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Pathways Update Fall 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Pathways Update Fall 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pathways Update Fall 2016

2 Toastmasters International
Presenter Dan Darnall, DTM, PDG Leadership Development Chair Chief Ambassador District 8 Toastmasters International

3 Toastmasters International
Agenda Reasons for the Change Core Competencies Areas of Learning Training program Paths DCP DTM Pathways Rollout Dates Pathways Guides

4 Toastmasters International
Reasons for the Change To Modernize the Communication Aspect of Education Program To Renew Our Focus on Leadership To Have Greater Access to Educational Materials To Expanded the Learning Resources To Create an Education Experience with Real World Application

5 What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM)
Toastmasters International What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM) Tailored learning Transferable skills Access to materials Expanded resources Enhanced evaluations Stronger mentorship

6 Toastmasters International
Reach Your Potential Journey of personal development Paths, possibilities and potential Keep striving!

7 Building Blocks – Core Competencies
Toastmasters International Building Blocks – Core Competencies Public Speaking Interpersonal Communication Leading and Managing Leading Strategically Building Confidence

8 Toastmasters International
Areas of Learning Public Speaking + Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication + Strategic Leadership Interpersonal Communication + Management Public Speaking + Management Public Speaking + Strategic Leadership

9 Toastmasters International

10 Toastmasters International
DCP CURRENT PROGRAM EDUCATION GOALS 1. Two (CC) awards 2. Two more CC awards 3. One ACB, ACS, or ACG award 4. One more ACB, ACS, or ACG award 5. One CL, ALB, ALS, or DTM award 6. One more CL, ALB, ALS, or DTM award

11 Toastmasters International
DCP PATHWAYS EDUCATION GOALS 1. Four Level 1’s 2. Two Level 2’s 3. Two more Level 2’s 4. Two Level 3’s 5. One Level 4 6. One Level 5

12 Toastmasters International
Transition DCP

13 Toastmasters International
New Path to DTM Completion of two learning paths Serve as a club officer for 12 months (current requirement is six months) Serve as Club Mentor or Coach Serve as Club Sponsor or conduct Speechcraft or Youth Leadership Program Serve as a district officer for one year Complete the capstone DTM project

14 Toastmasters International
Program Pilot Districts 57, 27 and 51 Phased pilot Test materials, capacity and Base Camp Content Pilot Configuration Alpha Beta Program Pilot Phased Rollout

15 Toastmasters International
Rollout Schedule Rollout 2 Region 14 Rollout 3 Region 2 Rollout 4 Regions 6 & 7 Rollout 5 Regions 10 & 12 Rollout 6 Regions 1 & 11 Rollout 7 Regions 4 & 13 Rollout 8 Regions 3 & 5 Rollout 9 Regions 8 & 9

16 Toastmasters International
Q & A

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