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(1) arch- means chief; first

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1 (1) arch- means chief; first
Examples Archetype = original Archbishop = chief bishop Archeology = study of first people or ancient times

2 (2) be- means over; thoroughly
Examples Bedaub = smear all over Befuddle = to confuse totally Beguile = totally charm or even deceive

3 (3) bi- means two Bicycle = two-wheeled fun Biennial = every two years
Examples Bicycle = two-wheeled fun Biennial = every two years Bicameral = two groups/houses (like in congress)

4 (4) cata- means down Catastrophe = disaster Cataract = waterfall
Examples Catastrophe = disaster Cataract = waterfall Catapult = to hurl (throw down)

5 (5) circum- means around
Examples Circumnavigate = travel all the way around the world Circumspect = cautious (looking around) Circumscribe = to limit (place a circle around)

6 (6) com-/con- means with; together
Examples Combine = put together with Communicate = talk with Conference = meeting

7 (7) co-/col- means with; together
Examples Coeditor = editor with another Collateral = connected with Collate = to put together

8 (8) Cor- means with; together
Examples Correlate = to match up with Corroborate = to confirm; to verify

9 (9) Contra-/contro- means against
Examples Contravene = conflict with Controversy = argument or dispute Contradictory = disagreeing with

10 (10) Demi- means partly; half
Examples Demigod = partly a god Demitasse = small cup

11 (11) Di- means two Dichotomy = split into two parts
Examples Dichotomy = split into two parts Dilemma = choice between two bad alternatives

12 (12) Dia- means across Examples Diameter = distance across the center of a circle Diagonal = distance across a figure Diagram = a drawn model

13 (13) Dis-/dif- means not; apart
Examples Discord = not in harmony Differ = to disagree Disparity = not being equal; having a difference

14 (14) Dys- means faulty; bad
Examples Dysfunctional = operate incorrectly Dyslexia = faulty ability to read Dyspepsia = indigestion

15 (15) Ex-/e- means out Exit = to leave Expel = to drive out
Examples Exit = to leave Expel = to drive out Extirpate = to root out Eject = to throw out

16 (16) Extra-/extro- means beyond;outside
Examples Extracurricular = beyond the curriculum Extraterritorial = beyond a nation’s boundaries Extrovert = a person mostly interested in other people and things

17 (17) Hyper- means above; excessively
Examples Hyperbole = exaggeration Hyperventilate = breathe very quickly

18 (18) Hypo- means beneath; lower
Examples Hypoglycemia = low blood sugar Hypothyroid = low-functioning Hypodermic = beneath your skin

19 (19) in-/im- means not Inefficient = not efficient or productive
Examples Inefficient = not efficient or productive Inarticulate = can’t speak understandably Impeccable = not wrecked up; perfect

20 (20) il-/ir- means not Illegible = not readable
Examples Illegible = not readable Irrelevant = doesn’t matter Irrevocable = can’t change it or “call it back”

21 (21) inter- means between; among
Examples Intervene = come between International = between countries Interjection = a comment thrown in

22 (22) in-/im-/il-/ir- means in; on; upon; among
Examples Invite = to call in Illustration = something that makes things clear Impression = have an effect upon someone’s opinion Irradiate = to shine upon

23 (23) intra-/intro- means within
Examples Intramural = within a school Introvert = person who turns within himself

24 (24) macro- means large; long
Examples Macrobiotic = prolonging life Macrocosm = the entire universe or “the big picture”

25 (25) mega- means great; million
Examples Megalomania = delusions of grandeur/greatness Megaton = explosive force of a million tons of TNT Megaphone = makes your voice really loud

26 (26) meta- means involving change
Examples Metamorphosis = a complete change of form Metacognition = a complete change of thinking

27 (27) micro- means small; miniature
Examples Microcosm = miniature universe/world Microscopic = extremely small to look at Microbe = tiny organism

28 (28) mis- means bad; wrong
Examples Misdemeanor = minor crime Mischance = unfortunate accident Misnomer = wrong name

29 (29) mis- means hatred Misanthrope = person who hates mankind
Examples Misanthrope = person who hates mankind Misogynist = person who hates women

30 (30) mono- means one Monarchy = government by one king or queen
Examples Monarchy = government by one king or queen Monotheism = belief in one god Monopoly = one person/entity has complete ownership/control

31 (31) -able/-ible means capable of adj.
Examples Portable = able to be carried Legible = able to be read Interminable = not able to be limited

