point out the weaknesses in their speech.

27 Winning the debate This actually counts!
The group at wins the debate will receive a 5 mark extra credit score added to their marks.

28 Facts you should know If the earth’s population was shrunk to exactly 100 people, and all proportions were kept the same, there would be: 6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and all 6 would be from the United States 8 would have money in the bank The wealth of the world’s three richest people is more than the combined wealth of all less developed countries. The wealth of the world’s 200 richest people is more than the combined incomes of 41% of the world’s people. By making an annual contribution of just 1% of their wealth, those 200 people could provide primary education for every child on the world (currently 72 million children of primary school age do not go to school). The gap between the world’s richest countries and the world’s poorest countries is widening rapidly.

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