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Cree South Project 2009: Reconnaissance bedrock mapping in the Lloyd Domain and Virgin River Shear Zone C.D. Card Northern Geological Survey, Saskatchewan.

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Presentation on theme: "Cree South Project 2009: Reconnaissance bedrock mapping in the Lloyd Domain and Virgin River Shear Zone C.D. Card Northern Geological Survey, Saskatchewan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cree South Project 2009: Reconnaissance bedrock mapping in the Lloyd Domain and Virgin River Shear Zone C.D. Card Northern Geological Survey, Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources Scarth St., Regina, SK S4P 2H9 (306)

2 Cree South Project 2009 Central Lloyd Domain
Not yet visited in the project Is there continuity with the eastern Lloyd Domain? Fournier Lake Granulite facies part of the Lloyd Domain (felsic granulites of Scott, 1985) Careen Lake Group Clearwater anorthosite Lloyd Lake Central part of the domain Felsic granulites of Scott (1985) We have not looked at the any Lloyd Domain distal to the Virgin River Shear Zone to this point. At Fournier Lake we could look at the Felsic Granulite unit of Scott and compare this unit to what we have seen to the east. We also had access to the Careen Lake Group, the metasedimentary rock package common in the Lloyd Domain. Access to the Clearwater anorthosite At Lloyd Lake, we investigated the continuity of the eastern and central Lloyd Domain including the same Felsic granulite and Careen Lake units

3 Fournier Lake 1) Quartz Diorite Suite 2) Careen Lake Group
3) Clearwater Anorthosite

4 Lloyd Lake 1) Quartz Diorite Suite 2) Careen Lake Group
3) Charnockitic granite

5 Deformation and Metamorphism
D1-D2/M1 Granulite facies D3/ M2 amphibolite facies

6 Cree South Project 2009 Virgin River Shear Zone Turnor-Wasekamio lakes
To test the relationships across the shear zone determined earlier in the project Junction granite Westgate Lake Folding of the Virgin Schist Group into the Virgin River Domain? Centennial M.Sc. Additional work on the Virgin River shear zone was at Turnor and Wasekamio Lakes where we investigated the transition to determine if it looked lithologically similar to the transition elsewhere. We looked at the Junction granite, which is unique to the southwest part of the Virgin River Shear Zone. At Westgate Lake we were specifically interested in the Virgin Schist Group which is implied to be infolded with Virgin River Domain felsic orthogneiss, a relationship that is not common elsewhere. The Centennial M.Sc. focusses on the lithology, alteration and geochemistry of the deposit. Kyle Reid is at the U of S and visited our Westgate camp to compare lithologies on the exposed shield to those at the deposit. I am one of his supervisors. This is a joint project between NRCan, Cameco, U of S and ER.

7 Virgin River Shear Zone: Turnor-Wasekamio lakes
Quartz diorite suite Tonalitic gneiss Virgin River Shear Zone

8 Deformation and Metamorphism
D1-D2/M1 granulite facies (Lloyd); upper amphibolite facies Virgin River D3/ M2 amphibolite facies

9 Westgate Lake What is the outcrop pattern of the Virgin Schist Group?
Centennial M.Sc.

10 Westgate Lake Lloyd Domain Virgin River Domain Virgin Schist Group

11 Deformation and Metamorphism
Lloyd Domain: granulite facies (M1) overprinted by amphibolite facies (M2) Virgin River Domain : upper amphibolite facies (M1) overprinted by amphibolite facies (M2) Virgin Schist Group: amphibolite facies (M1) overprinted by greenschist facies

12 Westgate Lake The Virgin Schist Group does not fold into the Virgin River Domain The aeromagnetic pattern is misleading

13 Summary The central Lloyd Domain contains mainly granulite facies intermediate intrusive rocks; Careen Lake Group is subordinate The Virgin River to Lloyd Domain transition at the southwest end of the Virgin River Shear Zone is typical except for the presence of the Junction granite The Virgin River to Lloyd Domain transition across the Virgin River Shear Zone at Westgate Lake is also typical The Virgin Schist Group is restricted to a panel between the Virgin River and Lloyd domains

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