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Bulgarian education system

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1 Bulgarian education system
Created by: Radoslava and Bogomila, students from FLHS “Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov”

2 Education in Bulgaria Education in Bulgaria is mainly supported by the state through the Ministry of Education and Science. The Bulgarian educational system falls within the continental European tradition. The main types of secondary schools are: general education, vocational and language schools.

3 The Ministry of Education has recommended an evolving academic curriculum throughout, consisting of Bulgarian (language and literature), foreign languages, IT, Maths, natural sciences, social sciences and civics, PE. This year the Ministry of Education have introduced a lot of reforms, which will contribute to significant progress.


5 Education levels in Bulgaria
School/Level Grade from Grade to Age from Age to Years Notes Primary Basic first stage 1 4 7 10 Grade IV Leaving Certificate Secondary Basic second stage 5 8 14 Secondary education 9 12 19 Diploma of Completed secondary education From IX to XII –Vocational Secondary 15 Vocational Secondary edication Diploma of Completed Secondary education and Certificate of professional qualification Vocational Secondary

6 Primary education In Bulgaria, education is compulsory between ages 7 to 16 and free in state schools. During this period of education children learn Bulgarian (language and literature), foreign languages, IT, natural sciences, Maths, PE. Children must attend a one-year pre-school programme before embarking on 2 years of primary school.

7 Middle education The final 4 years of elementary education take place at junior high school, where a certificate of elementary education must be obtained before proceeding further at any Bulgarian school. At the end of this period of education, there are some exams student must pass. The results of them are important in order to apply to high schools.

8 Secondary education There are two secondary education alternatives, namely comprehensive high schools and vocational schools. Students can leave school at the age of 16. At the end of 12th grade they must sit matriculation exams in Bulgarian, and another subject of their choice.

9 Vocational Education Vocational training outside the school system suffers from a high degree of centralization but is currently being reformed. Primary impediments include the absence of an integrated framework and the capacity of an institutionalized system.

10 Grading scale in Bulgaria
Grading Scale in Bulgarian high education institutions (high schools, colleges and universities) is based on the following grades of five numbers as 6 is being the highest possible mark students can get. The minimum is 2.00; grades below 3.00 are failing grades, and the maximum is 6.00. Roughly, the Bulgarian grade system can be equated to the American one as the following: 6=A, 5=B, 4=C, 3=D, and 2=F. Student’s grade book

11 First modern secular school in Bulgaria
The Aprilov National High School in Gabrovo is the first modern secular school in Bulgaria. It was opened on 2 January 1835, when Bulgaria was still part of the Ottoman Empire, with the financial help of Vasil Aprilov. Formed as the Gabrovo School, it took the name of its primary benefactor, Vasil Aprilov, in The school still exists today, having returned to its historic building in 1992 and it is one of the most prestigious high schools in Bulgaria.

12 Ministry of Education SFLHS “Nikola Vaptsarov”

13 Thanks!

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