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CH. 5 Lesson 2: How do the individual and collective rights of Canadians influence immigration laws and policies? The ways that rights connect to political,

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Presentation on theme: "CH. 5 Lesson 2: How do the individual and collective rights of Canadians influence immigration laws and policies? The ways that rights connect to political,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CH. 5 Lesson 2: How do the individual and collective rights of Canadians influence immigration laws and policies? The ways that rights connect to political, economic, health and security factors. Opportunities and challenges that immigration creates for groups that hold collective rights in Canada (specifically First Nations and Francophones)

2 Individual Rights effects on Immigration law… p. 181
Read p.181 “Singh decision” and answer the following: 1. What happened in this case story and how did April 4 become known as Refugee Rights Day in Canada? 2. What was the main result of the Singh case on immigration law in Canada (discuss individual rights in your answer).

3 Because of the Charter of R and F..
1.Any immigrant that has made it to Canadian soil is protected by the Charter 2.All potential immigrants have the right to a hearing if their application is denied and the right to remain in Canada until such hearing. 3.Those seeking immigration under refugee status will be provided with basic necessities of life while they await their hearing. **Canada established the Immigration and Refugee Board to provide quick and fair hearings.

4 Views and Perspectives on Singh Decision p. 182
Read the various perspectives on the Singh decision and immigration policy in general on p and decide which perspective you agree with most? Least? To what extent should Canada provide refugee status to all people who request it? How does immigration affect Quality of Life, Citizenship, and Identity in Canada?

5 How does immigration impact the collective rights of Aboriginal Peoples and Communities?
Think About it! Read p and work in groups to respond to the following questions: What challenges does immigration create for Aboriginal Peoples in Canada? What impact do the rights of Aboriginal peoples have on the way Canada sets immigration and other laws and policy?

6 How does immigration impact the collective rights of Aboriginal Peoples and Communities?
From the perspective of many Aboriginal leaders in Canada, the CND Gov’t does not adequately address the needs and issues facing their peoples. The issues concern health, housing conditions, education, and employment. It is believed that immigration further compounds these issues, as immigrants are sought by the government to fill jobs that could otherwise be filled by Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. If the Gov’t were to address the issues above within the Aboriginal communities, there would be more F.N, Métis, and Inuit peoples available to fill jobs being filled by Immigrants.

7 What challenges and opportunities does immigration pose for Franco-Albertan communities? P. 185
What are the perspectives of: 1. Frank McMahon: 2. Paul Mulatris: Discuss answers to #1-2 “Connect to big ideas”

8 CH. 5 Lesson 2: Review Questions
1. How have individual rights in Canada impacted immigration law and policy? 2. How have collective rights in Canada impacted immigration law and policy? 3. What is the Aboriginal Peoples perspective on immigration in Canada? 4. What are the opportunities and challenges facing Francophone immigrants?

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