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Friday, March 1, 2013 Daily Learning Target:

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1 Friday, March 1, 2013 Daily Learning Target:
I can demonstrate my knowledge of chapter one in order to score 80% or higher on chapter one quiz. I can use context clues in order to understand author’s choice of diction. I can present a lesson from a non-fiction text to my class.

2 Bell Ringer: Answer in your clickers
Chapter One True or False 1. Moche the Beadle was the rabbi at the synagogue in Sighet. 2. Elie Wiesel did not like attending religious services and wanted nothing to do with learning about the Jewish faith. 3. There were four children in the Wiesel family. 4. The foreign Jews were sent off in cattle cars and slaughtered. 5. Jews of Sighet were forced to live in tenement houses. 6.The morale in the ghetto was bad. 7. The Jews of Sighet were forced by the Hungarian police out of their homes. 8. The Wiesel family was deported. 9. The altar was left in its original state.

3 Chapter 1 Quiz, Quiz, Trade
Each of you will have a card with a question and an answer Step 1: Circulate through the room Step 2: Find a classmate Step 3: Ask your classmate the question on your card and let them answer. Give them the correct answer or let them know their answer is correct. Step 4: 2nd classmate repeats Step 3 with their partner Step 5: Switch cards with your partner Step 6: Repeat steps 1-5 again Note: Some of the questions are personal answers, so discuss the question with your partner when this happens. When you’re looking for a new partner, put your hand up so they know you need a new partner. Please be respectful and once you see someone who needs a partner, pair up with them.

4 Friday Finish Finish any centers you did not finish on your FLEX Day
Use context clues to determine the definition of the bolded word. Then check yourself with a dictionary. You can use the dictionary on your phone if you prefer. Last, create a sentence of your own using the original word. Write on your own paper. Choose an article from the Holocaust newspaper. Read the article and become an expert on the information in the article. Think of a way to teach the information to the class. You can create bullets, write a poem, draw pictures, and etc... The choice is up to you. Be creative. You will teach the article on Friday. As one reads, images are created in the mind. Think of an image that you had as a reader while reading chapter one. Convey that image on a piece of white paper. You may use markers or colored pencils. You may also use the magazines if needed. Write a sentence or two about the importance of the image for you. If you finish or have finished all centers, you may read in your book, work on your book project, or complete a writing prompt.

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