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Making Finger Joints.

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1 Making Finger Joints

2 Mark a short line with your pencil at the 9mm point.
Making Finger Joints 1 2 Collect your first 2 pieces of wood. Check that your pieces are the same size initially Carefully measure the width of one of your pieces using a steel rule. It should be 9mm wide. 3 4 Using a steel rule and a pencil measure 9mm along the top of your piece. Mark a short line with your pencil at the 9mm point.

3 5 6 7 8 Using a try-square and using the pencil mark you have created, draw a line down the piece. Check that your line is completely straight and clear enough to see. Now draw a line all around your side piece using the try square. Once you have drawn all of your lines, check that they all meet. If they don’t rub it out and start again.

4 Secure your piece of wood comfortably in the vice as low as possible.
9 10 11 12 Secure your piece of wood comfortably in the vice as low as possible. Make sure the line you have drawing around your side piece is completely horizontal. Set your marking gauge to 30mm using a steel rule and turning the yellow handle to adjust. Drag the marking gauge along the left hand side of top back and front of your piece of wood

5 13 14 15 16 Drag the marking gauge along the left hand side of top back and front of your piece of wood Your pieces of wood should look the image above Once you have finished using the marking gauge make the lines clearer by drawing on top of them with a pencil. Repeat the process from the beginning on your second wood piece.

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