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Hebrews 12:1-11 Chapter 11 in Review Faith in Worship-Abel

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1 Hebrews 12:1-11 Chapter 11 in Review Faith in Worship-Abel
Walking in Faith-Enoch Obedient Faith-Noah The Life of Faith-Abraham Faith that Defeats Death-Isaac, Jacob, Joseph The Decisions of Faith-Moses Courage Demonstrated in Faith-Joshua, Rahab

2 Run the race with endurance
Look at the witnesses that preceded us Be encouraged Lay aside every encumbrance And The sin that entangles us—doubt FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS The author and preeminent example of our faith He endured the cross for the joy given Him Despising the shame Mic. 5:2; John 5:30, 19:30 Sitting down at the right hand of GOD—done!

3 Don’t grow weary and lose heart
Consider Jesus—enduring the hostility of sinners Hebrews 10:32-33 Compare yourselves—you haven’t resisted sin to the point of shedding blood Forgotten Godly discipline Proverbs 3:11-12 Sons Don’t think lightly of the LORD’s discipline Nor faint when reproved 2 Samuel 12:10

4 The LORD disciplines His loved ones
Every son received is scourged What son is not disciplined? Characteristics of discipline Retribution (punishment) for sin Prevention of sin (Limits & Boundaries) Education (God’s power & provision) How do we understand suffering? By faith Romans 8:1 Endure because it’s the LORD’s discipline It proves HIS love It proves our Sonship

5 Discipline produces what?
God does it for our good So we can share in HIS holiness Rough when we are in the midst of it Peace fruit of righteousness when done.

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