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Narcissists and Energetic vampires

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1 Narcissists and Energetic vampires
Understanding the Dynamics of Narcissists and Energetic Vampires and How You Can Take Back Your Power

2 Introduction The intent of this course is to empower individuals with the knowledge needed to identify specific types of narcissistic manipulation and energetic vampirism, and immediately implement healthy and SAFE ways to begin to combat the effects of such abuse until they are in a position to receive professional spiritual or mental treatment. This course was created in response to the fear-based articles that have been floating around the Internet regarding this subject (i.e. Facebook and other social media outlets). While they possess a wealth of knowledge and certainly do bring awareness to these types of individuals; there is an underlying intent to propagate fear instead of understanding, empowerment, and healing.

3 Objectives After today’s workshop you will be able to do the following: Understand from a place of compassion, the world of a narcissist/vampire. Identify the various forms of energy drain and manipulation that is used. Understand the Law of Attraction, Law of Creation, and how working with these can be used to assist you in your journey out. How to effectively shield yourself energetically and mentally by working with Archangel Michael and shielding techniques.


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