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2011 Texas Assessment Conference

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Texas Assessment Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Texas Assessment Conference
Statewide Accommodations for Students With disabilities Cari Wieland Jana Owen Kim Brannan Charity Riley-Rose 2011 Texas Assessment Conference

2 Disclaimer These slides have been prepared and approved by the Student Assessment Division of the Texas Education Agency. If any slide is amended or revised for use in local or regional trainings, please remove the TEA footer at the bottom of the slide. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

3 Agenda Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Webpage
Critical Information about Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Optional Test Administration Procedures & Materials The Accommodation Triangle Finalized STAAR Accommodation Policies STAAR Accommodation Policies Still In Development Supplemental Aids Guidelines and Examples Accommodation Request Process Recording Accommodation Use on the Answer Document TEA’s Accommodations Task Force 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

4 Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Webpage
2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

5 Click this link to see all resources for accommodations for students with disabilities 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

6 New Postings to Look For
Individual or Small-Group Administration Reminders to Stay on Task Spelling Assistance Braille Photocopying Test Materials Basic Transcribing Complex Transcribing Extra Time Extra Day Online Accommodation Request Process General Instructions for Administering Braille and Large-Print Statewide Assessments General Instructions for Administering Statewide Assessments to Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Guidelines for Recording Accommodation Use on the Answer Document 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

7 Critical Information about Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

8 Accommodations Are changes to instructional materials, procedures, or techniques that are made on an individual basis and allow a student with a disability to participate in grade-level or course instruction and testing Should be evaluated regularly to determine effectiveness and to help plan for accommodations the student will need each year Are not changes to the content being assessed and should not replace the teaching of subject-specific knowledge and skills as outlined in the TEKS Should not be provided to an entire group of students, such as those in the same class or disability 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

9 Students with Disabilities
Applies to students taking STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR Modified, STAAR L, and TELPAS For purposes of statewide assessments, a student needing accommodations due to a disability includes A student with an identified disability who receives special education services and meets established eligibility criteria for certain accommodations A student with an identified disability who receives Section 504 services and meets established eligibility criteria for certain accommodations A student with a disabling condition who does not receive special education or Section 504 services but meets established eligibility criteria for certain accommodations 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

10 Students with Disabilities
Authority for Decision and Documentation Special education services: the ARD committee; IEP Section 504 services: the 504 placement committee; IAP No special education or Section 504 services: the appropriate team of people at the campus level; documentation determined at local level Response to Intervention (RTI) team and student assistance team are just examples This applies to a small group of students 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

11 Optional Test Administration Procedures & Materials
2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

12 Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials
Includes some things that have been called testing accommodations in previous years Related to best practices for instruction Available to any student who needs them Not intended for every student in a class or disability category Not recorded on answer document Available on test administration materials webpages as well as accommodation resources 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

13 Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials
Clarifications about any student versus every student; test administrators should not distribute these materials on test day; make them available in front of room or ask students if they need it Changes to authority for decision and documentation requirements; no documentation required beyond what is necessary for planning on test day However, a district could require documentation for certain students or for certain procedures/materials Individual or small-group administration will move back to a Type 1 accommodation 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

14 Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials
Reading assistance on grade 3 mathematics Highlighters or colored pencils Procedures or materials to minimize distractions (e.g., stress ball, noise- reducing headphones) Reading test aloud to self (e.g., reading into a voice-feedback device or voice recorder) Signing or translating test administration directions Scratch paper or other workspace Colored overlays Magnifying devices Blank place markers Preferential seating 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

15 The Accommodation Triangle 2011 Texas Assessment Conference
Texas Education Agency

16 The Accommodation Triangle
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

17 The Accommodation Triangle
Organizes accommodations for students with disabilities in accordance with The specificity of the eligibility criteria The need for TEA approval (Accommodation Request Form) before the accommodation can be used on a statewide assessment No longer categorized by Presentation, Response, Setting, or Timing/Scheduling 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

