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HR Open Standards Consortium Overview

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Presentation on theme: "HR Open Standards Consortium Overview"— Presentation transcript:

1 HR Open Standards Consortium Overview

2 Who we are Nonprofit, global, member-driven organization
Leader in the development, maintenance, and promotion of HR data exchange standards International organization – specifications are relevant across international contexts 2

3 Who we are The certifying organization for HR-XML and HR-JSON standards A community of members and participants from HR software and service providers End user organizations Other industry standards bodies Consultants 3

4 4

5 What we do Interoperability framework for interactions between HR trading partners XML and JSON Business Case Scenarios Terminology Actors and Triggers Diagrams Sample Data Implementation Guidelines Best Practices

6 Using standards for integrations Proof in numbers
Without a standard: The number of integration points between any two objects (assumes two way integration) grows at a rate of n(n-1). 4 components = 12 interfaces 10 components = 90 interfaces 20 components = 380 interfaces With standards: Going from ‘many-to-many’ to ‘many-to-one’ dramatically reduces integrations and costs. Formula = n * 2. 20 components = 40 interfaces White Paper: Plug and Play Business Software Integration The Compelling Value of the Open Applications Group,

7 Project Methodology Proposal Development Review/Approval
Confirm Sponsors Identify Roles & Participants Finalize Scope & Deliverables Get Board Approval Development Define Use Cases Actors Triggers Diagrams JSON/XSD Examples API Samples Documentation Review/Approval Workgroup TSC Board Membership

8 Collaborative Environment

9 HR Open JSON 4.x Specifications
Assessments Contingent Staffing Data Protection Employee Benefits Interviewing Payroll and Statutory Burdens Recruiting Salary Survey Screening Time and Attendance Wellness

10 Join Us! Become a member Join a workgroup Start a new project
Use the HR Open Standards Include HR Open Standards as a must-have on your RFP’s Attend an HR Open Meeting November 16, 2017 in Germany March 2018 in Toronto

11 Connect with Us! @hropenstandards

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