32 (32) –ac/-ic means like or about adj.
Examples Cardiac = about the heart Aquatic = about the water Dramatic = about drama

33 (33) –acious/-icious means full of adj.
Examples Audacious = full of daring Perspicacious = full of mental perception Avaricious = full of greed

34 (34) -al [turns a noun into an adjective]
Examples Maniacal = insane Final = the end of something Logical = clear and orderly thinking

35 (35) –ant/-ent means full of adj. or noun
Examples Eloquent = full of fluid and effective speech Suppliant = a person full of requests Verdant = very (full of) green

36 (36) –ary means like, about, connected with adj. or noun
Examples Dictionary = book about words Honorary = with honor Luminary = shiny person or object

37 (37) –ate means to make verb
Examples Consecrate = to make holy Enervate = to make tired or weary Mitigate = to make less severe

38 (38) –ation means that which is noun
Examples Exasperation = out of patience Irritation = annoyance Fascination = totally interested

39 (39) –cy means state of being noun
Examples Democracy = government ruled by the people Obstinacy = being obstinate (stubborn) Accuracy = being accurate (correct)

40 (40) –eer/-er/-or means person who noun
Examples Mutineer = person who rebels Teacher = person who teaches Censor = person who deletes improper content

41 (41) –fic means making; causing adj.
Examples Terrific = causing fear Soporific = causing sleep

42 (42) –fy means to make verb
Examples Magnify = to enlarge Petrify = to turn into rock Beautify = to make beautiful

43 (43) –iferous means producing; bearing adj.
Examples Pestiferous = carrying disease Vociferous = producing a loud noise

44 (44) –il/-ile means about; capable of adj.
Examples Puerile = about a boy or child Ductile = capable of being hammered or drawn Civil = polite

45 (45) –ism means doctrine; belief system noun
Examples Monotheism = belief in just one god Communism = doctrine of the government owning everything and people owning nothing Judaism = belief in the Jewish Yahweh god

46 (46) –ist means doer, person who studies noun
Examples Geologist = person who studies the earth Artist = person who creates art Realist = person who “does” reality

47 (47) –ity means state of being noun
Examples Annuity = having a yearly grant Credulity = being very willing to believe Sagacity = being full of wisdom

48 (48) –ize/-ise means to make verb
Examples Victimize = to make someone a victim Harmonize = to make pleasing, blending sounds Enfranchise = to set or make free

49 (49) –oid means resembling, like noun
Examples Asteroid = like a star Anthropoid = resembling a human Spheroid = similar to a sphere

50 (50) –ive means pertaining to; about adj
Examples Expensive = costly Quantitative = about an amount Effusive = “gushy”

51 (51) –ose means full of adj
Examples Verbose = full of words Lachrymose = full of tears

52 (52) –osis means condition of noun
Examples Psychosis = sick mental condition Neurosis = nervous condition Hypnosis = causing induced sleep

53 (53) –ous means full of adj
Examples Nauseous = full of nausea Ludicrous = full of foolishness

54 (54) –tude means state of noun
Examples Fortitude = state of strength and courage Beatitude = being blessed Certitude = state of being certain or sure

55 (55) ab-/abs- means from; away from
Examples Absent = away from here Abduct = lead away; kidnap Abject = less than; degraded

56 (56) ambi- means both, more than one
Examples Ambidextrous = skilled with both hands Ambiguous = has a double meaning Ambivalent = having two conflicting emotions

57 (57) an-/a- means without
Examples Anarchy = without government; with no order Anesthesia = causing non-consciousness Amoral = no moral structure

58 (58) ante- means before; in front of
Examples Antecedent = thing that came before Antediluvian = before the flood Antebellum = before the war

59 (59) anti- means against; opposite
Examples Antipathy = hatred; dislike Antiseptic = against infection Antithetical = an opposite idea

60 (60) multi- means many Multicolored = has lots of colors
Examples Multicolored = has lots of colors Multitude = many people Multisyllabic = has lots of syllables

61 (61) neo- means new Neophyte = beginner; novice
Examples Neophyte = beginner; novice Neonatal = care for sick newborns

62 (62) non- means not Noncommittal = undecided
Examples Noncommittal = undecided Nonentity = a person of no importance

63 (63) ob-/oc-/of-/op- means against
Examples Object= speak against Occlude = block out Offend = insult Opponent = person you struggle against

