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Religion (The Basics) Religion is a belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion (The Basics) Religion is a belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion (The Basics) Religion is a belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe.

2 Types of Religions Universalizing religions are religions that appeal to a broad group of people regardless of ethnicity. Ethnic religions are religions that mainly appeal to certain ethnic groups.

3 Types of Religions Monotheistic religions believe in one god.
Polytheistic religions believe in many gods. Animistic or traditional religions often believe that different aspects of nature have divine powers.

4 Religions of the World

5 Numbers Christianity: 1.9 billion people Islam: 1.1 billion
Hinduism: 800 million Buddhism: 325 million Judaism: 18 million

6 Christianity The early Hebrews who eventually developed into the Jewish religion became the foundation of Christianity. Jesus, or the Messiah, was a Jewish boy who disagreed with some of the Jewish principles of his day began to profess a new way of thinking. This eventually led to the beginning of the Christian religion.

7 Christianity Based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
Originated in Palestine in the 1st century AD Believe that Jesus was the son of God who came and died for people’s sins and then rose so that all people could be saved Believe in one God(monotheistic) who created the universe and all things in it Christianity originally developed as a part of Judaism

8 Christian Way of Life Fellowship with God Relationships with others
Obedience to God's commands Discipline

9 Ten Commandments

10 Christianity Spiritual Leaders – Priests, Preacher, Minister, Reverend, Bishop, Pope………. Depends on the denomination of Christianity Holy Book – Bible (old testament and new testament)

11 Holy Days Good Friday Easter Christmas

12 Place of Worship Church

13 Symbols

14 Judaism Is a monotheistic religion
Judaism is the oldest and smallest of the world's five great religions Being a part of a Jewish community and living one's life according to Jewish law and traditions is very important. The fundamental beliefs of Judaism are: -There is a single, all-powerful God, who created the universe and everything in it. -God has a special relationship with the Jewish people due to covenant that God made with Moses on Mount Sinai, 3500 years ago. Judaism

15 Judaism The fundamental beliefs of Judaism are:
-There is a single, all-powerful God, who created the universe and everything in it. -God has a special relationship with the Jewish people due to covenant that God made with Moses on Mount Sinai, 3500 years ago.

16 Rambam’s 13 Principles of Faith
God exists God is one and unique God is incorporeal God is eternal Prayer is to be directed to God alone and to no other The words of the prophets are true Moses’ prophecies are true, and Moses was the greatest of the prophets The Written Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) and Oral Torah were given to Moses There will be no other Torah God knows the thoughts and deeds of men God will reward the good and punish the wicked The Messiah will come The dead will be resurrected

17 Judaism The "Torah," the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, is the most important Jewish scripture. It contains the basic laws of Judaism.

18 Judaism The Jewish house of worship is called a synagogue or temple.
Rabbis (spiritual leaders) conduct services, act as interpreters of Jewish laws, and deliver sermons. Today there are over 18 million followers of Judaism scattered throughout the world. A large number of those people live in the Jewish nation of Israel. Over six million live in the United States.

19 Place of Worship Synagogue Western (Wailing) Wall (in Jerusalem)

20 Holy Days Yom Kippur-A day of fasting and praying which occurs 10 days after the first day of Rosh Hashanah. The holiest day in the year Hanukkah-The Feast of Lights is an 8 day Feast of Dedication. It recalls the war fought by the Maccabees in the cause of religious freedom Pesa(Passover)-The 8 day festival recalls the exodus of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt circa 1300 BCE. A holiday meal, the Seder, is held at home

21 Symbols The Star of David is the international symbol of Judaism.
Flag of Israel has it.

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