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Greece and Rome.

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1 Greece and Rome

2 Military Migration and Invasions
Spartans centered society around warfare, fight in Peloponnesian War Hyksos from western Asia invaded Egypt, taught Egyptians how to use bronze for farm tools and weapons and improved their military skill

3 Military Migration and Invasions
Aryans were Indo-European who invaded northern India, ended Harappan civilization Dorians invaded Greece and contributed to the decline of Greece

4 Greek City-States Athens had direct democracy with three political bodies Greece had hundreds of independent city-states or polis Polis is community of citizens who shared similar identities and lifestyles

5 Architecture, Literature and Plays
Architecture known as classical style Parthenon is famous example Used different types of columns (Doric, Ionic, Corinthian)

6 Architecture, Literature and Plays
Plays consist of 3 male actors First dramas were tragedies were based on suffering of a hero Earliest Greek literature was epic poem

7 Alexander the Great Son of Philip II of Macedon who made Greece Macedonia’s most powerful kingdom Aristotle was Alexander’s teacher and taught him to appreciate Greek art and culture Philip taught his son to be a skilled military leader

8 Alexander the Great Alexander expanded the Greek empire and defeated the Persians He allowed conquered people to keep traditional religion Was firm yet merciful, introduced Hellenistic Era

9 Roman Empire Established a republican government (representative democracy) Economy based heavily on trade Religious beliefs stemmed from that of classical Greece

10 Roman Empire Relied on Latin language and writing system
Had most advanced technology of the classical period: superior weapons, sailing techniques, moveable type print, aqueducts, abacus, bridges, amphitheaters

11 Persia Scientists contributed to medicine, math, and philosophy (wind-powered machines) Architecture famous for geometrical shapes and repetitive patterns King Darius I built Royal Road Writing system was Pahlavi Prophet named Zoroaster introduced Zoroastrianism, the first monotheistic religion

12 China Invented gunpowder, printing, papermaking, compass
Isolated from the western world Relied on Silk Road for much of its trade

13 China Language was a collection of dialects, writing consisted of a series of word pictures or symbols Main religions were Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism

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