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How to create Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Requests

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Presentation on theme: "How to create Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Requests"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Requests
Created: E. Coertze 2012 Modified: A. Warricker 2016

2 Register for ILL, using this online form
FAQs Interlending is a service that can be used to obtain books and articles that are not available at the home library, from national and international libraries. If the item you need is not available via your library holdings or subscriptions, you can request it from another South African or international library. NB: International requests for researchers and post-graduates only must be approved by your department, as it has cost implications. On library homepage point to Services, choose Interlending, and click on Interlending Registration on the L-hand side of the screen. Complete the Online Registration Form. Register for ILL, using this online form

3 Or contact your information specialist!
FAQs contd… Or contact your information specialist!

4 How to create Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Requests
1.Articles/chapters: You have retrieved a reference from databases, Google Scholar, etc. You have access to abstract/reference only, but you want full text. 2. Books: You want books not in UP’s collection. E.g.: Kruger, Alet Translation, self-translation and apartheid-imposed conflict. Journal of Language and Politics, 11(2), pp. 273–292. and: Esquivel, Laura Como para agua chocolate. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Random House Mondadori. ISBN: X.

5 Step 1 (a) – method 1 Check whether we subscribe to this e-journal – method 1.

6 We do not seem to have access to this journal
We do not seem to have access to this journal. Double-check using method 2.

7 Step 1 (b) – method 2 Check whether we subscribe to this e-journal – method 2.

8 Find e-journal in UP’s holdings and click on record title.

9 Click on Access Journal link below the blue line

10 Click on relevant volume and number of journal to see whether we have access to the full text.

11 We do not have access to the full text of this journal
We do not have access to the full text of this journal. Check hard copies or request on ILL.

12 Step 2 Check whether we have a hard copy of the journal.

13 Find print copy of journal in UP’s holdings and click on record title.

14 We do not have access to the paper copy of this journal
We do not have access to the paper copy of this journal. If you are registered for ILL, click on Request item to create a request.

15 Step 3 Determine whether the journal is available from another library in South Africa by using the SACat database. If it is available, you may do an interlending request. You must be registered as an interlibrary user. Register in advance either online: or in person, on level 5 of Merensky 2 (main) library. If you are not notified of your Username and Password within 3 days of registration, call to follow up.

16 Type in your ILL username and password and click on Login.

17 Type in the journal title Journal of Language and Politics
Search SACat for the journal title Type in the journal title Journal of Language and Politics Select “Serials” as Material Type Click on Search

18 Choose title by clicking on serial title link.

19 Click on Find in a Library to see where it is available

20 Check whether title is available elsewhere, and then click on close.

21 Click on Request this item

22 Scroll down to check your contact details and click to request.
Choose date a month away 19/11/2016 Tick in Copyright Compliance box Copy Choose ‘Copy’ for article/chapter request; ‘Loan’ for book request Translation, self-translation and apartheid-imposed conflict Details of journal (e.g. title, ISSN, publisher) were drawn into the form automatically. Fill in the rest of the details of your request. Kruger, Alet 2012 Vol 11 no 2 Scroll down to check your contact details and click to request.

23 Type additional information in the ‘Note’ field
Please supply in electronic format, if possible! Thanks Check that your contact details are correct, then click on Request button at bottom of form.

24 After having requested an item, scroll back up to check that the request has been successful, and to write down the Local Request ID, so that you can track the request later.

25 A request for a book

26 Click on book title to open record and request

27 The book is available. Close dialogue box and click on Request this item.

28 Then scroll down to click on Request.
Choose the date, tick copyright compliance, and choose Loan for a book. Add a note if necessary. Then scroll down to click on Request.

29 After having requested an item, scroll back up to check that the request has been successful, and to write down the Local Request ID, so that you can track the request later.

30 Step 4 If the article is received in hard copy, you will be notified that you may collect it on Level 5 of the Merensky 2 library. If the article is received electronically, it will be forwarded to you. As soon as the book is received, you will be notified to collect it on level 5

31 Step 5 If the (journal) title was not found on Sabinet, it means that no library in South Africa subscribes to that journal, or has the book in it’s collection. If you are a master or doctoral student, ask your supervisor to co-ordinate the international loan via the department for you. Your department has to approve the request due to possible cost implications.

32 Click on Interlending…
RECAP Route from the homepage to the ILL webpage: Click on Interlending…

33 Links to SACat to create an online request
RECAP Links to SACat to create an online request Click on ‘Online Requesting’ on the L-hand side, to go directly into SACat and create an online request. Click on ‘Interlending Requests’ on R-hand side, to go directly into SACat and create an online request.

34 Warning screen comes up:
RECAP Warning screen comes up: Make sure you have checked the item isn’t in any of our collections (steps 1 & 2 above), then click on the relevant “Request via SACat” button – on/off campus.


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