64 (64) olig- means few Examples Oligarchy = government by a few

65 (65) pan- means all; every
Examples Panacea = cure-all Panorama = unblocked view in all directions Pandemic = sickness in every part of the world

66 (66) para- means beyond; related
Examples Paraphrase = to restate in a related way Paramedic = related to medical doctors (but not actually them) Paranormal = beyond normal

67 (67) per- means through; completely
Examples Permeable = allowing passage through Pervasive = spread everywhere/completely

68 (68) peri- means around; near
Examples Perimeter = distance around something Periphery = near the edge

69 (69) poly- means many Polygamy = having many spouses
Examples Polygamy = having many spouses Polyglot = speaking many languages Polytheism = belief in many gods

70 (70) post- means after Postpone = to delay
Examples Postpone = to delay Posterity = generations that come after you Posthumous = after death

71 (71) pre- means before Examples Preamble = statement that comes before a speech/document Prefix = letters that are put before a base word Premonition = forewarning

72 (72) prim- means first Examples Primordial = already existed at the beginning of time Primer = book (or point) that comes first Primogeniture = being born first

73 (73) pro- means forward; in favor of
Examples Propulsive = driving forward Proponent = someone in favor of

74 (74) proto- means first Prototype = first of its kind
Examples Prototype = first of its kind Protoplasm = organism of basic life

75 (75) pseudo- means false Pseudonym = fake name
Examples Pseudonym = fake name Pseudoscience = false science

76 (76) re- means again; back
Examples Reiterate = say again Reimburse = pay back Review = look at again

77 (77) retro- means backward
Examples Retrospect = looking back Retroactive = effective as of a past date

78 (78) se- means away; aside
Examples Secede = to withdraw Secluded = shut away Seduce = lead astray

79 (79) semi- means half; partly
Examples Semiannual = every six months Semiconscious = partially conscious

80 (80) sub-/sup-/sus- means under; less
Examples Submarine = boat under the water Suppress = squash or put down by force Suspend = to delay or pause

81 (81) suc-/suf-/sug- means under; less
Examples Succumb = yield; stop resisting Suffuse = spread throughout Suggest = hint

82 (82) super-/sur- means over; above
Examples Supernatural = beyond natural things Supervise = oversee Surtax = a tax that’s over and above the usual taxes

83 (83) syn-/sym-/syl-/sys- means with; together
Examples Synchronize = match time with Sympathize = feel with Syllogism = how ideas go together System = network together

84 (84) tele- means far Examples Telegraphic = written communication over a far distance Telephone = instrument to hear over a far distance

85 (85) trans- means across Transport = to carry across
Examples Transport = to carry across Transpose = to reverse or to move across

86 (86) ultra- means beyond; excessive
Examples Ultramodern = excessively modern Ultracritical = exceedingly critical

87 (87) un- means not Unlike = not like any other Unexpected = a surprise
Examples Unlike = not like any other Unexpected = a surprise

88 (88) under- means below Undergird = strengthen below
Examples Undergird = strengthen below Underachiever = achieving below ability

89 (89) uni- means one Unison = singing/talking “as one”
Examples Unison = singing/talking “as one” Unicycle = one-wheeled vehicle

90 (90) vice- means in place of
Examples Vicarious = acting as a substitute Viceroy = in place of a king Vice president = in place of a president

91 (91) with- means away; against
Examples Withdraw = pull away Withstand = stand up against; resist

92 (92) -ac-/-acr- means sharp
Examples Acerbic = bitter; sharp Acrimonious = bitter (like acid or poison)

93 (93) -ag-/-act- means do Act = a deed; something you do
Examples Act = a deed; something you do Agent = a person who does something

94 (94) -agog- means leader Demagogue = a leader who leads deceptively
Examples Demagogue = a leader who leads deceptively Pedagogue = a teacher or leader (of children)

95 (95) -agri-/-agrari- means field
Examples Agrarian = field-related Agriculture = cultivated fields

96 (96) -ali- means another Alias = another (fake) name
Examples Alias = another (fake) name Alienate = to turn away from another; to be “far away” from them

97 (97) -alt- means high Altitude = height
Examples Altitude = height Altimeter = instrument for measuring height

98 (98) -alter-/-altr- means other
Examples Altruistic = unselfish; thinking about others Alter ego = a second self

99 (99) -am- means love Examples Amicable = friendly Amorous = loving

100 (100) -anim- means mud; soul
Examples Unanimous = of one mind Magnanimity = greatness of mind and spirit

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