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The Antebellum Era ( ): The War of 1812

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1 The Antebellum Era (1781-1860): The War of 1812
Depiction of the Battle of New Orleans. America defeated the British. However, a peace was reached prior to the battle between the USA and Britain. The troops did not know about the peace. Andrew Jackson was general for the USA.

2 B. Building a Nation (Colonization-ca. 1877) 1
B. Building a Nation (Colonization-ca. 1877) 1. Colonization and Forging a Nation k. Identify and evaluate the political and territorial changes resulting from westward expansion of the United States in the early nineteenth century m. Evaluate, take, and defend positions on the development of U.S. foreign policy during the early nineteenth century (e.g., Embargo Act, Monroe Doctrine)

3 The War of 1812 (Actually it lasted from 1812-1814)
In 1808, James Madison was elected President of the USA. During this time, hostilities with Britain were appearing again. Britain was taking USA ships through a process called impressment, in which they forced the USA ships into the British Navy. Copyright, © All Rights Reserved.

4 Britain and the USA at War Again
The British were supplying weapons to Native American groups who were hostile toward the USA. Despite being only decades beyond the American Revolution, the USA was already having its independence threatened. Britain took Washington D.C. in However, Britain and America would eventually find peace. Copyright, © All Rights Reserved.

5 Three Regions of fighting in the War of 1812
The war was fought in three main areas. First, at sea, the British blockaded certain areas on the Atlantic coast of the USA. Second, battles were fought on the Canadian American border. Third, there were major battles in the Gulf Coast in which the American forces defeated a British invasion New Orleans. Copyright, © All Rights Reserved.

6 Use this map to show important battles in the War of 1812.

7 The British damaged the White House in their invasion of Washington D
The British damaged the White House in their invasion of Washington D.C. in the War of 1812. Use this to show how Britain took Washington D.C.

8 The War of 1812 Ends America entered into a state of neutrality with Britain by signing the Treaty of Ghent on December 24th, 1814. The British had little to gain in continuing war with the USA and wanted to profit once again by trading with the USA. Soldiers did not get word of the peace in New Orleans until after the Battle of New Orleans in 1815 was over, which was a victory for the USA. Copyright, © All Rights Reserved.

9 Depiction of the Battle of New Orleans. America defeated the British
Depiction of the Battle of New Orleans. America defeated the British. However, a peace was reached prior to the battle between the USA and Britain. The troops did not know about the peace. Andrew Jackson was general for the USA.

10 The Star Spangled Banner
The Star Spangled Banner is the national anthem of the United States. The lyrics come from The Defense of Fort McHenry, a poem written in 1814 by Francis Scott Key after an American victory known as the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812. In 1931, it was made the official national anthem by a Congress. Copyright, © All Rights Reserved.

11 Use this map to show where Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner.
The Star Spangled Banner eventually became the US national anthem. Francis Scott Key wrote the lyrics after the defense of Fort McHenry in the 1814 Battle of Baltimore.

12 The Star Spangled Banner Flag that inspired the lyrics of the US national anthem when it flew above Fort McHenry in the 1814 Battle of Baltimore. It is on display at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C.

13 Third, the war confirmed the USA’s independence from Britain.
The Impact of the War of 1812 First, the Federalist Party faded away because many opposed the war effort. Second, America manufactured more products because they were unable to get products from Britain. This contributed to the rise of the Market Revolution. Third, the war confirmed the USA’s independence from Britain. Copyright, © All Rights Reserved.

14 The End

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