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11 Form.

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1 11 Form

2 Work Part-time Jobs for Teenagers

3 We must know words. We must know grammar
We must know words. We must know grammar. We must make up word combinations and sentences. We must make up stories.

4 Word formation Employ: employment, employer, employee, employed.
Assist: Manage: Work: Supervise: Train: Apply: employment, employer, employee, employed. assistant, assistance. manager, management, managing. worker, working, workable. supervisor, supervision, supervising. trainer, trainee, trained. applicant, application, applicable, applied.

5 Relative clauses Two types – defining and non-defining
Use different relative pronouns Who – for people Which – for things When – for times Where – for places Why – for reasons Whose – the possessive of who

6 Defining relative clauses: essential information
Do not use commas The job which I turned down was very badly paid. “that” can usually replace the relative pronoun The job I turned down was very badly paid. We can leave out the relative pronoun completely when it is the object of the clause The job I turned down was very badly paid.

7 Non-defining relative clauses: extra information
Use commas I've worked here for twenty years, which is a very long time. “that” cannot replace the relative pronoun We cannot leave out the relative pronoun

The minister, which was appointed just last week, made no comment on the situation. Isn’t that the spot which the accident happened last night? The human brain, who weighs about 1400 grammas, is ten times the size of a baboon’s. There are several reasons which I don’t want to see mike tonight. This is the office which I work. The new girl in our class, who’s name is Helena, seems really nice. All the people to who the was sent replied. WHERE WHICH WHY WHERE WHOSE WHOM

9 EXAMPLE My friend, Simon, plays the guitar. He has just released a CD.
My friend, Simon, who has just released a CD, plays the guitar.

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