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Bull Shark Carcharhinus leucas

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1 Bull Shark Carcharhinus leucas
By Josh R.

2 Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordate Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes Family: Carcharhinidea Genus: Carcharhinus Species: C. Luecas

3 Bull shark sizes Males can reach 7 Ft and weigh 90.91 Kg (200 lbs.)
Females can be much bigger and reach 11.5 Ft and weigh 318 Kg (700 lbs.)

4 Bull shark locations The bull shark is found all over the world in many different areas and has been known to travel long distances. The bull shark is common in the coastal areas of warm oceans, in rivers and lakes, and occasionally streams if they are deep enough in both salt and fresh water. It is found to a depth of 150 m, but does not usually swim deeper than 30 m.[6] In the Atlantic it is found from Massachusetts to southern Brazil, and from Morocco to Angola. In the Indian Ocean it is found from South Africa to Kenya, India, and Vietnam to Australia. It is estimated that there are more than 500 bull sharks in the Brisbane River and greater numbers still in the canals of the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. In the Pacific Ocean, it can be found from Baja California to Ecuador.

5 Bull shark diet Bull sharks are carnivores, their diet includes fish, other sharks, rays, dolphins,turtles, birds, mollusks, echinoderms and crustaceans

6 Bull shark facts Bull sharks are extremely territorial and will attack other animals and humans if entered in their territory Bull sharks, unlike other marine sharks, can travel far up rivers and some bull sharks even made their way up the Illinois river and into Lake Michigan

7 Human impact The Bull shark is a sturdy fish that can be successfully kept in captivity and it is frequently found in public aquariums. It is also hunted for consumption by humans. The meat is eaten fresh, frozen or smoked, while the fins are popular in shark fin soups. Other parts of the Bull shark are also utilized, such as the hide that is turned into leather, the liver which is appreciated for its oil and the remaining carcass which is commonly used to produce fish food. It also frequently caught in fisheries without being the true target species. The Bull shark is especially vulnerable to human impact since it like to stay close to land and shares the same habitats as we do

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