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Consumer Rights The right to be informed The right to safety

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1 Consumer Rights The right to be informed The right to safety
Protects consumers from false and misleading information on ads and labels. The right to safety Protects consumers from goods and services dangerous to health or life. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

2 Exercising Consumer RIGHTS
The RIGHT to be Informed = The Responsibility to Use Information Analyze advertisements. Look for recent developments and information on goods and services. Understand performance claims. Compare and evaluate products. Check use and care instructions before buying. Seek information when existing information is inadequate. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

3 Exercising Consumer RIGHTS
The RIGHT to Safety = The Responsibility to Use Products Safely Examine products for safety features. Study care instructions before buying and using. Study product safety ratings. Use products as they are intended to be used. Follow recommended procedures for care and maintenance of products. Inform retailers and/or manufacturers of poor performance. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

4 Consumer Rights The right to choose The right to be heard
Assures consumers of a number of goods and services at competitive prices. The right to be heard Assures consumers that their interests will be heard in legislative and judicial proceedings. T Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

5 Exercising Consumer RIGHTS
The RIGHT to Choose = The Responsibility to Choose Carefully Be selective. Resist pressure. Buy products and services efficiently. Recognize resource limitations. Know your motives. Be honest. Refuse products that waste resources. Use comparative shopping. Write Congressional representatives. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

6 Exercising Consumer RIGHTS
The RIGHT to be Heard = The Responsibility to Speak Up Suggest consumer legislation. Suggest product improvements. Let merchants know what is expected. Know where to seek help. Write Congressional representatives. Provide feedback to producers by expressing satisfactions and complaints through the proper channels. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

7 Consumer Rights The right to redress The right to consumer education
Assures consumers that they will be able to seek corrections of wrongs against them. The right to consumer education Assures consumers of providing ways for them to learn about basic consumer rights and responsibilities. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

8 Exercising Consumer RIGHTS
The RIGHT to Redress = The Responsibility to Seek Redress Explain the problem carefully and briefly. State what you believe should be done about your claim. Explain how the purchase is defective. List the steps you have already taken to resolve the problem. Give as much specific information as possible, including style numbers, catalog numbers, and order numbers. State when and where you bought the item or arranged for the service. Keep a copy of your letter of complaint. If you write a second letter, include a copy of the first. Follow up until desired results are achieved. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

9 Exercising Consumer RIGHTS
The RIGHT to Consumer Education = The Responsibility to Become an Educated Consumer Take advantage of consumer education seminars and workshops. Subscribe to and read consumer education related magazines. Keep up-to-date on consumer information and legislation. Learn about the other consumer rights and use them responsibly. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

10 Consumer Rights The right to a healthy environment
Assures consumers that they have the right to work in an environment that does not damage their health. The right to have basic needs met Assures consumers that they have the fundamental right of access to food, water, and shelter. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

11 Exercising Consumer RIGHTS
The RIGHT to a Healthy Environment= The responsibility to consume in a way that promotes a healthy environment Investigate products and services that promote a healthy environment. Purchase environmentally friendly products and services. Report unhealthy or unsafe working or living environments. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

12 Exercising Consumer RIGHTS
The RIGHT to have Basic Needs Met= The Responsibility to consume sustainably Consume sustainably, so as not to prevent others from meeting their own needs. Consider the impact of choices on others. Copyright © Notice: The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of The Curriculum Center for Family and Consumer Sciences, Texas Tech University.

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