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Classical French Rococo Style

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1 interior design VI Hospitality IDES 3412 Alzahra Alsihati ID: 200801117 Section :201

2 Classical French Rococo Style
Style and concept Classical French Rococo Style

3 Outline : History of rococo Interior Architectural and Decorations Features that anticipated the Rococo style Materials and decorative techniques Interior Architecture ad decorative element. Floor , walls , Windows and Doors, chimneypieces , Furniture Design concept Picture inspiration

4 History of rococo 1- Referred to late Baroque 2- The rococo developed in early part of 18 in Paris French under the reign of Louis xv 3- Highly ornamental style !! 4- The names come from rockery ( shells and rock) 5- Affected several aspect of the art!! The name comes from the rockery" Los card optimal” which made with shells and rock made in yard of France palace, it spreads for the misreading of rococo of Italian Rococo is an ornate style applied for art and interior design, originating in 18the century France under the reign of Louis XV ( )). Rococo rooms were designed as total works of art with elegant and ornate furniture, small sculptures, ornamental mirrors, and tapestry complementing architecture, reliefs, and wall paintings. A style of art, especially architecture and decorative art, that originated in France in the early 18th century and is marked by elaborate ornamentation, as with a profusion of scrolls, foliage, and animal forms

5 Interior Architectural and Decorations
Features that anticipated the Rococo style : 1- large mirrors used more frequently. 2- depressed arches for doors and windows. 3- The use of gold – highlighted crosshatching. mirrors to enhance the sense of open space The term Rococo is sometimes used to denote the light, elegant, and highly ornamental music composed at the end of the Baroque period

6 Materials and decorative techniques
terracotta, wood, marble, carved boiserie and fresco or relief design in plaster and gilt.

7 Interior Architecture ad decorative element.
Floors marble was used rarely ,terra-cotta in square or hexagonal shapes, oak parquet and wood arrange in blocks were widely used, carpet was used in limited way (royal proprty)

8 Interior Architecture ad decorative element.
Walls 1- walls is architectural in concept 2-surrounded by continuous scalloping over doors , windows and panels. 3- the corners of rooms were rounded and curved stucco ornament above the cornice from the wall to ceiling. 4- panels above the dado. Panls emphisis on verticaly sencie most elemnt on the wall extended to cornich

9 Interior Architecture ad decorative element.
Windows and Doors The heads of booth doorways and windows were round , oval or depressed art

10 Interior Architecture and decorative element.
chimneypieces - Reduced in size, usually know to incorporate a mantel shelf above which a mirror was mounted .

11 Furniture.

12 Furniture During the Rococo period, furniture was lighthearted, physically , visually and comfort. - Evolution of Fauteuil from Regence through transitional Louis XV -XVI

13 Furniture

14 Furniture

15 Design concept Mirror Reflected and shiny ornamented spaces will dominate the place because of the use of mirror that gives a feeling of transparency and openness to the space . And, With the same royalty and elegant of rococo style gold color will obviously seen , Also many curves line and asymmetry shaped will use.

16 Inspiration picture

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