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William Carlos WILLIAMS

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1 William Carlos WILLIAMS
By: Carlos Benjamin

2 Biography Born September 17,1883 in Rutherford, New Jersey near the city of Paterson for which is the name of his famous five part poem. He is of Puerto Rican, Dutch, and Jewish Ancestry Throughout his childhood his father worked as a perfume salesman and it kept him away from the home, allowing his mother and grandmother to raise Williams. He was also a physician, as he studied medicine at the University Of Pennsylvania at their school of medicine Perelman School of Medicine He married Florence Herman for which he made the romantic love poem “Asphodel, that Greeny Wall” He died on March 4, 1963, at the age of 79 at his home in Rutherford. New Jersey

3 What he is known for Related Schools & Movements: Imagism
Metaphysical Poetry Modernism Objectivists Doctor essayist and playwright. He invented Triadic or Stepped Line a long line broken into segments

4 Personal Life

5 Personal Life He married Florence Herman Williams in Florence had their first son, William E. Williams in 1914, followed by their second son, Paul H. Williams, in 1917. William Carlos Williams, would have extramarital affairs he would refer to his wife as no Venus de Milo which is savage! but he and his wife would stay together as he would go onto write “Asphodel, that Greeny Flower.” a beautiful love poem. Became friends with Ezra Pound, Hilda Doolittle aka H.D., and famous painter Charles Demuth these friendships steered him in the direction to write. He was a democrat and was viewed as very far left, He was banned from the Library of Congress as a consultant in 1952 for these views. He was a socialite on weekends he was known amongst avant-garde painters Marcel Duchamp and Francis Picabia and famous poets the likes of Marianne Moore and Wallace Stevens he build of a reputation for his outspoken hostility towards most of the “ism” of the day.

6 Doctor Life

7 Doctor Life He was affiliated with what was then known as Passaic General Hospital in Passaic, New Jersey where he was the hospital's chief of pediatrics from 1924 until his death. He received his MD from the University of Pennsylvania He was responsible for delivering over 2000 babies He opened his practice in Rutherford, New Jersey in 1924 He first attended school for dentistry but then switched over to medicine The hospital, which is now known as St. Mary’s General Hospital, paid tribute to Williams with a plaque that states "we walk the wards that Williams walked”

8 Famous Works/The work itself
Williams most famous work is credited as 1963 Paterson the five part epic poem, which was greatly influenced by  Ulysses by James Joyce. Some poets call it the clapback/rebuttal to T.S Eliot “The Wasteland” His work was based in realism and imagery.  Kora in Hell (1920) Spring and All (1923),  Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems (1962),  Paterson (1963, 1992) Imaginations (1970).

9 Influence AND inspiration.
Many young poets of the 1950s and 60s were influenced and inspired by his work as many of the younger poets felt that accessibility, language and his openness as a mentor was remarkable these poets are Allen Ginsberg, Denise Liverton, Charles Olson Robert Creeley

10 List Of Accolades The National book Award in 1950
The Bollinger Prize in 1953 Pulitzer Prize in posthumously Gold Medal, for Poetry of the National Institute of Arts and Letters.

11 Sources The Norton Anthology American Literature Volume D

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