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Kairos Prison Ministry International
Advisory Council 101 Establishing and managing a new Kairos Advisory Council Susan Dyer Charlie Walls Welcome to Advisory Council 101. We will be covering the necessary steps you need to take to start a new Advisory Council. We will then move into the area of guidelines for managing a successful Advisory Council. There will be a test at the end. Kidding!!!! In order for us to move along and get as much needed information before you in our limited time frame, we ask that you hold your questions until the end. We are providing for you a supply of sticky notes that you can use to jot down your questions. Use one sticky note per question. When it comes to Q&A time we will take these up and try to answer them for you. Questions? Please use the sticky notes Kidding!!! Also, in order for you to concentrate more on the mainstream information which we are about to cover, at the end of the workshop you will be given a handout which contains our entire outline along with footnotes as to where to locate the forms, guidelines, etc. that we talk about. Being Present
Colossians 3:17 “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” God is ever present in us, in our work and how others see the work we do for Him. Being present as a Kairos volunteer begins with building a proper foundation: 1. Keeping your eyes on Jesus 2. Building a healthy Advisory Council Comment: Everything we do is to be done as unto the Lord. Read aloud: Colossians 3:17 Comment: We are stewards of the work which God has called us. God is ever present in us, in our work and how others see the work we do for Him. Note: Being present in God allows you to bring glory to His name. You do this as a Kairos volunteer through consistent, dependable, obedient and loving work. Being present as a Kairos volunteer begins with building a proper foundation: 1. Keeping your eyes on Jesus. 2. Building a healthy Advisory Council. Being Present
Kairos Mission Statement
The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women, and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities. Comment: When we step into the role of a Kairos volunteer, we do so with the Kairos mission in the forefront of our minds. Comment: Let’s read our mission statement together. OPENING PRAYER Being Present
Starting An Advisory Council
“Everything has a beginning. It’s not always comfortable. It’s not always easy. But it is a starting point” PRAYER! If God is not in it, don’t begin it! Comment: These are the basics. The beginning foundation for your New Start. Andy Stanley states, “Everything has a beginning. It’s not always comfortable. It’s not always easy. But it is a starting point”. Comment: The most critical step to starting a new Advisory Council is PRAYER!. You must feel you are in God’s will and have an assurance that it is what He wants and your are ready to seek His guidance and support. “If God is not in it, don’t begin it!” Being Present
Starting An Advisory Council
Prayer!!! Advisory Council Operating Procedures (ACOP). Kairos New Start-Up Kit. Notify the State Chapter Committee of interest. State Chapter Committee and Kairos Prison Ministry International (KPMI) approval is mandatory. Structure – Advisory Council must be in place before a weekend may be held. Typically, Weekends will not occur for months after the formation of the Advisory Council. Comment: Oh, did I mention that prayer should be a priority before putting together an Advisory Council? 2. Advisory Council Operating Procedures (ACOP) Comment: You must have a working knowledge of what the expectations are for a functioning Advisory Council ( Council). Kairos New Start-Up Kit found at Council – New Starts Comment: To whom do you go with questions? State Chapter Committee Program Coordinator – KPMI Slide Being Present
Recruiting for the Advisory Council
Prayer!! (Still??) Qualifications for an Advisory Council member: a. Heart for the ministry. b. Active in Christian church c. Some experienced members beneficial. d. Minority representation. Honest expectations for service: a. Read Advisory Council Operating Procedures. b. Position description. c. Meeting frequency. d. Term of office. Comment: Oh, did I tell you that prayer should be in the forefront of everything you do in setting up a new Advisory Council? Slide Slide a. Slide b. Comment: Understand the expectations of the position. What do I do? c. Comment: Everyone needs to be available and “put it on the calendar”! This is ”being present.” d. Comment: How long do I have to do this job? What? Be aware of the length of commitment. Being Present
Required Officer Positions
