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Violence against migrant women in Ireland
1. Profile of migration in Ireland
Who are migrants in Ireland, and how do they compare to the general population?
Who are migrants? The majority of migrants in Ireland come from the EU: 52% of all non-Irish nationals living in Ireland came from EU countries in 2011 Top countries of origin, 2011 (in order): Poland UK Lithuania Latvia Nigeria Name legal instrument (Lisbon treaty?) that allows for migrant travel & integration Source: CSO census 2011
Non-EU: countries of origin
Top non-EU countries of origin, 2011 (in order): Nigeria India Philippines USA China Brazil Pakistan South Africa Migrants are a highly heterogenous bunch. Extremely different vulnerabilities to violence, among other things. Source: CSO census 2011
Non-EU: visa required Under the Lisbon Treaty, citizens of the EU countries are entitled to live and work in Ireland. Everybody else requires specific legal permission to remain in the country. Most migrants from outside of the EU (48% of total) have one of the following legal statuses: Asylum seekers (almost all housed in Direct Provision (DP)) Refugees Family reunification (for family members of refugees) Leave to remain Work visa/ student visa Dependent spouse In addition, there are undocumented migrants in Ireland without a formal legal status. Their numbers are necessarily hard to determine. 59% of all migrants over age 15 are either working or studying full time; a further 6.83% are full time home makers % are unemployed. Figures for Africans: 51% working or studying; 7% looking after home; 16% unemployed. Currently I don’t have a breakdown of numbers across these different visa statuses Source: CSO census 2011
Demographics of migrants in Ireland
The sex profile of migrants is fairly evenly balanced between males and females. The age profile is dramatically different to that of the general population: Implications for VAW: what are the ages of highest risk? Also note gender imbalances across ages?
Gender profile of RIA residents (DP)
Among those in Direct Provision accommodation (ie asylum seekers), there are many more men than women, but many more lone female parents than lone male parents (RIA, 2016)
2: Profile of Violence Against Migrant Women in Ireland
What do we know about prevalence and types of VAW in the lives of migrant women in Ireland? How does it differ from the wider population?
VAWG is a problem everywhere, but prevalence varies
Source: WHO, 2013
Violence against migrant women in Ireland: what we know:
Globally, 35% of women have experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner; or sexual violence by a non-partner (WHO, 2013). The comparable figure for Ireland is 26% (FRA, 2014). This data does not capture other forms of VAWG – eg sexual harassment; emotional & economic violence; trafficking; harmful traditional practices such as early marriage or FGM. No statistically significant data on prevalence of violence against non-Irish national, ethnic minority or refugee and asylum seeking women, but some good small studies.
Violence against migrant women in Ireland: what we know
Ethnic minority women (not including Irish Travellers) make up 13% of those reporting to GBV services. This is proportionate with their representation in the overall population. However, within that group, a disproportionate number are refugees, asylum seekers, or women on migrant worker visas or spouse dependent visas: “Only approximately five per cent of women aged 15 years and older fall into these legal categories. This indicates that certain categories of non-indigenous minority ethnic women are over- represented among services users of GBV organisations." Source: WHC, 2009
VAWG data specific to refugees + asylum seekers
2012: 69 incidents of sexual violence disclosed to Rape Crisis Centres, by 62 women (doesn’t include IPV) 23 countries represented; but majority come from 4: DRC, Uganda, Nigeria & Zimbabwe. Data is strikingly different to general population. Profile of extremely violent experiences. Likely that other experiences are not reported. 46% of all incidents involve security forces/ prisons/ camps 52% of incidents involved more than one perpetrator (11% in general population) Source: RCNI, 2012
Forms of VAW disclosed by ethnic minority women, inc Roma & Traveller women
Source: WHC, 2009
3. Analysis What are the contextual determinants of migrant women’s experiences of VAWG and its aftermath in Ireland?
Contextual determinants of impact of GBV on migrant women
Legal status: Direct Provision: mixed sex institutional housing potentially innappropriate/ retraumatising; economic marginalisation increases vulnerability to sexual exploitation and abuse; conditions force women to remain with intimate partners, even in abusive circumstances (RCNI, 2012) Spouse Dependent Visa: visa dependency on spouse intensifies household power imbalances; makes leaving impossible in some cases (Safe Ireland 2013, NWCI, 2014) Habitual Residency Condition: access to social support dependent on proving habitual residency: can endanger women in abusive family relationships (NWCI 2014, Safe Ireland 2013, WHS 2009).
Contextual determinants 2: service provision
Austerity: cuts to frontline GBV services result in over- subscription and difficulty of access, particularly for those for whom access is already a challenge (Women’s Aid, 2014, Safe Ireland 2014). Lack of interculturally competent services: In 2009, WHC documented some emerging intercultural services, most of which since closed. Specific intercultural needs: language support; community outreach and trust; cultural awareness; trauma awareness. GPs highlight unwillingness to disclose as a key issue. (WHC, 2009) Differential treatment in services?? Wezesha note experiences of GPs and hospitals making inappropriate recommendations to migrant women affected by conflict. (Note WHC do not identify any racism or discrimination by service providers).
Contextual determinants 3: racism & discrimination
High awareness of racism and the threat of discrimination among migrants, especially in DP. Experiences of racism at hands of general population, neighbours, schools, and gardaí (Wezesha, 2016; Cairde, 2016) Irish partners of non-Irish national women can use threat of racism in their controlling behaviours (WHC, 2009). i-Report: numbers of racist acts….
4. Conclusions
Significance of these findings
VAWG in lives of migrants is different to the general population in Ireland – mediated by economic and cultural factors in their countries of origin as well as in their particular circumstances in Ireland. Data gaps make it impossible to predict or anticipate levels and types of VAWG against specific migrant women with certainty. We can say for sure that it is an issue, but very little more. BUT clear indications: Relevance of conflict, particularly to refugees & asylum seekers; relevance of IPV, exacerbated by legal conditions; inadequate services; racism, discrimination, and cultural alienation
5. References
Bojarczuk, S. , Marchelewska, E. and Prontera, M
Bojarczuk, S., Marchelewska, E. and Prontera, M. (2015) Ethnic minorities and mental health in Ireland: Barriers and Recommendations. Dublin: Cairde. Central Statistics Office (2012) Profile 6 Migration and Diversity in Ireland. European Agency for Fundamental Rights (2014) Violence against women: an EU-wide survey. Health Service Executive (2007) National Intercultural Health Strategy, Mbugua, S. (2016) Healing the wounds of war. Narratives of women from armed conflict. McGee, H., Garavan, R., de Barra, M., Byrne, J. and Conroy, R. (2002) The SAVI report. Sexual abuse and violence in Ireland. A national study of Irish experiences, beliefs and attitudes concerning sexual violence. , Dublin: Liffey Press. National Women's Council of Ireland (2015) Submission to Ireland's Second National Report as part of the UN second Universal Periodic Review Process. Reception and Integration Agency (2016) Monthly Statistics Report, November 2016. Safe Ireland (2013) Report on the impact of the Habitual Residency Condition on women seeking protection and safety for themselves and their children from a domestic violence perpetrator The Women's Health Council (2009) Translating pain into action: A study of gender-based violence and minority ethnic women in Ireland.
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