18 Type 1 Accommodations 1 For students with a specific need
One eligibility criterion: Student must routinely, independently (when applicable), and effectively use the accommodation during classroom instruction and testing 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

19 Routinely, Independently, Effectively
Used often enough that student is familiar and comfortable using accommodation on a statewide assessment Not necessarily used every day Independently Only applicable to some accommodations (e.g., applies to use of a calculator but not to an oral administration) Effectively Accommodation meets student needs as evidenced by scores and observations with or without accommodation use 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

20 Type 2 Accommodations 2 Two or more eligibility criteria, including:
Student must routinely, independently (when applicable), and effectively use the accommodation during classroom instruction and testing Additional criteria based on specific student needs 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

21 Type 3 Accommodations 3 For a small number of students
Student must meet all eligibility criteria listed Appropriate team of people at campus level determines eligibility for listed accommodations or “other” accommodations not listed in the triangle AND submits an ARF to TEA 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

22 3 Type 3 Accommodations Requires an approved ARF because Type 3 accommodations involve a test administrator handling or manipulating secure test materials or student responses in ways that could compromise test security, confidentiality, and/or student results. TEA provides specific guidelines with an approved ARF in order to ensure that Type 3 accommodations are carried out in a standardized manner. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

23 2011 Texas Assessment Conference
Texas Education Agency

24 This type of PDF document opens when the link to an accommodation in the triangle is clicked.
2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 24

25 The checkboxes are provided for possible documentation.
This section provides a general description of the accommodation and who may need it. The statewide assessments that the accommodation may be used on are listed in this section. This section lists the specific criteria that a student must meet in order to use the accommodation. The checkboxes are provided for possible documentation. 25 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

26 This section lists the campus personnel and the required documentation necessary for making accommodation decisions. This section also explains what to record on the student answer document. This section states if an Accommodation Request Form is/is not required. This section lists examples and types of the accommodation that may be used on a statewide assessment. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 26

27 This section provides detailed information that is integral to the appropriate use of each accommodation. For instance, the section may include test administration instructions, security precautions, and training requirements. The intent of this section is to assist districts in making accommodation decisions. It will be updated as needed based on educator feedback. This section will not be included on all accommodations. 27 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

28 Finalized STAAR Accommodation Policies
2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

29 Policies Similar to TAKS Program
Amplification Devices Manipulating Test Materials Individual or Small-group Administration Braille 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

30 A Brief Word about DBA The Dyslexia Bundled Accommodations were part of the TAKS program for reading grades 3 through 8. The bundle of 3 accommodations does not exist for the STAAR program. However, there are several accommodations that could be useful for a student with dyslexia. Oral administration has been expanded to include allowing the TA to read aloud the questions and answer choices from the reading tests to students who meet the eligibility criteria; the TA can never read aloud the reading selections. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

31 A Brief Word about DBA Extra time to complete the test (during the same school day) may be allowed if the student meets the eligibility criteria. Having an extra day to complete the test is reserved for students with serious medical conditions or other unique and severe situations. Students identified with dyslexia will most likely NOT be included in the eligibility criteria. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

32 Policy Differences for STAAR Program
Projection Devices Formerly referred to as Low-vision Devices New name, still allowable Large Print Added eligibility criteria to address disabilities in addition to impairments in vision No ARF process 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

33 Policy Differences for STAAR Program
Oral/Signed Administration Reading aloud the questions and answer choices for reading tests and the English I, II, & III reading tests is allowed NEVER read aloud reading selections, revising & editing selections, test questions, or answer choices Two levels of reading support Read aloud parts of the test questions and/or answer choices at student request Read aloud all test questions and answer choices throughout the test 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

34 Policy Differences for STAAR Program
Math Manipulatives Only the manipulatives on the posted list are allowable Cannot request additional manipulatives Supplemental Aids Only the supplemental aids on the posted list are allowable Cannot request additional supplemental aids 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

