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Seven Wonders of the Ancient world

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1 Seven Wonders of the Ancient world

2 Great Pyramids of Giza The
Are located at Giza, Egypt. Built in 2680 B.C Out of all the original 7 wonders, this is the only one still standing.

3 Colossus at Rhodes The Was finished being built in 280 B.C. It was a statue of Helios(Apollo.) But it was destroyed in an earthquake in 224 B.C.

4 Statue of Zeus at Olympia
The Located in Olympia, Greece. Was built during 5th century B.C. All trace of it is lost.

5 Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Built around 600 B.C. in the city of Babylon (Modern Iraq.)

6 Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Built sometime before the year 550 B.C. Was destroyed and rebuilt many times and was permanently destroyed in 401 A.D.

7 Lighthouse of Alexandria
The Built between 280 and 247 B.C. In Alexandria, Egypt. Destroyed by an earthquake in 1303 A.D.

8 Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
The Built between 353 and 350 B.C. Located in Turkey. Destroyed by multiple earthquakes between 12th century AD to 15th century Ad.

9 Wonders of the Modern World

10 was opened in 1648 as a tomb for the emperor’s favorite wife.
Taj Mahal The Agra, India It is located at

11 Chichen Itza Yucatan Peninsula
The ancient Mayan city of Yucatan Peninsula is found on the People lived there between 600 and 900 A.D.

12 Christ the Redeemer Rio de Janeiro
stands over Rio de Janeiro

13 Colosseum Rome The in Was built around 70 A.D. It was used for gladiator contests and chariot races. It held 50,000 people.

14 Machu Picchu was a 15th century Incan city, located in the Andes Mountains in Peru

15 Prehistoric city in Jordan, in the Middle East. Built around 300 B.C.

16 Actually a series of walls, built between 700 B. C
Actually a series of walls, built between 700 B.C., up to the mid 1600s. Great Wall of China

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