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Vincent Van Gogh’s Trees. Vincent Van Gogh’s Trees.

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2 Vincent Van Gogh’s Trees

3 Van Gogh created many beautiful paintings of trees
Van Gogh created many beautiful paintings of trees. In these paintings he shows us the uniqueness of each tree, how trees change with the seasons and the time of day.

4 This painting is the motivation for this lesson
This painting is the motivation for this lesson. You can view Van Gogh’s Mulberry Tree in the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena.

5 Notice how tree trunks are large and textured
Notice how tree trunks are large and textured. As the tree grows the branches reach for sunlight. The leaves grow on the branches. The branches become thinner as the tree becomes taller.

6 Notice how Van Gogh uses many colors to create the texture and shadows on his tree trunks.





11 The seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall bring changes to the trees. Notice the changes in these orchards with each season.





16 Notice the beautiful pastel colors of the blossoms in the spring and the lack of green leaves.


18 Notice the different kinds of leaves in the numerous trees that Van Gogh painted. He used many shades, tints and hues of green for the variety of leaves.




22 As fall approaches the leaves start to turn yellow, orange, red and brown.



25 Some trees, like the Cypress and pine, are evergreen
Some trees, like the Cypress and pine, are evergreen. The needles of these trees stay green all through the year.




29 Van Gogh painted many layers of paint to achieve all the colors he saw reflected in the trees. Depending on the sunlight, the shadows and the time of day tree leaves appear to be many different colors.




33 Notice how Van Gogh included a foreground and background in all his paintings.






39 I hope this peak at Van Gogh’s art has inspired you to create a tree composition. You will use oil pastels and watercolor to create your art work.


41 Step One: Put your name and table number on the back of your paper with pencil.


43 Decide what species of tree you will create
Decide what species of tree you will create. Think about the season-summer, winter, spring or fall; and time of day-morning, noon or sunset. Think about where your tree is located. . . In a park, a yard, on a farm, in an orchard, in the mountains, in the woods or at the beach

44 Create the leaves of your tree by layering colors appropriate for the season. Winter- dark greens, browns, blues, grays, violets and white for snow. Spring- bright pinks, whites, peach, yellow, violets for flowers Summer- all shades of green especially bright greens and yellows Fall- warm colors orange, yellow, red, and brown


46 Draw the trunk of the tree
Draw the trunk of the tree. Layer colors to create the texture and thickness of the bark and lower branches of your tree. Place darker colors like purple and dark blue or black on one side to create shadow. Use bright colors like tan, white or yellow on the opposite side to create the highlighted side reflecting the sun light.


48 Add objects to create a foreground.


50 Add a background- like mountains, ocean, buildings, farm lands, smaller trees, houses, people, hills, fields…


52 Using watercolors paint the sky showing the time of day
Using watercolors paint the sky showing the time of day. To add depth also paint colors over your tree, background and foreground.


54 Place your completed painting in the drying rack.

55 Clean your brush, replace your paper towel, wipe up your desk and leave materials just as you found them.


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