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Sudan Haley Hatton.

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1 Sudan Haley Hatton

2 legal system The president of Sudan is head of state, head of government, and commander-in-chief of the Sudan People’s Armed Forces in a multi-party system. The legal system is based on Islamic Sharia law.

3 Laws Its against the law to insult Islam, in any manner.
It is against the law for men and women to sit together without a chaperone. If you help someone that was injured in an accident and they die while you are trying to help them, you can be charged and legally partially responsible for their death. Women are legally required to have their hair covered at all times.

4 Laws Women are legally required to wear dresses at all times
Women can be publicly whipped for being the victim of rape Its against the law to name an inanimate object after any Islam figure A license is required to purchase a television set Young people wearing bathing suits are prohibited from sitting less than 12 inches apart.

5 Traffic laws Traffic moves on the right side of the road
Minimum driving age is 18 years old The permitted blood alcohol level while driving is 0%. It is illegal. Right turns on red are prohibited.

6 Age of consent Intercourse is against the law if not married
There is no legal age of consent to be married Homosexual practices and extra marital relations are illegal and subject to severe penalties. Sudanese society is not tolerant of homosexual relationships.

7 Alcohol and drugs All alcoholic beverages are prohibited
While alcohol is strictly illegal, locally brewed beer is available. However, being caught in possession thereof can result in the full implementation of Islamic-style punishment There are severe penalties for drug trafficking

8 Punishments Stoning remains a Judicial punishment
Flogging is also legal Sudan’s public order law allows police officers to publicly whip women who are accused of public indecency Crucifixion is a legal punishment. (Crimes like murder, armed robbery, and participating in ethnic clashes.)

9 Sharia Law Habitual theft results in the amputation of a hand
Adultery/fornication outside of marriage becomes public and results in lashings or stoning Pre-marital sex- 100 lashes is usually the punishment

10 Sharia law Muslims can only marry Muslims
A Muslim man may be married to up to four women at a time, although it is a permission and not a rule. He must be able to house each wife and her children in a different house. He must treat them all the same.

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