Selection of Advisory Council Chair. a. Vice Chair b. Secretary c. Treasurer d. Kairos Donor Coordinator e. Advisory Council State Representative f. Suggest you have Clergy/Spiritual Director g. Two years to fill 14 positions Comment: Selection of the AC Chair should be the first step in setting up leadership. Comment: Six officers are required and having a Clergy/Spiritual Director is suggested. Slide Comment: A new start has two years to fill all of the required 14 positions. Being Present
Required Forms Being Present
Annual Affiliation Agreement. a. Read, signed by Advisory Council and sent to State Chapter Committee. All programs. Institutional Memorandum of Understanding. a. Inside and Torch -Signed by Warden/State Officer and sent to State Chapter Committee. Kairos Outside. a. Identify and contract with Weekend facility Comment: Found at Councils/New Starts a. Slide Comment: Known also as the MOU and found at Council Downloads a. Slide Slide a. Slide Being Present
Required Software Being Present
Comment: Kairos Donor is required to assist in the proper management of the donated funds and fundraising of the ministry. ( ) Comment: Use is the responsibility of the KD Coordinator. Comment: Proper use of Kairos Donor ensures Kairos is in compliance with IRS guidelines for donor reporting and fundraising as well as the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). Comment: Contact KPMI for KairosDonor webinar training dates. Being Present
Initial Weekend Leader Selections
Selection of Weekend Leader, Observing Leader, Observing 1 and 2 Leaders. a. Advisory Council chooses Leaders. All programs. b. New states to seek approval from Kairos Women’s Program Coordinator for Outside Weekend Leader. Selection of Advising Leader. a. The Advising Leader for the first weekend will be a Program Coordinator or designee. All programs. Slide a. Slide b. Slide Slide a. Slide Being Present
Moving Right Along!! Being Present Set date for first weekend.
Submit the Weekend date and proposed Leader(s) to State Chapter Committee for approval. Arrange for Leaders to attend Advanced Kairos Training (AKT). Leader orders Ezra after completing Advanced Kairos Training. Register Weekend information. Comment: This needs to be done in cooperation with the prison staff. Remember the time frame should be 12 to 24 months after the AC is formed. Slide Comment: Check on for available training sites and dates. All programs. Comment: Outside Leaders must observe a Kairos Outside Weekend before attending AKT (Outside Program Manual, page 21, #5). Comment: Follow instructions for Ezra ordering, found at Ordering. Slide: Logo Comment: Found at Weekend Info. Being Present
Assisting the Weekend Leader
Weekend Leader is under the authority of the Advisory Council. Weekend Leader attends Advisory Council meetings at least six months prior to weekend. Advisory Council recruits enough volunteers for first weekend. Advisory Council vets team applications. Follow up with Leader on reports at end of weekend. Slide Comment: Helps for recruiting found at Comment: See Program Manual for team size. Comment: 3 on 1 off, completed application, Statement of Faith signed. Comment: Weekend Leader’s Report, Excellence Initiative. Being Present
Getting Down To The Mechanics!
Weekend Leader selects team per Program Manual Locate and secure adequate lodging for team and meal preparation – Inside and Torch if meals allowed. Order Program Manuals for each team member and necessary items for Weekend use. Establish fundraising plan to offset cost of Weekend. Comment: Again, see Program Manual for team size and qualifications. Comment: Lodging for team can be camp, motel, housing supplied by church or team members. Location for preparing meals for Inside and Torch if allowed. Comment: Every team member must have a manual at no charge to the team member. Donations are always accepted. Comment: See suggestions for fundraising at Ideas. Being Present
2 Corinthians 9:12, “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” Comment: As a volunteer of Kairos, we should have peace knowing our Board of Directors rest in the presence of God. They have put everything before God, seeking His guidance in developing the governance which we are committed to follow. Read 2 Corinthians 9:12 Comment: When we seek to be in the Lord’s presence we are filled with His wisdom, guidance and discernment. There is no better presence to lead the new Advisory Council than that of the Lord’s. Being Present
Managing the Advisory Council
Purpose of Advisory Council Operating Procedures. Vision, Mission, Core Values, Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct; read at the beginning of each year. Roles of the Advisory Council. Authority of the Advisory Council. State Chapter Committee reports to the Chief Executive Officer. Comment: Lets quickly review ACOP p , a – d Comment: These are read and signed by the AC each year. Comment: Found in ACOP p. 6, 1 – 9. Comment: ACOP p. 6 – 7 Board of Directors set policies Chief Executive Officer responsible for all operations SCC reports to CEO NO AC has authority to regard or change Slide Being Present
