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Construction prodecure of Building

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1 Construction prodecure of Building
Sou. Savita Nagesh Shalgar(Katare), Assistant Research officer, Regional Laboratory, Camp, Pune. Mobile No

2 Books to refer 1. P.W.D. MANUAL 2. P.W.D.ACCOUNT CODE
3. RED BOOK FOR SPECIFICATIONS 4.ESTIMATING & COSTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING ---THEORY & PRACTICE –by B.N.DATTA 5. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION –By Bindra 6. R.C.C.CONSTRUCTION ---1) Ramchandran 2) Shah & Karve 7.D.S.R. of our own Circle of P.W.D.& District in Maharashtra 8.For Zilla Parishad departmental working procedure Booklet by Government of Maharashtra Gram Vikas v Jal Sandharan Vibhag For ----GUIDELINES for construction of Internal Road ,Gutter,Buildings. Z.P.WORKS MADE EASY.– By Er. Vishnu Palave,Executive Engineer,Nashik

3 Steps Of Construction In Building In Zilla Parishad
1) Scheme sanctioning by Government. 2) Proposal sanctioning letter from District level i.e. Zilla Parishad to BDO i.e. Taluka level. 3) Call of Meeting c by BDO for site selection for which village it needs. 4) Proposal & requirement from village level to Taluka level.

4 Steps Of Construction In Building In Zilla Parishad
5) Proposal to send at District level. 6) Verification by District technical unit 7) Needs of paper veritication. 8) Sanctioning of proposal by giving adminisitrative approval

5 Steps Of Construction In Building In Zilla Parishad
9) Letter to BDO then to village level 10) Actual preparation of Estimate 11) Tender calling – tenders publishing on websites & newspaper 12) Submission of Tenders

6 Steps Of Construction In Building In Zilla Parishad
13) Minimum 3 tenders needs for competition. 14) Selection of tender which is lowest. 15) Letter of sanction i.e. work order 16) Actual work procedure

7 Steps Of Construction In Building In Zilla Parishad
Planning Selection of site/place Lineout of Layout plan Roads Open spaces & Civic amenities Size of plots & Area of land

8 CONSTRUCTION STEPS: * House design & General arrangements Living House
Cattle shed Toilet Water supply Disposal of sewage

9 CONSTRUCTION STEPS: 1) Foundation 2) Foundation & plinth
3) Antitermite treatment for foundation 4) Super structure 5) Lintel 6) Roof 7) Flooring 8) Plastering & Finishing 9) Doors & Windows 10) Sanitary- waterseal sanitary pit latrines

10 CONSTRUCTION STEPS: 1) Plinth 1. Excavation 2. Line-out 3. P.C.C.
4. Re-filling 5. Soiling 6. Plinth Beam

11 CONSTRUCTION STEPS: 2) Masonry 1. Brick Masonry 2. Stone Masonry
3. External Plaster 4. Internal Plaster 5. Waterproofing

12 CONSTRUCTION STEPS: 3) 1. Form Work 2. Reinforcement
3. Initial Testing 4. Concreting 5. Curing 6. Hacking 7. Final Testing

13 CONSTRUCTION STEPS: 5) Electrical Work 6) Plumbing & Drainage
4) Windows & Grills 5) Electrical Work 6) Plumbing & Drainage 7) Tiling 8) Wood Work

14 CONSTRUCTION STEPS: 9) Painting 10) Possession 11) Harmony
12) Satisfaction

15 CONSTRUCTION STEPS: Measurement of construction by Site Engineer with contractor Preparation of Running Bill in Measurement book i.e. Form No.52 Submission Of bill to Village Panchayat after scrutiny by Deputy Engineer. 5% checking by Executive Engineer Checking by Account Section.

16 CONSTRUCTION STEPS: Payment of bill
Red Cross mark in M.B. by Account Section Completion Certificate Final bill preparation after completion of total construction

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