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Activities for the month of March 2017

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1 Activities for the month of March 2017

2 1st March- 10th March 4th March: Prof Krunal conducted a Marketing Mastermind competition for 1st year MMS students.

3 1st March- 10th March 4th March: Prof Krunal organized a guest lecture for MMS students on “Online Advertising 101" by Ms. Raveena Udasi Mathew. 6th March: The second LMC meeting of the year was held.

4 1st March- 10th March 7th March: Insync Analyst came for final placement for Finance specialization students. 8th March: Women’s Day Celebration at BRIMS with special session on Stress Management for all the female staff.

5 1st March- 10th March 8th March: Certificate Distribution Ceremony of Yoga classes conducted at BRIMS in association with Shri Ambika Kutir.

6 11th March-20th March 11th March: Dr Jape attended a Faculty Development Programme on ‘Innovative pedagogy in exploring Leadership traits’ organized by Saket Institute of Management.

7 11th March-20th March 18th March: Dr Nitin Joshi and Prof Krunal attended a 2 days programme on “Make A Fortune Teaching What You Love” by Arfeem Khan. 18th March:  Prof Sunil Saxsena published research papers on ‘E commerce and Its Last Mile Delivery Issues and Challenges’ and ‘Understanding the Distributers and the retailer’s link case of an FMCG company’ in 5th International Research Conference on “Global Transformation through Social Entrepreneurship” held on 18th and 19th March 2017 at MGM IMSR. ISSN number

8 21st March-31st March 24th March: Dr Bedi conducted a session on 'Power of Belief' for senior managers of Unit Trust of India. 25th March: Prof Vibhuti arranged Vivi-voce for the final year MMS and PGDM Students.

9 21st March-31st March 25th March: Prof Krunal presented a research paper on “Influence of Social Advertising on Consumer Behavior towards FMCG Brands" at National Conference on 'Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability' organized by Allana Institute of Management. Prof Krunal published a “Case Study on Business Management of Printing Solutions Company" in International referred Journal with Impact Factor: 5.76 and IC Value: (March, 2017). Prof Kanchan successfully submitted Business Standard B-school ranking 2017.

10 21st March-31st March Dr. Smita Jape conducted Management Development Programme for the Managers of Pitamabri Pvt Ltd on the topic Financial management.

11 21st March-31st March 31st March: Prof Pravin Narang presented a paper in the Journal Club meeting on “The impact of customer based brand equity on the operational performance of FMCG companies in India.” 31st March: Monthly Birthday Celebrations.

12 Thank You

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