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Uncertainty in Water Industry?

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Presentation on theme: "Uncertainty in Water Industry?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Uncertainty in Water Industry?
By Professor Jake Ansell University of Edinburgh Business School

2 Uncertainty and Time PAST FUTURE Has Occurred Known
Dealing with Consequences REACTIVE FUTURE May Occur Unknown Need to deal with the Uncertainty PROACTIVE

3 Trigger, Event and Consequences
Where Does it Come From? Demand Changes (New Build, Change Build, etc) Supply Changes (Weather, Resources, etc) Pipes burst, machines fail Others interfere Trigger, Event and Consequences

4 Good or Bad It is usually to associate Uncertainty with unfavourable events – RISK But Uncertainty may be beneficial – OPPORTUNITIES Generally viewed negatively and so Risk Averse Attitudes to Dominate. Over protection, attributing blame to others, unwillingness to take challenges

5 What is Uncertainty Tolerable?
Failure of a Light bulb is tolerable Failure of Dam is not tolerable (Rotherham) Need to decide what UNCERTAINTY is important to manage and what isn’t What can you live with, what you can’t

6 Dealing With Uncertainty
Trigger – an occurrence that leads to potential event Event – the outcome following a trigger Consequence – the result of the event 1 - PE No Event Consequence A Trigger PA PT PB Event Consequence B PE Pc Consequence C

7 Probability and Consequence
Probability is hard to evaluate Is Consequence is easier Consequences are specified – loss of water supply to N people over a given duration But still need to be able to predict outcome Underlying is understanding of PROBABILITY

8 Some Issues Rare Events can happen Highly likely Events may not
A lot of Engineering is described Deterministically Want to move from REACTIVE to PROACTIVE Often it is the interaction of many ‘triggers’ that lead to Problems

9 Issues PIPES How many patches before replacement? ASSETS
When should you repair, refurbish, replace or abandon? CUSTOMERS What do they care about? REGULATORS How will they react?

10 Model Uncertainty ASSETS Performance Line of Tolerability Can use a range of models to describe the above behaviour! Can use Survival Analysis, Bayesian Approaches etc

11 A Model So chance of failure in period (t,t+δt) is described as an intensity λ(t,z,b) z is covariate, b parameters, l positive function This allows characterisation of the performance

12 Data Uncertainty Often Maintenance data? Event and Action
Might be extra information – stress on system, condition grade etc There will be uncertainty attached to in terms of its reliability, its measurement etc Three Histories

13 Build Models Based On Data
Need ‘good’ models Need ‘good’ data Comparison Goodness of Fit Validation with Engineering Judgement

14 Build Models Based On Data
Need ‘good’ models Need ‘good’ data Comparison Goodness of Fit Validation with Engineering Judgement BUT WHY – To aid the Water Industry to achieve its goals. Optimal Performance? Minimum Cost? Highest Customer Satisfaction?

15 What are We doing? Aim is to be able to PLAN actions Decide when to ACT Decide what to DO Need to be DYNAMIC because there is CHANGE Need to get BEST outcome given Limited Resources (Money, Time, Staff etc) Hence use MODELS and DATA adaptively

16 Water Industry needs STATISTICIANS
Conclusion Water Industry needs STATISTICIANS

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