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How to ‘Ace’ Your ACE Entry

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Presentation on theme: "How to ‘Ace’ Your ACE Entry"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to ‘Ace’ Your ACE Entry
Demming Bass, Gwinnett County, GA ACE Chair, Judge, Best of Show Winner Lori Melancon, Baton Rouge, LA Grand Award Winner Sheena Johnson, Durham, NC Judge and Winner

2 What You’ll Learn What judges look for How to choose a winning entry
How to get started Tips for Writing a Winning Synopsis How to prepare an effective Presentation

3 The Judging How points are earned (Perfect score=100) Award Levels
Preparation = 20 points Communication Piece = 40 points Methodology = 20 points Measurement = 20 points Award Levels 90 – 100 = Excellence 80 – 89 = Merit 70 – 79 = Honorable Merit From entries scored over 96, five will be Grand One of five Grand will be Best in Show

4 How to choose Did your entry reach a ?
Did a publication undergo a __________? Was there a great _____? Did you launch a ____ product, campaign, or web site? What do your _____ think?

5 How to start Allow at least ____ weeks Work from home/no ___________.
Collect all vital info ______ you begin: Needs Objectives Budget Timelines Schedules Evaluation

6 How to write a Synopsis The Need Are needs clearly _________?
Are they clearly _________________? How? _____did you identify the need? Did you include ________________? ____ did you choose this vehicle vs. other options? Did you factor in ___________, ______________, or the ______________ in identifying your needs?

7 How to write a Synopsis Objectives
Are they _________, _________, _________, _________, and ____________ (SMART)? Are your _______________ clearly identified? Are your objectives ________ to the identified target audience and your chamber’s goals? Was there a _____ or ________ from your target audience? Explain. Are objectives _______ or ________? Explain. Do they address the needs of ____________? How?

8 How to write a Synopsis Communication Piece Writing
Is it clear and _______? Is spelling, grammar and punctuation correct? Is there a logical, planned _____? Is the appropriate _____/_______ used? Is it interesting, clever, and entertaining as well as informative and educational?

9 How to write a Synopsis Communication Piece Design
Is __________ clear? Is it easy to _________________________? Are heads, subheads, page breaks, etc. used correctly? Do colors and graphic elements ________ rather than _______? Does it make a clear __________? Was a __________________ used throughout? Does the design _______ with the Chamber’s brand? Is total visual impact ____________________? Does the design and medium _________each other?

10 How to write a Synopsis Communication Piece Content
Are all identified objectives ____________? Is content _______ and cites authority where appropriate? Does it demonstrate ________________? Can the Chamber __________ the content for another campaign? Was shelf-life considered?

11 How to write a Synopsis Communication Piece Materials and Medium
Were materials or medium _________for identified objectives and audience? Did materials meet ______________ (i.e. was paper stock heavy enough)? Did the medium deliver content ______________ and _______________ to target audience? Was a variety of material/graphic elements used _____________________? Did materials exhibit __________________? Was the medium ______________ in its application?

12 How to write a Synopsis Methodology
What methods were used to _____ objectives? Include a _____ with appropriate backup. Include a realistic _______________________. Include a realistic _______________ with overview of key messages. Was the vehicle chosen clearly the ____ means to reach the target audience? Did you employ ________________ strategies? Were schedules _______________________? Did you ______________ audience response?

13 How to write a Synopsis Measurement & Evaluation
Were objectives clearly ____? Were the results ________________? Were ___________ methods used? Were ____________ methods used? Did entry fulfill stated ________________? What did the audience ___ because of project? Were documented results ______________? Were evaluations used in a ______________________ process? Were ___________________ methods used?

14 Important Items to Include
How many? Pieces produced, distributed People attend vs. expected Revenue made (or lost) Why is this project ________? What did you ___________ in the end? What was members’ _________________? ___________, ___________, ___________

15 Presentation Three Ring Standard Avery ______ Attach pieces _________
Everything must fit ________ Have someone _________________ review. Can they answer: Why you did the project? How you did it? What was accomplished? Make yours stand out by ___________ and _______ of finding info

16 Top 10 Mistakes No evaluation and measurement
Waiting until the last minute Not organizing a binder No budget or timeline Weak objectives No needs (I did a project because I thought it was cool) Lack of detail (No breakdown of budgets). Too complicated – make as plain as day. Don’t assume judges understand everything. No second opinion – have an outsider review. Mistakes – Proof, Proof, Proof

17 Questions?

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