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Maker 7660: Not Your Grandpa’s Ham Radio!

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Presentation on theme: "Maker 7660: Not Your Grandpa’s Ham Radio!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maker 7660: Not Your Grandpa’s Ham Radio!
10 GHz Communications Transverter Unit Synthesized LO 10MHz Reference Receive LNA T/R Waveguide Relay SSPA DC-DC Converter RF Power Meters This 10,368 MHz (10.3 GHz) transverter system is capable of transmitting and receiving signals as far as 899 mi (1448km) under the right conditions. Way past line of sight! It is a combination of commercially-available kit units and surplus parts from avionics, radar and satellite TV equipment. The unit can operate on all ham radio modes, including Morse Code (CW), AM, FM and SSB. Not shown is the 144MHz all mode IF unit, a currently available ham radio transceiver.

2 10 GHz Communications Technical Terms
Maker 7660: Not Your Grandpa’s Ham Radio! 10 GHz Communications Technical Terms Frequency multiplication and filtering is needed to get to the SHF range. In this system, the frequency scheme goes like this: 106.6MHz x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 4 = (2558MHz is filtered to get 2556MHz) *4 = 10224 10224MHz goes to a Mixer, where the 144 MHz intermediate frequency (IF) is added to make the final frequency of 10368MHz (10.368GHz) 2556MHz Filter Local Oscillator & Multiplier Chain 10MHz Reference & PLL Synthesizer TRANSMIT PATH RECEIVE PATH RX LNA T/R Relay Filter Mixer SSPA Driver LO Amp 10224 MHz LO TO 144MHz IF 10224 MHz MHz = MHz ( GHz)

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