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BEANS IN A JAR Estimate how many jellybeans are in the jar on the sheets going around. Winner takes all!

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Presentation on theme: "BEANS IN A JAR Estimate how many jellybeans are in the jar on the sheets going around. Winner takes all!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making use of the Psychology standards in senior secondary school courses

2 BEANS IN A JAR Estimate how many jellybeans are in the jar on the sheets going around. Winner takes all!

3 Post what you want to get out of today on the following padlet using the password: Freud

4 Learning Intentions Participants will: build an understanding
of the Psychology matrix have considered options for the inclusion of psychology standards in senior secondary school courses  have identifed a range of sources for resource material

5 Whakatauki “I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho”
-a problem is solved by continuing to find solutions-

6 "Education survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten."
B.F. Skinner ( ) Psychology, unlike chemistry, unlike algebra, unlike literature, is an owner's manual for your own mind. It's a guide to life. What could be more important than grounding young people in the scientific information that they need to live happy, healthy, productive lives? To have good relationships? Daniel Goldstein

7 Introductions Name School Subjects taught Why Psyc?

8 Quick Personality Test

9 Psychology is awesome video

10 Where is Psychology at right now?
Level 1 and 2 Achievement Standards (and associated support material) are written and being trialed in schools this term. Ready for use in 2017. Level 3 to follow in 2018. Teaching and Learning guidelines have been re-written and to be updated on TKI

11 The Matrix


13 Can you see our way of thinking? Mix and match the new matrix.

14 Why teach Psychology? Be able to give explanations of how and why people behave the way they do...and recognise that there can be more than one explanation possible Being able to critique and question validity of research Exposure to a range of research methods (both scientific and non-scientific). Students able to reflect on their own experience and behaviours


16 Music lessons as a kid make you smarter…

17 Confounding variables???
Proper research from a proper journal. So, what other factors could be contributing to this? Confounding variables???

18 1.1 & 1.3 Approaches and Methodologies
1.1 Approaches: Covers the main approaches in Psychology, their key ideas and theories. Provides a historical view of where Psychology has come from and where it is going. 1.3 Methodologies: Covers the main research methods used in Psychology. Gives students an opportunity to see how research in Psychology has been and can be used.

19 In your groups, identify, discuss and report back on what you think are:
The key requirements of the standard Ideas about teaching context Possible modes of assessment

20 Share

21 Another Awesome Video

22 Textbook Resources NZ Psyc Book: An introduction for
New Zealand Students (Nelson Cengage) Numerous A level texts Australian VCE texts University Introductory texts

23 Online Resources (Go to the ‘Get Started’ tab for numerous helpful sites…) (note the changes to these have not yet been updated online) Numerous TED talks are accessible level for students and relevant (Good list of blogs, most aimed at tertiary level, but some US high school)

24 Youtube Channels Three channels with fun videos from Psychologist Richard Wiseman Crash Course Psychology a youtube channel full of brain related videos, regularly added to Asap SCIENCE channel, search: Psychology.

25 NZ Documentaries There are numerous documentaries and movies that support teaching psychology. Why am I? (2016) Nigel Latta (Beyond the Darklands/Any) Little Criminals (2015) Bullies (2015) Bryan Bruce documentaries (numerous) 60 minutes/news & current affairs programs…

26 International Documentaries
BBC has HEAPS of Psychology focused documentaries/programs: The Brain: A Secret History, How Mad are You?, Are you Good or Evil?, The Human Mind, The Boy With The Incredible Brain, The Century of the Self PBS: A Class Divided, National Geographic: Feral Children, My Brilliant Brain The History Channel: Sigmund Freud, Bedlam, Robert Winston documentaries The Up series (7 up, 7 plus 7, 21 up etc)

27 Movies One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Awakenings A beautiful mind
12 angry men Sybil

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