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CGC 1P1 Quiz #5.

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1 CGC 1P1 Quiz #5

2 Question 1 What is cultural diversity?
A) having many people drawn from different cultural backgrounds B) having some people come from different provinces C) having people all from the same country D) having a diverse culture

3 Question 2 An example of multiculturalism is: A) Food B) Clothes
C) Religion D) All of the above

4 Question 3 To be a Canadian Citizen you must: A) Be born in Canada
B) Eat Canadian Food C) Pass the Canadian Citizen test D) Both A and C

5 Question 4 Mother tongue is: A) a type of animal
B) your mothers tongue C) the first language you were taught and understand D) All of the above

6 Question 5 Ethnic Origins are:
A) the type of food you were brought up with B) a type of land C) your cultural background D) Where you want to live in the future

7 Question 6 Aboriginal people differ from each other by:
A) where they live B) their languages C) their culture D) all of the above

8 Question 7 Who were the first treaties made between:
A) Europe and Canada B) Canada and the United States C) European Federal Gov’t and First Nations D) Pembroke and Petawawa

9 Question 8 Two very important principles that had to be applied to the treaties were: A) land ownership had to be protected and receive fair payment B) land ownership had to be protected and they had to give them blankets C) All of the rules will later be broken D) All sides must have pizza and pepsi while negotiating

10 Question 9 What did the first nations people receive in exchange for more land? A) Alcohol B) payment of land called a reserve C) animals D) all of the land

11 Question 10 What is a treaty?
A) something you give your kids when they are good B) a contract for land C) a contract for exchanging goods D) a document that you sign to become a citizen of Canada

12 Question 11 Which native culture lived in longhouses? A) Cree
B) Mohawk C) Haida D) All of the above

13 Question 12 What was the objective behind the longhouses?
A) so they could live in a big house B) They could share resources C) So they could all live together D) For family reasons

14 Question 13 Who are the largest aboriginal group in Canada? A) Mohawk
B) Haida C) Cree D) all of the above

15 Question 14 What native group would you find in the Queen Charlotte Islands in BC? A) Cree B) Haida C) Mohawk

16 Question 15 What does the term nomadic mean?
A) they are mad when you make them upset B) They follow wildlife from season to season C) They follow the warm weather D) all of the above

17 Question 16 How do the Cree move around in the winter? Dog sled Canoe
Snowmobile Toboggan and snow shoes

18 Question 17 The Haida were superb craftspeople, they made: A) Bowls
B) Canoes C) Boxes D) All of the above

19 Question 18 What Frist Nation tribe heat their entire village by using sawdust? A) Mohawk B) Cree C) Haida D) all of the above

20 Question 19 Which First Nations Tribe would you find around the Cornwall and New York State regions? A) Haida B) Mohawk C) Cree D) all of the above

21 Question 20 When you get an opportunity to work on something in class from now on you will: A) Talk only about the assignment at hand B) Not sit there and do nothing C) Not look at magazines D) All of the above

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