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Making off without payment

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1 Making off without payment

2 Background Original theft Act had a loophole that was found and exploited Loophole was that the AR and MR did not need to coincide – Greenburg (1972) Parliament created a new Theft Act (1978) Max sentence = 2 years Actus Reus Mens Rea Makes off Dishonesty Supplied goods Knowing payment was required On the spot Intended to permanently avoid payment Did not pay

3 Actus Reus #1; Makes off McDavitt (1981)
D went to the toilet on the premises and thus did not make off

4 Actus Reus #2; goods/services suplied
Troughton (1987) Service had not been provided

5 Actus Reus #3 “payment on the spot”
Vincent (2001) There was no expectation that D would have to pay his bill at the checkout

6 Actus reus #4; did not pay
Question of fact for the jury

7 Mens Rea #1; Dishonesty Ghosh Test – Lord Justice Lane
Was D’s act dishonest according to the standards of the reasonable and honest person? If so 2. Did D realise that reasonable and honest people would regard the act as being dishonest?

8 Mens Rea #2- knowing payment was due on the spot
Vincent (2001) There was no expectation that D would have to pay his bill at the checkout

9 Mens Rea #3; D intended to avoid payment permanently
Allen (1985) Prosecutor needs to prove that D had the intention to not pay at all

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