35 Policy Differences for STAAR Program
Calculation Devices Added students who receive Section 504 services Removed “a disability that affects math calculation” eligibility for grades 3 and 4 Any kind of calculator in the range of four-function through graphing No ARF process 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

36 Policy Differences for STAAR Program
Dictionary No longer a supplemental aid Separate accommodation only for reading tests at grades 3-5 Added students who receive Section 504 services Commercially produced, not teacher/student-made Spelling Assistance No longer includes the test administrator writing the student’s dictated response to the writing prompt 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

37 Policy Differences for STAAR Program
3 Photocopying Test Materials Eligibility Criteria Submit an Accommodation Request Form to TEA if student Receives special education services Routinely receives this accommodation during classroom instruction and testing Cannot effectively use Optional Test Administration Procedures and Materials or Type 1 or Type 2 accommodations to address needs 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

38 Policy Differences for STAAR Program
3 Photocopying Test Materials (continued) Submit an Accommodation Request Form to TEA if student Meets at least one of the following: The student has an impairment in vision and requires printed materials in a size larger than the state-supplied large-print test materials. The student has a physical disability that prevents him or her from effectively manipulating test materials printed on both sides of the paper and/or turning the pages in a test booklet. The student has a disability that necessitates test materials be presented in a printed format other than a test booklet in order to prevent severe behavioral outbursts or other behaviors that could interfere with the student completing the test. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

39 Policy Differences for STAAR Program
3 3 Photocopying Test Materials (continued) Authority for Decision For a student receiving special education services, the decision is recommended by the ARD committee based on the eligibility criteria and is documented as “pending TEA approval” in the student’s IEP. Accommodation Request Form IS required. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

40 Policy Differences for STAAR Program
3 3 Photocopying Test Materials (continued) Examples/Types This accommodation may include ONLY Enlarging the printed test materials to a size larger than the state-supplied, large-print test materials Photocopying the double-sided test materials onto single-sided paper Photocopying the test materials onto single sheets that can be presented in smaller portions 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

41 STAAR Accommodation Policies Still In Development

42 Reminders to Stay on Task
1 Reminders to Stay on Task DRAFT This accommodation allows a test administrator to provide a student with a disability reminders to continue working on the test beyond what is required in the standard administration procedures. Eligibility Criteria: Student must routinely and effectively use the accommodation during classroom instruction and testing Examples/Types More-frequent reminders (or less-frequent reminders) Visual reminders (color-coded cards) Tactile reminders (paperclips to divide test into sections) 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

43 2 Basic Transcribing DRAFT This accommodation allows a test administrator to transfer student responses onto an answer document when the student is unable to accomplish this task independently. Eligibility criteria still under development, but considering… Uses braille or large print materials Fine motor deficits Physical disabilities Visual tracking difficulties Emergency situations 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

44 Basic Transcribing 2 Examples/Types DRAFT
Student circles or points to responses in the test booklet for multiple-choice questions for the test administrator to transfer onto the answer document Student types or writes responses for multiple-choice questions, griddable questions, short answer reading questions, or the writing prompt for the test administrator to transfer onto the answer document; includes using speech-to-text software Student dictates or signs responses for multiple-choice, griddable, or short-answer reading questions for the test administrator to transfer onto the answer document 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

45 3 Complex Transcribing DRAFT This accommodation allows a test administrator to record on an answer document a student’s dictated or signed responses to the writing prompts and/or write mathematical computations when the student is unable to accomplish this task independently. Eligibility criteria still under development Allowed in rare instances when the student is unable to effectively use Basic Transcribing procedures 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

46 Complex Transcribing 3 Examples/Types
DRAFT Examples/Types Student dictates, signs, or speaks into a voice recorder his or her responses to the writing prompts for the test administrator to record onto the answer document Student dictates or signs the step-by-step procedures regarding the necessary mathematical computations for the test administrator to write onto scratch paper or another workspace 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

