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Differentiation/Tiered instruction

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1 Differentiation/Tiered instruction

2 What does it mean to differentiate/tier instruction???
Table talk…….(5 min.) -As a table group you have 5 min. to discuss and write down your definition. YELLOW leader in your group will present your definition to the class when asked.


4 What does this piece of data say to you?? (5-8 min.)
Discuss these results with a partner (birthdays) focusing on these questions: -What do you notice about this data? Not just the obvious!! -Should data impact teaching? -If so, how ?

5 Think back…. Okay, maybe not that far back!!!!
WHY DID YOU WANT TO BECOME A TEACHER???? (Partner “Tattle-Tell” – GREEN leader)

6 Differentiating…solely teaching “whole class”.
Problems with not Differentiating…solely teaching “whole class”.

7 Differentiation/Tiered INstruction
Look at group definition again….did you discuss differentiating at all points along the spectrum of learners?? (kids who didn’t understand up through those that already knew the material?) GOAL – EVERY STUDENT EXPERIENCES 1 YR. OF GROWTH FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR TO THE END OF THE YEAR. WOULD THIS EVEN BE POSSIBLE WITHOUT DIFFERENTIATING?? Partner discussion: (2 min.) – by hair (light/dark)



10 * HANDOUT Differentiation/Tiering Instruction means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs in one or more of the following areas: By challenge level (Blooms Taxonomy) By complexity (address needs of all students at introductory to advanced learners) By resources (using a variety of resources to meet different levels of ability/need) By outcome (students use the same materials, but the end product varies) By process (end products are the same, but students arrive at that outcome in various ways) By learning style (group by multiple intelligences of learning styles followed by assignments that fit preference) By teaching strategies/methods (techniques teachers use in class that group or differentiate instruction or environment)


12 The Civil War - WHEN INSTRUCTED (Hint, Hint) – RED leader please hand out the articles in the center of your table to each member of your table group. - Group members will read the article silently. (Approx. 5 min.) If you finish reading before your table group or class members, please look through the article again underlining the following: any words you do not understand, 3 facts you didn’t know, 2 things you found interesting, and 1 item you’d like to learn more about. - RED leader is responsible for making sure all group members follow instructions.

13 Civil War Cube Discussion (5 min.)
-BLUE leader is in charge!!! REMEMBER ASSESSMENT……

14 Partner reflection – # of siblings (3 min.)
Which of the differentiation strategies from the list did you see happen during the Civil War demonstration? -By challenge level (Cube Bloom’s Levels) -By complexity (Advanced and Low levels) -By resources (ReadWorks articles by Lexile Levels) -By outcome (Discussions vary according to Cube, given work to do if you finish early) -By teaching strategy – (Differentiated environment)

15 Differentiation Strategy: The Cube (Packet)
-Quick review of packet/ 3 min. self-explore time -partner “think tank” (10 min.) (same partner) * How could you use this strategy in your classroom? * in what way would you differentiate the “cube”?? (ex: ability, learning styles, etc.)

16 Break – (5 min.)

17 Welcome to 10th grade Spanish!!
Culture Awareness Lesson

18 Hola estudiantes, mi nombre es Senora Judd, su maestro maravisa de Espanol. Ahora, por favor escojen tres miembros de su grupo para combiar con un otro grupo. Tengan un minuto para hacer este cambio…empieza!!!!!! For those that don’t really speak/read Spanish LIKE ME, this says: Hello students, my name is Mrs. Judd, your wonderful Spanish teacher. At this time please have three members of your table group switch with another group. You have 1 min. to make the switch….GO!!!! LEAVE YOUR COLORED LEADER CARDS AT YOUR TABLE BUT TAKE EVERYTHING ELSE – DO NOT TAKE THE COLORED CARDSWITH YOU!!!!

19 I need to see the PINK and PURPLE leaders in the hall for a moment!
All others, as a table group, list as many countries as you can where Spanish is the official language. The culture menu

20 Countries where Spanish is the official language

21 Culture Menu Group Project (Leaders: PINK/PURPLE)
All group members will be doing one project together that focuses on the culture of one of the Spanish speaking countries we just saw on the list. All group members must be assigned tasks. Leaders will make final choice in who does which part of the project. Group must decide by majority which grade your group is working towards. Group will have 3 days in class to work on the project and then groups will present their project to the whole class. Again, all members of the group must be involved in the presentation. Draw group country name. Groups will have ten minutes to look over the project and discuss group grade & assignments.

22 Menu/Choice Boards: By challenge level (includes Blooms strategies) By complexity (choices for all levels) By process (All groups/students will present, but students can prepare information and presentation in many ways) By learning style (student not grouped by multiple intelligences, but students have a choice of assignments that fit their preferences) By teaching strategy/methods (peer helper built in to assist struggling students) Which of the types of differentiation did you see in the Spanish lesson? *Have pink/purple leaders tell what was said in the hall. *

23 “Think Tank time” * Look through Menu packet on your own for 5 min.
* Once the time is over find a partner you have not been with before & discuss how you could use the “menu” ideas in your classroom. (5 min.)

24 Differentiating with Technology
Review Packet Readwritethink example ReadWriteThink (Check to see if curriculum is in Utah State Core) How do you differentiate with technology??

25 Teaching with Differentiation
What instruction strategies did you see me use today that included differentiation? Colored Cards (either have student choose colors and then math student/colors with tasks, or you give each child a color grouping them) *Used for things like who would present aloud, who would lead project, who would help as a peer leader, etc. Strategies for getting into partners Methods such as “Partner Tattle-Tell”, “Partner Think Tank”, etc. Packet of ideas (AWESOME EASY IDEAS!!)

26 GOAL: Incorporate a differentiation strategy once a week.

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