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Presentation on theme: "CRETE CHRONICAL BEHEADED BULL"— Presentation transcript:

What has this world become? The Minatour has been killed, but did he deserve it? Should we call this a threat? Read on to find out. As you recall, many years ago our beloved Prince of Crete was murdered by thugs from the city of Athens. Citizens were devastated for weeks on end, so our King took it upon himself to sort out the situation. He asked for 7 young men and 7 young women to sail from Athens on a black-sailed boat every nine years. The Minotaur, one of the highlights or our city, would then feast on them, but it was the only way! This was revenge for our Prince and food for the creature living far below us. We couldn’t let him starve! As news reached us we were overwhelmed. It’s not right to kill someone just because they look different is it? Should we class this as a threat? I certainly think so. The menacing, malicious warrior Theseus crept silently in through the maze and then killed our pleasing animal. An eyewitness stated, “I saw the evil warrior striding out proudly through the doors.” Another person exclaimed, “well, it ain’t fair is it?” Rumours are spreading across the city that the warrior smuggled a sword in and had inside help. As well as this, our Princess Ariadne has gone missing. Is this linked to the assassination of the Minotaur? Who knows? M Appleyard

Today, Theseus, who bravely killed the Minotaur, has returned home from Greece. When Theseus sailed to Crete, most of the city thought that our brave hero would soon be dead, but he has done something better; he has killed the Minotaur. He travelled along with six other men and seven young women, who were locked in a cell together. Ariadne, who is King Minos of Crete’s daughter, helped Theseus by lending him a sword and a ball of thread, which would help him find the way back to the doors of the foreboding Labyrinth. One of Theseus’s friends said, “Everything went really fast, one minute Theseus had his sword in the air, the next the beast’s head was rolling on the floor.” An eyewitness stated, “Theseus is our hero. He saved the people of Athens!” Tonight there will be a feast for Theseus so we can celebrate our hero’s return. L Hill


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