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XBASS Tips and Tricks Houmet 2016 November 30th, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "XBASS Tips and Tricks Houmet 2016 November 30th, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 XBASS Tips and Tricks Houmet 2016 November 30th, 2016
Presented by Robert Misak, MA, MEd, LSSP

2 XBASS 1.3 What are the changes?

3 XBASS 1.3 – WATCH OUT!!! This is what happens with Ga and Gv=100, all others=70

4 XBASS 1.3 – WATCH OUT!!! This is what happens with Ga and Gv=100, all others=70

5 XBASS 1.3 – WATCH OUT!!! This is what happens with Ga and Gv=100, all others=70

6 XBASS 1.3 – No ONCAP?! I am guessing they added this “functionality” due to complaints from states/district that did not care for ONCAP (Otherwise Normal Cognitive Ability Profile). They do note that “If you do it that way, you are really not doing DD/C”. Regs do NOT contain ONCAP provision, but they DO note that the child exhibits a research-based pattern of strengths and weaknesses that would indicate SLD. All published PSWs that have any sort of merit contain an aspect of “unexpectedness” I would rather have DD/C to back me up as opposed to “I just made it up”

7 XBASS 1.3 – Data Entry - Other

8 XBASS 1.3 – Date Entry - Other
Can drop composite/test into the Data Organizer Points out that you need to use COMPOSITES for cognitive, but can use subtests or composites for academic sections Use test/composite if it is in dropdown!

9 XBASS 1.3 – Date Entry - Other
If you use this, it WILL NOT; Perform cohesion analysis Evaluate potential effect of culture and/or language (CLIM) “Therefore, this method should be used only when there is no alternative and in recognition that the psychometric and theoretical validity of the test has not (been) evaluated within the full parameters of XBA principles of assessment.”

10 XBASS 1.3 – Date Entry - Other

11 XBASS 1.3 – Date Entry - Other
“This tab permits limited use of scores for PSW analysis from tests/batteries that are not available in X-BASS’ current core test tabs or drop down menus. Type in the name of a test composite (or subtest-for academic domains only) in the appropriate section and enter the score (Scaled or Standard score; for T- Scores, use the converter at the bottom of the XBA analyzer) and click the corresponding button to transfer the data directly to the Data Organizer where it can be selected for use in subsequent PSW analysis.”

12 XBASS 1.3 – Date Entry - Other
“Note that composites/subtests entered into X-BASS via this tab cannot be evaluated for cohesion, cannot be combined with other composites to form XBA composites, and cannot be evaluated within the C-LIM Analyzer. As such, caution should be exercised whenever a decision is made to include and utilize scores entered on this tab in an evaluation of SLD. In addition information entered here will not be saved in the database UNTIL it as been transferred to the Data Organizer AND after the active data record has been saved to update it.”

13 XBASS 1.3 – Date Entry – Other (Cognitive)

14 XBASS 1.3 – Date Entry – Other (Academic)

15 XBASS 1.3 – Date Entry – Other (Example)

16 XBASS 1.3 – Date Entry – Other (Example)
This is what comes out on the Data Organizer

17 XBASS 1.2 How many of you missed these in the previous version

18 XBASS 1.2 – ELL Students (Start Tab)

19 XBASS 1.2 – ELL Students (If You Check Box)
Gc is NOT INCLUDED IN FCC if it is <90 if you called it a strength! Popup if Gc is in expected range Popup telling you to check out Gc in native language if Gc is below expected range #2 #3

20 XBASS 1.2 – XBA Alternate Composites
“The XBA Analyzer tab now has extended functionality that will permit the calculation and derivation of ‘XBA Alternate Composites’ in cases where there is a reasonable and logical or clinical configuration of subtest scores that do not meet the standard cohesion requirements of the basic XBA rules, but which are defensible nonetheless. These buttons are available for all cognitive and ‘other cognitive’ domains but are unnecessary on the academic/SLD domains since single subtests may be used in those cases. Any XBA Alternative Composites that are generated on the XBA Analyzer tab may be transferred to the DATA Organizer and used in PSW analysis of SLD. Note that in cases where no composite can be established, the only alternative will be follow up testing.”

21 XBASS 1.2 – XBA Alternate Composites

22 XBASS 1.2 – XBA Alternate Composites

23 XBASS 1.2 – XBA Alternate Composites on the Data Organizer Tab

24 XBASS & CLIM It is a validity check!

25 CLIM The software is designed to be a ”Validity Check”
Research shows that for students that are culturally and linguistically different, their cognitive scores exhibit a pattern As you add cultural and linguistic loadings, the scores decrease As you remove cultural and linguistic loadings, the scores increase If you see that pattern, you are seeing a TYPICAL culturally and linguistically different person. Typical=Not Disabled

26 CLIM ENGLISH scores in the CLIM, NOT test tabs
If the pattern is not “typical” for linguistically and culturally different students, then you may proceed…scores are valid If the pattern is “typical”, then the scores are not valid

27 CLIM Validity=the tests measure what they are supposed to Invalid=the tests are measuring “something else”

28 CLIM - Step 1

29 CLIM - Step 2 – Pick your test

30 CLIM - Step 3 – Put in your scores

31 CLIM - Step 3 – Put in your scores

32 CLIM - Step 4 – Examine Profile

33 CLIM - Step 4 – Examine Profile
This Tiered Graph combines some classifications High/High (Tier 5), Low/Low (Tier 1), and Med/Med (Tier 3) stay the same Low/Med and Med/Low were combined in Tier 2 Med/High and High/Med were combined in Tier 4 What happens to the scores are culture and language are ”controlled”?

34 CLIM - Step 4 – Examine Profile
If highest score is Low/Low, lowest is High/High, and scores decrease as culture/language are added, INVALID SCORES. STOP. You are done. If scores do not vary as a function of culture and language, you can not safely assume that scores are valid representation of the ability they are supposed to measure.

35 CLIM - Step 4 – Examine Profile

36 CLIM - Step 4 – Examine Profile

37 Step 5 – If interpretable, transfer scores the EASY WAY
2 1

38 Step 5 – Transfer Scores Click on the “Clear” button and unused test names go away. Use this if you are putting in more than one battery When you click the transfer button, the scores magically get teleported to the battery tabs!!!

39 CLIM – RTFM (Index Tab)


41 CLIM – Sample Statements!!!

42 CLIM – Sample Statements!!!

43 CLIM – Sample Statements!!!

44 CLIM – Sample Statements!!!

45 CLIM Again, if you get the descending pattern, scores are invalid and STOP If you don’t, you can interpret results. DO NOT FORGET to verify deficits in native language!!!

46 Any Questions?

47 Thank You!!

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