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GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Distinctive Features

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2 GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Distinctive Features
Jesus discusses the church – (16:17-19; 18:15-20) Several parables only found in Matthew (ex. Wedding banquet, 10 bridesmaids) Altered material from Mark’s gospel & changed parts stylistically 5 main speeches of Jesus (parallel Moses) Jesus being the fulfillment OT prophesies

3 GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Distinctive Features
Abiding Presence of God God has come to human flesh Teaching of Jesus Sermon on the Mount, Missionary Discourse, Beatitudes, Lord’s prayer Discipleship Encouraging individuals to live purely (6:33)

4 GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Distinctive Features
Interpretation of Scripture Fulfillment lies in the teaching of Jesus (although some altered) Binding & Loosing Law of the Torah like Rabbis Binds and looses saying do not apply for certain Worship & Doubt, Faith & Understanding Disciples still worship Jesus, even though experiencing doubts; Jesus explains until disciples understand Hostility toward Jewish Leaders

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