47 3 Complex Transcribing DRAFT An approved ARF will include specific guidelines about how to transcribe the student’s responses to the writing prompts and the student’s instructions for writing mathematical computations because these things involve Spelling, capitalization, and punctuation that can affect student scores Place value and alignment that can affect student scores 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

48 Extra Time (Same Day) 2 DRAFT
This accommodation allows a test administrator to provide extra time until the end of the regular school day for a student with a disability to complete testing. Extra time is a local decision, so the eligibility criteria will be written very specifically. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

49 Extra Time (Same Day) 2 Student has an impairment in vision
DRAFT Eligibility criteria still under development, but we know… Student routinely and effectively uses this accommodation in classroom instruction and testing Meets at least one of the following (list not yet complete) Student has an impairment in vision Student is identified with dyslexia Student has a disability that affects his/her ability to pay attention or focus Student has a physical disability or medical condition that necessitates multiple or lengthy breaks 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

50 Extra Time (Same Day) 2 Things to consider DRAFT
Extra time is intended for students with disabilities. It is not for students who experience general test anxiety or who need to use specific test-taking strategies. Students should start testing at the beginning of the school day and be allowed to test up to the end of the regularly scheduled school day if needed. This does not mean they are required to stay to the end of the school day. Students should be allowed to leave the testing room whenever they have completed testing. For campuses that provide multiple testing sessions (especially for EOC), sessions can start before the regularly scheduled school day and can extend beyond the regularly scheduled school day. However, testing for students who are eligible for extra time must not extend past a typical 7-hour school day. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

51 Extra Day 3 Eligibility criteria still under development, but we know…
DRAFT This accommodation allows a test administrator to provide an extra day for a student with a disability to complete testing. Eligibility criteria still under development, but we know… Student routinely and effectively uses this accommodation in classroom instruction and testing 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

52 3 Extra Day DRAFT Meets at least one of the following (list not yet complete) Student has a severe impairment in vision, including those students who test in braille and require an extra day Student has an emotional or behavioral disability and the manifestation of that disability affects his/her ability to sustain working for a prolonged period of time and he/she receives little or no benefit from extending testing to the end of the same day Student has a physical disability or medical condition that limits the amount of time the student is able to complete a task due to severe fatigue or decreased energy/stamina 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

53 Extra Day 3 Things to consider DRAFT
Extra day is intended for an extremely small group of students with disabilities with a TEA-approved Accommodation Request Form. Students will be permitted to test over two full, regularly scheduled, consecutive school days. Students taking a two-day test (grades 4 and 7 writing and English I, II, and III) will be permitted to test over three full, regularly scheduled, consecutive school days. TEA will provide guidance on extra day policies and procedures with any approved Accommodation Request Form. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

54 “Other” Accommodations
3 “Other” Accommodations DRAFT Submit an Accommodation Request Form to TEA for Accommodations that are not listed in the Accommodations Triangle Oral administration of reading selections for newly- blinded student who does not yet read braille 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

55 “Other” Accommodations
3 “Other” Accommodations DRAFT Do not submit an Accommodation Request Form to TEA for things like Calculator for a 3rd grader who is LD in math calculations Supplemental aids that aren’t on the allowable list Oral administration for a student who does not receive special education or Section 504 services, is not identified with dyslexia, but has reading difficulties Call your Accommodations Task Force member if you have a rare or unusual situation that we did not address in an accommodation’s eligibility criteria 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

56 Guidelines and Examples
Supplemental Aids Guidelines and Examples 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency


58 All Subjects: Mnemonic Devices
A mnemonic device is a learning technique that assists with memory. Only mnemonic devices that are acronyms or phrases may be used. The subject-specific words that the mnemonic represents are NEVER allowed. PEMDAS or Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally DMSB Dad Mother Sister Brother KPCOFGS King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 58

59 All Subjects: Mnemonic Devices A mnemonic device is a learning technique that assists with memory. Only mnemonic devices that are acronyms or phrases may be used. The subject-specific words that the mnemonic represents are NEVER allowed. Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Divide Multiply Subtract Bring down Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Other mnemonic devices that follow the above criteria are also allowed. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 59

