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HS130: Anatomy & Physiology II

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1 HS130: Anatomy & Physiology II
Unit 9 Seminar: Growth and Development

2 Tonight’s Agenda Welcome Course Questions, Problems & Issues
Unit 8 Review Unit 9 Project Information Seminar discussion

3 Course Questions, Problems & Issues

4 Unit 8 Issues to Review Prostate: Location, function
Hormones and Menses Urethra—location?

5 Unit 9 Project Think “Fight or Flight”!
You are walking across a busy city street.  When you reach the middle of the crosswalk you see that a driver decides to not stop at the red light and is headed right for you. You panic! Explain what happens to the body systems as you react to this situation. Think “Fight or Flight”!

6 Unit 9 Project Your project should be from 3 to 5 pages in length (not including the cover and references pages).   Be sure to reference any sources used in your report using APA guidelines. Put your project in a Word document. When you are ready to submit it, go to the dropbox for Unit 9 APT Final Project. The HS130 Final Project must be submitted by midnight 09/10/10

7 Growth and Development

8 Growth & Development What occurs between ovulation and the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus?

9 Growth & Development Where do the nutrients used by the zygote between fertilization and implantation come from?

10 Growth & Development

11 Growth & Development

12 Growth & Development What is the evolution of the function of the yolk sac?


14 Growth & Development What are the functions of the chorion and placenta?

15 Growth & Development What hormones are produced by the placenta?

16 Growth & Development What are the three primary germ layers?
Name three structures that develop from each layer.

17 Histogenesis

18 Organogenesis

19 Growth & Development Describe the three stages of labor.
What is the approximate length of each?

20 Growth & Development

21 Growth & Development What is the difference between identical and fraternal twins?

22 Growth & Development What is an ectopic pregnancy?
Where is it most likely to occur?

23 Growth & Development What is Placenta Previa?

24 Growth & Development What is abruptio placentae? What is preeclampsia?
What is a teratogen?

25 Growth & Development What is Infancy?
Name the three developmental changes that occur during infancy.

26 Growth & Development What is Childhood?
Briefly explain what occurs during childhood.

27 Growth & Development What is Adolescence?
Briefly explain what occurs during adolescence.

28 Growth & Development Briefly explain what occurs during adulthood.

29 Growth & Development What are the effects of aging on these systems?
Skeletal system Respiratory Cardiovascular Vision

30 Question #1 An ovum has all the nutrients stored that are required for embryonic development until implantation has occurred. Suggest why the ovum contributes all of these nutrients, whereas the sperm contributes only the genetic information from the father.

31 Question #2 Fertilization usually occurs in the outer one-third of the uterine tube. Why is it important for fertilization to occur at this point, rather than in the uterus or in the inner two-thirds of the uterine tube?

32 Question #3 Soon after fertilization, embryonic cells begin to produce chorionic gonadotropins, which keep the corpus luteum from degenerating. Why is this function important to the developing embryo?

33 Question #4 The corpus luteum degenerates after 5 or 6 weeks after the secretion of chorionic gonadotropins decreases. What then keeps the uterine lining intact during the rest of the pregnancy?

34 Ask ME or ask your classmates!!
Questions?? Ask ME or ask your classmates!!

35 Thanks for attending! See you in discussion!

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