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Presentation on theme: "TANZANIA CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY"— Presentation transcript:

FIRST NATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION FORUM 2017 Taking Civil Aviation Industry in Tanzania to the Apex ICAO USOAP ICVM Audit April and May 2017 Prepared by Eng. Bernard Kavishe Presenter: Eng. Bernard Kavishe Chairman: Mr Mtesigwa Maugo

2 Outline of the Presentation
USOAP Overview/Definitions/Descriptions USOAP CMA USOAP Activities Eight Critical Elements of safety oversight system Audit areas Doc 9735 and Doc 9734 ICVM March and April 2017 Analysis of Results Impact of Results Conclusion and The way Forward

3 Objective of the presentation
1. To appreciate the importance of USOAP audits as an important indicator of state capability for oversight 2. To highlight areas with challenges 3. To mobilize stakeholders help in matters outside TCAA scope, ie. Operators, The parent ministry, other ministries and institutions. 4. To strategize on sustainability of the good Score EI 5. To Celebrate the good result

4 Definitions The second name for Aviation may as well be acronyms, jargons and concepts, I will therefore avoid the trap of defining all of them I will however describe/define some terms in the heart of this presentation, just enough to make experts in other disciplines follow. A radiotelephony is a communications system for transmission of speech over radio. Radiotelephony

5 USOAP CMA USOAP Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme CMA Continuous Monitoring Approach The objective of a USOAP CMA audit is to determine a State’s capability for safety oversight by assessing the effective implementation of the Critical Elements (CEs )of the safety oversight system and the status of the State’s implementation of all safety-related ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), associated procedures, guidance material and best safety practices. Audits are tailored to the complexity of the State’s civil aviation system

6 Eight Critical Elements of an effective Safety Oversight System
ICAO has identified eight essential parts of an effective implementation of a safety-related policy and associated procedures. The critical elements (CE) of a safety oversight system include: CE1 — primary aviation legislation; CE2 — specific operating regulations; CE3 — State civil aviation system and safety oversight functions; CE4— technical personnel qualification and training;  CE5— technical guidance, tools and the provision of safety-critical information;

7 …. 8 Critical element cont.
 CE6— licensing, certification, authorization and approval obligations; CE7— surveillance obligations; and CE8— the resolution of safety concerns.

8 AUDIT AREAS The following eight audit areas have been identified in the USOAP: 1) primary aviation legislation and civil aviation regulations (LEG); 2) civil aviation organization (ORG); 3) personnel licensing and training (PEL); 4) aircraft operations (OPS); 5) airworthiness of aircraft (AIR); 6) aircraft accident and incident investigation (AIG);  7) air navigation services (ANS); and 8) aerodromes and ground aids (AGA).

9 THE USOAP CMA CONCEPT USOAP CMA consists of the following four major components: a) collection of safety information;  b) determination of State safety risk profile;  c) prioritization and conduct of USOAP CMA activities; and d) update of the EI and the status of SSCs.

b) ICAO Coordinated Validation Mission ICVM; and c) safety audit; d) off-site validation activity.

11 ICAO USOAP CMA Activities on Tanzania December 2016, April 2017 and May 2017
ICAO conducted three validations on the state civil aviation system, the objective of the activities was to check Tanzanias progress in closing the finds of the last Major activity, CSA conducted in May 2013, the activities were done back to back in a quick succession, the space between them was so short, we tend to view them as one activity broken in two. Off-site Validation Activity in December on all audit areas

12 ICVM conducted on site between 28 March and 06 April 2017 For six audit areas LEG, ORG, PEL, OPS, AIR, and ANS ICVM for for Aerodromes and ground aids (AGA) between 02 May 2017 to 09 May 2017 Aircraft accident and incident investigation (AIG) was not included in the ICVM scope, AAIB has establishment issues.

13 Results of the Activities
The results were very impressive. At the end of the ICVM the Effective Implementation of ICAO SARPs took off from 37.8% and we are now cruising at 64.7% a sudden improvement of 27 points. The results are provisional as we are yet to receive the final report, they may slightly change either way

14 Presentation, analysis and comparison of results.
There are many glasses through which we can interpret these results, draw lessons from and strategize our response in correcting deficiencies and most important maintain the good perfomance.

15 Effective Implementation by Critical Elements

16 Critical elements with lowest EI and substantially below the global average are
CE 8 Enforcement with EI 18% and CE 7 Surveillance with EI 49%

17 Effective Implementation by Audit Area

18 Audit areas with the lowest EI and significantly below the global average in their audit areas are
OPS with EI 42% and AIG with 47%

19 Peer Comparisons East Africa


21 IMPACT (i) State oversight capability have increased
The audit results, including findings based on PQs, reflect the capabilities and limitations of the civil aviation system of the State as assessed by the audit team. They are evidence based:

22 (i) State performance Dashboard has improved

23 (iii) There will be less surveillance and less "assistance" from ICAO
These results will for sure give us a breathing space as ICAO will turn its attention elsewhere. ICAO activities prioritization are risk-based. The risks is a function of your score in the EI and the level of traffic in your airspace. A State with a positive safety margin would be considered to have sufficient regulatory controls in place to cover its existing traffic volume

24 A State with a negative safety margin would be considered to have an insufficient oversight system taking into consideration its traffic volume. Before this result we were unlucky holders of a low EI in the left hand and a significant volume of international traffic on the right hand, this partly explains why Tanzania has been scheduled in three USOAP activities in almost as many years.

25 (iv) We are eligible for ICAO Presidential award
Next year the Director General will lead us to Montreal to receive the 2017 ICAO Council President Certificate in recognition of the significant progress we have made in resolving safety oversight deficiencies and improving the effective implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).

26 Effective Implementation over sixty (60%) per cent, that is, States must have achieved an overall Effect Implementation of sixty (60%) per cent or greater; - tick √ Effective Implementation improvement over fifteen (15%), that is, States must achieve at least fifteen (15%) increase in the overall Effect Implementation compared to their last USOAP audit, and - tick √ No Significant Safety Concern (SSC), that is, States with an outstanding SSC will be excluded from consideration until their SSC is resolved and tick √

27 How did we get here If I was asked to say in one sentence how did we get this high in such a short period of time, my answer is simple "it is because of the TCAA teamship and captainship of the current Director General Mr. Hamza Johari". The DG dedication made all the difference, there are many reasons to prove this fact, but allow me to mention only three areas where his leadership was remarkable.

28 USOAP is intrinsically inter-divisional, USOAP administration therefore needs to be commanded from above as horizontal relationship between divisions does not exist in the TCAA organigram, USOAP was high in the DGs priorities and a permanent feature in his handover notes even when he travelled. Implementation of CAPs required financial and human resources, the Director General facilitated the Project.

29 Most issues were outside the thresholds of the USOAP implementation team and some were even outside TCAA itself for example dealing with the ministries, the parliament operators etc. We needed to be supported by the DG, the support was handy and timely.

30 Implementation of CAPs required financial and human resources, the Director General facilitated the Project.

31 The way forward, Staying at the Apex
as we grow we should move some activities into normal operations of the Authority, this may need some restructuring more urgently so in compliance and enforcement, SAR BILL ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION ACT AAIB ESTABLISHMENT FIRE AND RESCUE BILL JNIA CHALLENGES, RFFs, RESA, Friction testing M/C North Easter Triangle ETC.

32 I cannot pretend I know the road ahead, above are just a few obvious challenges
Once the final report is out, there will be a forum to map the next 10 years let's celebrate our achievement for a while, for reaching the top without forgetting the painful fact that the real challenge is to stay at the top



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