60 All Subjects: Blank Graphic Organizers Blank graphic organizers may be used. Blank graphic organizers NEVER contain titles, words, labels, pictures, acronyms, mnemonics, numbers, symbols, or variables. Group 1 Group 2 1&2 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 60

61 All subjects: Blank Graphic Organizers Blank graphic organizers NEVER contain titles, words, labels, pictures, acronyms, mnemonics, numbers, symbols, or variables. Tertiary Consumer Secondary Consumer Primary Consumer Primary Producer 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 61

62 All Subjects: Blank Graphic Organizers Blank graphic organizers NEVER contain titles, words, labels, pictures, acronyms, mnemonics, numbers, symbols, or variables. G 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 62

63 Mathematics: Addition Charts Addition charts may be used
Mathematics: Addition Charts Addition charts may be used. The addition chart must be a grid used to find the sum, not a list of addition facts. Each axis may be numbered up to 9, but no higher than 9. Indicating special numbers (e.g., highlighting or circling even numbers within the body of the chart) is NEVER allowed. 1 + 1 = 2 2 + 2 = 4 3 + 3 = 6 4 + 4 = 8 5 + 5 = 10 6 + 6 = 12 7 + 7 = 14 8 + 8 = 16 9 + 9 = 18 = 20 63 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

64 Mathematics: Multiplication Charts
Multiplication charts may be used. The multiplication chart must be a grid used to find the product, not a list of multiplication facts. Each axis may be numbered up to 12, but no higher than 12. Indicating special numbers (e.g., highlighting or circling perfect squares) in the body of the chart is NEVER allowed. 1 x 0 = x 0 = 0 1 x 1 = x 1 = 2 1 x 2 = x 2 = 4 1 x 3 = x 3 = 6 1 x 4 = x 4 = 8 1 x 5 = x 5 = 10 1 x 6 = x 6 = 12 1 x 7 = x 7 = 14 1 x 8 = x 8 = 16 1 x 9 = x 9 = 18 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 64

65 Mathematics: 100 Chart A 100 chart may be used
Mathematics: 100 Chart A 100 chart may be used. Indicating special numbers (e.g., highlighting or circling prime numbers within the body of the chart) is NEVER allowed. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 65

66 Mathematics: Place Value Chart A place value chart may be used
Mathematics: Place Value Chart A place value chart may be used. Words for place value labels and a decimal point are allowed only if they are grade-appropriate. Including numbers as specific examples is NEVER allowed. 71.23 7 1 2 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 66

67 Mathematics: Pictorial Models Pictorial models of fraction bars or fraction circles may be used. The models may be labeled to show each individual fraction, but they should NEVER show equivalencies or a cumulative sequence. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 67

68 Mathematics: Pictorial Models Pictorial models of one-,two-, and three-dimensional figures may be used. The figures may NEVER contain titles, words, labels, acronyms, mnemonics, numbers, symbols, or variables. TRIANGLE vertex 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 68

69 Mathematics: Nets A pictorial model of a geometric figure may be provided in either three-dimensional form or two-dimensional form (net), but NOT in both forms. NOT 3-D and 2-D on the same aid 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 69

70 Written Composition: Grammar & Mechanics Rules A list of grade-appropriate grammar and mechanics rules may be used. This list may NEVER contain any specific examples. 70 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

71 Written Composition: Grammar & Mechanics Rules A list of grade-appropriate grammar and mechanics rules may be used. This list may NEVER contain any specific examples. 71 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

72 Science: Graphics Graphics of scientific concepts may be used
Science: Graphics Graphics of scientific concepts may be used. The graphics may NEVER contain titles, words, labels, acronyms, mnemonics, numbers, symbols, or variables. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 72

73 Science: Graphics Graphics of scientific concepts may be used
Science: Graphics Graphics of scientific concepts may be used. The graphics may NEVER contain titles, words, labels, acronyms, mnemonics, numbers, symbols, or variables. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 73