Using Key Tools Being Present
Advisory Council Operating Procedures (ACOP) State Chapter Operating Procedures (SCCOP) Code of Conduct Financial Policies and Practices (FPP) Kairos Donor Ministry Program Manual Comment: You are not alone. There are many tools to assist! Comment: Tools are listed in ACOP, p 7 – 9. Much of this we have discussed; but, lets do a quick review. Slide Slide + KD Logo Being Present
Using Key Tools Being Present Advisory Council Training (ACT)
Advanced Kairos Training (AKT) Weekend Leader’s Report Excellence Initiative Report Volunteer Website ( Kairos Prison Ministry International Staff Comments: From ACT Procedures and Guidelines for Scheduling and AC Training ( is is stated: “This training will serve as the catalyst to provide local Advisory Councils with all the tools they need to operate efficiently, to understand their roles and authority, and to operate effectively and according to the Kairos Prison Ministry Operating Procedures. Additionally, this training will empower and equip all members of the local Advisory Councils to perform their duties according to the highest standards with a spirit of Excellence and Spiritual Integrity.” Set up for success – train! Advisory Councils should be budgeting to participate. Comments: Who should go and who must go: Weekend Leader and Observing Leader must attend. Why not send members of the Advisory Council who are able to attend? The Advisory Council is to support the Weekend Leader; know how to do so. Kairos Kalendar to find AKT locations and Universal AKT Registration Form ( Know the principle statements regarding AKT Expenses; attendee do not pay! Donations, of course, accepted to the AC. Slide Being Present
Conducting Meetings Being Present Who, what, where and when.
Open to everyone (possible future members?). Organize meeting logistics (room, technology, food). Distribute agenda before meeting. Start and end on time. Comment: Give realistic expectations. Slide Being Present
Conducting Meetings Being Present
Begin with prayer and devotional (use your clergy). Make assignments and capture in minutes. Distribute minutes timely. Slide Being Present
One Year Later – Election Process
Begin process in September of each year. a. Secretary sends out correspondence. New starts work to fill all 14 positions within two years. Elections completed by December 1. a. Advisory Council Reporting Form to be sent to State Chapter Committee in the month of December. Term begins January 1. Comments: The election process is found in ACOP, page 20 a. There is an example of the AC Election Notification letter in ACOP, page 23 (Click on clip art) Slide Being Present
For the Record Being Present
Discipline of Advisory Council, Advisory Council member, team or Weekend Leader. a. Discipline is not to exclude people but to exclude certain behaviors outside the purpose of Kairos. b. Refer to appropriate Program Manual. c. Code of Conduct Closing An Advisory Council. a. Communicate to State Chapter Committee. b. Communicate to Kairos Prison Ministry International. c. Financial considerations: distribution of assets, closing Quickbooks, etc. Slide Comment: Disciplinary actions found in the document Code of Conduct pages 8 – 12. Being Present
Up and Running Heart of the Ministry!
Prayer and Share – Kairos Inside. a. “Establish strong Christian communities among the populations of the correctional institutions.” b. Select and train members as Prayer and Share facilitators. c. Responsibility of the Advisory Council to train the Resident Kairos Community Leader and Resident Council. d. Also, assure on-going understanding of the Continuing Ministry guidelines. Comment: Quoted from KI Program Manual pages This is the focus of the Kairos Weekend – establishing and building up these groups – “our explicit goal.” Slide Being Present
Up and Running Heart of the Ministry!
S.W.A.P. (Share, Witness, Account, Pray) – Kairos Outside. a. Reunions open to all former guests, spouses, possibly children and potential guests and team members. b. Purpose “ Is to provide the communication and connection needed for the support system started on the Kairos Outside Weekend to continue growing.” c. Advisory Council Continuing Ministry Coordinator assists Guests and team members in setting up Reunions. d. S.W.A.P. demonstrates God’s grace and love through Christian support. Slide Comment: Items a. – d. are from KO Program Manual pages Comment: Lastly, it is the responsibility of the AC to train S.W.A.P. leaders. Being Present
Up and Running Heart of the Ministry!
