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Jan. 20, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Jan. 20, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jan. 20, 2017

2 Audio Setup

3 Chat Messages If you have a question during the webinar, please type it in the chat window, preface it with ???, and raise your hand. This will help streamline the question and answer process. *

4 Participant Interaction
* *

5 Closed Captioning

6 Save Chat or Whiteboard

7 Meeting AGENDA, Jan. 20, 2017 AGENDA: 12:00 – 12:00 – Housekeeping slides 12:02 – 12:10 – Introduction & Announcements – Lisa Beach, DECO President 12:10 _ 12:30 – Update from the chancellor’s office - LeBaron Woodyard, Dean, CCCCO 12:30 – 12:40 – Online Education Initiative’s Course Exchange update, and developing process for non-pilot school participation - Jory Hadsell, OEI Chief Academic Affairs Officer 12:40 – 12:59 – First to Launch in the Course Exchange - Jodie Steeley, Director of Distance Education and Instructional Technology, Fresno City College 12:59 – 1:00 – Final questions and announcement of next meeting date, Feb

8 DECO news & Announcements
Lisa Beach, President DE Coordinators Org. Executive Board: Jodie Steeley, Susan Roig, Joanna Miller, Allison Moore, Sarah Phinney Contact Website:

9 CCC DECO Updates and Resources
Consider submitting a proposal to OTC: Register now for the free DE Coordinator Retreat on June 19, 2017: Looking for Canvas answers/ideas? Remember to check the CCC Canvas Community: Want to join DEC101?: Find links to the results of the Faculty Compensation and Faculty Training surveys in the Discussion area! Are you a non-pilot college with questions about the Course Exchange?: ge Current Exchange Timeline = First 8 pilots: Spring 2017, next 16 pilots: Fall 2017, applications for more colleges to join: 2018

10 Chancellor’s Office Update
Erin Larson, Academic Affairs, for LeBaron Woodyard, Ph.D., Dean, Educational Programs and Professional Development Academic Affairs Division

11 State Authorization Network Update
Background – Consultation Council Digest n/2016_agendas/November/Digest-State-Authorization.pdf Deadline to introduce a bill this legislative session ( ) is February 17

12 Distance Education Technical Advisory Committee
Renaming to “Distance Education and Education Technology Advisory Committee” or DEETAC (per BOG Standing Order 409) GOAL: To improve access to- or college delivery of- distance education HOW: Recommend to the BOG changes or clarifications to statutes, regulations, guidelines or policy

13 Distance Education Technical Advisory Committee (continued)
Some issues proposed: Residency for OEI Course Exchange (cross-enrollment) Ensuring students are prepared to take an online class Faculty preparation to teach in an online mode Increasing student services for online students Provide detail on regular contact, FERPA, accessibility and technology TBA in the class schedule

14 Distance Education Surveys
Institutional Distance Education Survey Covering Distributed to DE Coordinators Student Satisfaction with Distance Education For students completing a DE course in Fall 2016 Random sampling from each college College will provide to the CCCCO: student name, address, course ID, and grade obtained Faculty Distance Education Survey For any faculty who has taught a DE course

15 Tentative DE Survey Schedule

16 Questions? Thank you! Send general inquiries to

17 OEI: Scaling the Consortium and Course Exchange
Jory Hadsell Executive Director, OEI

18 UPDATE: The Course Exchange has launched!
2 of 8 “full launch” pilot colleges are live! Fresno City College Lake Tahoe Community College Students have successfully enrolled!

19 Remaining “Full Launch” colleges:
Butte College Coastline Community College Foothill College Mt. San Jacinto College Shasta College Ventura College

20 Implementation lessons learned:
Every college has its own set of circumstances that drive timing of implementation Our original thinking about large cohorts going live at the same time did not account for local considerations Staggered, custom implementation dates allows for better collaboration and sharing for colleges that come behind “We will serve no wine before its time.”

21 Plan for scaling to remaining pilot colleges
16 remaining pilot colleges (originally from Tutoring and Readiness pilot groups) Working with these colleges to help them reach “production ready” status Site visits “Implementation Kick-Off” Technical implementations (college adaptor and various technology upgrades required) Program preparedness — align business workflows such as financial aid, A&R, creation of course sections Review of courses for alignment to OEI Course Design Rubric, assistance with reaching accessibility compliance

22 Fall 2017 pilot Remaining 16 pilot colleges target date
First pilot of priority registration (8+) occurs in spring/summer for fall Targeting initial round of financial aid automation Expanding list of eligible Course Exchange courses (process currently under review with Steering Committee)

23 Expanding beyond the pilot
The OEI Consortium (currently 24 pilot colleges) is planning for expansion beyond the existing pilot colleges. Multi-stage process: Formalization of comprehensive OEI Consortium agreement (operating rules, member responsibilities, benefits, and reciprocity agreements) Development of application guide for interested colleges Solicitation of interest / applications from colleges (likely mid to late Spring 2017) Earliest opportunity to participate: Spring 2018*

24 OEI Consortium Expansion
Considerations: Early indications of what we’ll look for: Readiness to move forward (technology, courses, fully informed and identified implementation team, etc.) Full criteria still under development Based legislative intent to scale, the goal is to prioritize those colleges that are best positioned and most ready to deploy Details will be included in an application guide

25 A few noteworthy updates…
e-Literate blog post and explainer video focused on the OEI / CCC Course Exchange: consequences-californias-online-education-initiative/ Governor’s budget proposal includes additional ongoing OEI funding to continue funding full cost of Canvas beyond and to scale online services

26 Questions? Ask away! Follow-ups:

27 Dr. Jodie Steeley, Director of Distance Education Fresno City College

28 Fresno City College — Clear for Launch!
Planned for October, 2016 Rescheduled for November, 2016 Hoped for December, 2016 Launched, January, 5th, 2017 (semester started Jan. 9th)

29 “Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you’re usually right.” (Maybe Henry Ford) “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” (Probably Edward Hale, 1922) “An exhilarating roller coaster!” (Jodie Steeley) Looking for solace, collegiality, commiseration, support, cheering, a good kick…know where to find it or be on the look out.


31 FIRST COURSES-2 years in the making
SOCI 1A (1 section late start) ENGL 1A (3 sections/2 late start) GEOG 2 (1 section) ECON 40 (1 section)

32 Evaluation Survey Help us improve the monthly DE coordinators meeting. Take this anonymous online feedback survey: /California-Community- Colleges-Chancellor-s-Office-DE- Coordinators-Monthly-Meeting- Feedback-Survey

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