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Phonology Practice - HW Ex 4

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1 Phonology Practice - HW Ex 4

2 Phonology Practice - HW Ex 4
voiced fricatives / voiced stops voiced bilabial Cs / voiced alveolar/dental Cs / voiced velar Cs

3 Phonology Phonology organize your data

4 Phonology Practice - HW Ex 4
before [r], [a]; after [m], [n]; word initially, etc i_ a elsewhere #_ y #_ i all between vowels

5 Phonology Practice - HW Ex 4
What are the phonemes? /b/ /d/ and /g/ What rule can you identify applying in the data? Voiced stops become voiced fricatives between vowels.

6 Phonology Practice - HW Ex 4
What is the phonemic forms of the following:

7 Exercise 4 7

8 Exercise 4 8

9 Exercise 4 9

10 Phonology Exercise 5 Allophones of the same phoneme – each pair shows complementary distribution (and no minimal pairs) (Voiced sounds between vowels, voiceless sounds elsewhere) Voiceless noncontinuant consonants are voiced between vowels = Cree Obstruent Voicing Rule (COVR)

11 Exercise 5 11

12 Exercise 5 12

13 Exercise 5 13

14 Exercise 5 14

15 Exercise 5 15

16 Exercise 5 16

17 Phonology – Features – Exercise 7
State the feature that distinguishes each pair of sounds (what feature(s) differ between these two sounds?) a b c d e f g h I j k l [voice] [continuant] [tense] [high] [nasal] and [sonorant] [anterior] [reduced] [strident]

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