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Welcome to... Hillsborough Squares A Game of X’s and O’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to... Hillsborough Squares A Game of X’s and O’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to... Hillsborough Squares A Game of X’s and O’s

2 Another Presentation © 2000 - All rights Reserved Mark E. Damon

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4 1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if
O Wins

5 1 In the Battle accounts and conquests in the Book of Joshua, God is presented as a ______?

6 Warrior, waging a holy war
1 Warrior, waging a holy war Home

7 2 The authors of the historical books of the Bible intended to write a sacred history revealing ______?

8 God’s plan of salvation
2 God’s plan of salvation Home

9 3 Who is the woman mentioned in the Book of Joshua, Hebrews and James who helped the Israelites conquer Jericho?

10 3 Rahab Home

11 4 One way worship at the Jerusalem Temple foreshadows our worship of Jesus Christ is ______?

12 4 The Israelites had animal sacrifices, while we worship Christ and his saving sacrifice Home

13 5 All of the following can be said about the historical books except that ______?

14 They cover the journey of the Israelites from Egypt
5 They cover the journey of the Israelites from Egypt Home

15 God tells _____ to cross the River Jordan into Canaan?
6 God tells _____ to cross the River Jordan into Canaan?

16 6 Joshua Home

17 7 Gideon makes it his mission to destroy the altars of false gods in which he used to believe when he was a(n) ______ man?

18 7 Idolatrous Home

19 8 The _______ is the promise of a royal dynasty, a line of descendants that will last forever and be fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ.

20 8 Davidic Covenant Home

21 9 The _______ place God at the center of human experience, giving meaning to the struggles of everyday life.

22 9 Historical books Home



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