Mentoring – Kairos Torch. a. Mentoring is a relationship over a prolonged period of time between one youth and one adult. b. Stimulate life skills development and growth in mentee. c. “The Continuing Ministry of Kairos Torch is continually watering the seeds planted during the Weekend. d. Mentors must have served on team within the past months. Slide Comment: a. – c. is from the KT Program Manual page 275 Comment: Couples mentoring is acceptable. Being Present
Continuing Ministry: The most powerful tools given us by the Holy Spirit, of which Christ is a permanent member, are the Prayer and Share prayer groups, Kairos Outside S.W.A.P. and reunions along with the Torch Mentor/Mentee relationships. Slide Being Present
Question: (Not rhetorical) What does “Being Present” as an Advisory Council member mean to you in relation to: “A community spiritually freed from the effects of imprisonment reaching all impacted by incarceration, through the love, hope and faith found in Jesus Christ”? Slide Being Present
Question & Answers We give dumb answers to dumb questions And since there is no such thing as a dumb question You’re safe. Slide Being Present
Kairos Advisory Council Community Family Feud
Slide Being Present
Kairos Advisory Council Community Feud
5 – 10 Pt. questions, 3 – 20 Pt. questions, – 50 Pt. questions, 1 – 100 Pt. question First team to raise their hand after the question is given gets chance to answer. Each team has 10 seconds to confer, failure to answer allows other teams to answer. There may be a couple bonus questions thrown in. Being Present
10 POINT QUESTION Being present as a Kairos volunteer begins with building a proper foundation of: 1. 2. Keeping your eyes on Jesus Building a healthy Advisory Council Being Present
Keeping your eyes on Jesus. Building a healthy Advisory Council
10 POINT QUESTION Being present as a Kairos volunteer begins with building a proper foundation Keeping your eyes on Jesus. Building a healthy Advisory Council Being Present
10 POINT QUESTION The most critical step to starting a new Advisory Council is ________.
Prayer Being Present
10 POINT QUESTION The most critical step to starting a new Advisory Council is ________.
PRAYER! Being Present
10 POINT QUESTION Advisory Council does not have to be in place before a Weekend. True False
Being Present
10 POINT QUESTION Advisory Council does not have to be in place before a Weekend. True False
Being Present
10 POINT QUESTION What document guides the management of the Advisory Council?
Advisory Council Operating Procedures Being Present
Advisory Council Operating Procedures
10 POINT QUESTION What document guides the management of the Advisory Council? Advisory Council Operating Procedures Being Present
10 POINT QUESTION How many positions have to be filled to form an Advisory Council?
6 Being Present
10 POINT QUESTION How many positions have to be filled to form an Advisory Council?
6 Being Present
20 POINT QUESTION What is the required software each Advisory Council must have?
KairosDonor Being Present
20 POINT QUESTION What is the required software each Advisory Council must have?
Being Present
20 POINT QUESTION Who recruits volunteers for the first Weekend?
The Advisory Council Being Present
20 POINT QUESTION Who recruits volunteers for the first Weekend?
The Advisory Council Being Present
20 POINT QUESTION What is the realistic time frame in setting a date for the first Weekend?
12-24 months Being Present
20 POINT QUESTION What is the realistic time frame in setting a date for the first Weekend?
12 – 24 Months Being Present
50 POINT QUESTION An Advisory Council may make slight variations of the program, policies or procedures to suit their individual needs. True False False Being Present
50 POINT QUESTION An Advisory Council may make slight variations of the program, policies or procedures to suit their individual needs. False! Being Present
BONUS QUESTION ANY deviation requires what and from whom?
Bonus worth 45 points Variance KPMI CEO Being Present
BONUS QUESTION Any deviation requires what and from whom?
A variance from the Kairos Prison Ministry Chief Executive Officer Being Present
50 POINT QUESTION Name the heart of the ministry for each program.
KI – Prayer & Share KO – SWAP KT - Mentoring Being Present
50 POINT QUESTION Name the heart of the ministry for each program.
Inside - Prayer and Share Outside – S.W.A.P Torch - Mentoring Being Present
100 POINT QUESTION Who selects the Advising Leader for a #1 Weekend?
Kairos Program Coordinators Being Present
100 POINT QUESTION Who selects the Advising Leader for a #1 Weekend?
Kairos Program Coordinators Being Present
BONUS QUESTION Name the Program Coordinators.
Bonus worth 45 points Being Present
BONUS QUESTION Name the Program Coordinators.
Inside – Craig Combs Outside – Gina Brockmeyer Torch – Kevin Resnover Being Present
A Parting Thought! Being Present
Be consistent, be dependable, be loving and be obedient to the Kairos methods. Then, as we represent the presence of Christ we will continue to see the Kairos Participants come to life and Christian communities being built. What greater glory can we give God? Being Present
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