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The Geography of Ancient Greece OBJECTIVE:

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1 The Geography of Ancient Greece OBJECTIVE:
Students will locate and label geographic features of Greece; then predict the interaction of city states based on their observations and assigned readings


3 Think: preview questions
What would be better for a civilization : to be surrounded by mountains or be located on a plain? Why? What is a peninsula? How would a civilization be affected by developing on a peninsula? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a civilization developing on an island?


5 Use BLUE to color and label the following bodies of water: Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea
Use a BLACK dot to mark and label the following cities/landmarks: Troy, Athens, Delos, Knossos, Argos, Megara, Corinth, Rhoades and Sparta. When writing these cities’ names, capitalize the first letter, then use all lower case letters. Use ORANGE to shade CRETE, then label it with all capital letters in BLACK. Use YELLOW to shade PELOPENNESUS, then label it with all capital letters in BLACK. Use PURPLE to lightly shade GREECE, then label it with all capital letters in BLACK. Use GREEN to label the following countries/continents/geographical features: ASIA, PERSIA, BALKAN PENINSULA. Capitalize all letters.

6 BALKAN PENINSULA . Troy ASIA PERSIA GREECE Aegean Sea Megara . . Athens Corinth . . Piraeus Ionian Sea . Delos Argos . PELOPENNESUS . Sparta Mediterranean Sea . Knossos CRETE


8 On your map circle: Mainland Greece, Peloponnesus Peninsula, Ionia(Persia), Crete
Rhoades You are located in Piraeus. Based on what you have learned thus far from your reading you and your group will predict the following: Based on your location what resources are available for you in your city state? (map 2) What resources will you need that you do not have at your location but will have to trade for with other places?(map 2) Who do you think your trading partners would be and why? How would you be able to trade with them? Boat? Caravan? If you believe you can live in isolation, please explain why? Is it still a good idea to have trading partners? Located Athens on your map and circle all the city-states or areas you would trade with-predict what resources you might trade with each of them. (map 1) 7. Create a summary statement about your findings: Ex. Piraeus is located on the Attica peninsula and is on the coast. It is a port city and has fertile land with access to the surrounding seas. Piraeus will trade with Athens who has fertile land and hills that are good for growing grapes and olives. The two city states will work together to trade with other Greek city states. Piraeus will need ships to transport goods throughout the Mediterranean. Piraeus can not live in isolation as it needs other resources that are not provided from its environment.

9 conclusion How did the cultures of the Minoans and Mycenaean’s effect/establish the culture of the other developing city states? What effect did the Dorians have?

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