74 Science: Formula Triangles
Formula triangles representing relationships between variables may be used. Only formulas that appear on the appropriate state-supplied reference materials may be represented. The triangles may only include variables. Symbols for mathematical operations (e.g., x, ÷) are NEVER allowed. 74 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

75 Social Studies: Maps Blank maps may be used
Social Studies: Maps Blank maps may be used. Labeling or numbering of any features on the map is NEVER allowed. A student could use both physical and political world or U.S. maps. 75 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

76 Social Studies: Maps In addition, maps that represent historic events but contain no text or numbering may be used (e.g., an unlabeled map that represents the stages of U.S. territorial expansion). 76 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

77 Social Studies: Timelines Timelines may be used if they contain only dates. Labeling of events connected with those dates, whether represented by text or pictures, is NEVER allowed. 77 77 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

78 The supplemental aid must be factual and error-free.
If the use of this accommodation is distracting to other students or compromises the security of the test, an individual administration is required. Using a supplemental aid as an accommodation during classroom instruction and testing should not replace the teaching of subject-specific skills as outlined in the TEKS. The student must be able to understand the information that the supplemental aid provides and simply need assistance recalling the concepts. The test administrator may not remind the student to use the supplemental aid or explain to the student the information included on the supplemental aid. The supplemental aid must be factual and error-free. The supplemental aid must be concise and well organized so that a student can easily access the information. The supplemental aid must not contain numerous pages, as this may be more cumbersome than helpful when used during a statewide assessment. If a student writes on the supplemental aid while taking the statewide assessment, the supplemental aid must be destroyed after testing. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency 78

79 Why can’t I find the “________” supplemental aid that was allowed on TAKS (Accommodated) and TAKS-M?
TEA did a thorough review of the TEKS and past ARFs, and determined that some supplemental aids were misused, misunderstood, sources of direct answers, or not appropriate for testing. However, educators can use whatever resources they need during instruction. The list of allowable supplemental aids should not limit the teacher’s creativity in the classroom. There is not an accommodation request process for additional supplemental aids. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

80 Accommodation Request Process 3 2011 Texas Assessment Conference
Texas Education Agency

81 Accommodation Request Process
“Accommodation Request Process” document outlining the process for requesting Type 3 accommodations will be posted to the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities webpage in January 2012. Will include a link to the updated online ARF, which will open in mid-January. Districts must indicate that a student has met each of the listed eligibility criteria PLUS provide specific objective evidence of student need. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

82 Accommodation Request Process
“Other” accommodations cannot be entered into the online ARF. They must be requested through your ATF member by phone. Be prepared with the details prior to calling. Faxing paper request forms is allowed only in rare situations and at the discretion of TEA’s Accommodations Task Force. 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

83 Recording Accommodation Use on the Answer Document
2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

84 Accommodations Field on Answer Document
2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

85 Accommodations Field on Answer Document
“Guidelines for Recording Accommodation Use on the Student's Answer Document” will be posted to the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities webpage in January 2012 P, S, R, T not on STAAR answer documents Mark Type 1, Type 2, and/or Type 3 accommodations in the blank bubbles for each subject 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

86 Accommodations Field on Answer Document
Specifically mark these accommodations under Type 2 Braille (BR) Large Print (LP) Oral Administration (OA) Extra Time (XT) Specifically mark Extra Day (XD) under Type 3 The LA column is for Linguistic Accommodations 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

87 TEA’s Accommodations Task Force
ATF Member… Districts that begin with… Lynn Franzen A, L, Q, R Charity Riley-Rose B, G, J, M, O, P Nicole Merkord C, F, I, U Sue Russell D, E, N, T, W Erin McNeely H, K S, V, X, Y, Z Keisha Gibson Asylee/Refugee Lilia Herrera Ramirez TELPAS 2011 Texas Assessment Conference Texas Education Agency

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