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Roman cities.

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1 Roman cities

2 at the typical parts of a
Let's have a look at the typical parts of a ROMAN CITY

3 Parallel and equal-distant streets
A Roman city was basically composed by : Parallel and equal-distant streets All the streets were equal except for two: the North-South one -kardo maximus- the East-West one -decumanus-

4 The city had a ___________ shape
rectangular It was surrounded by a wall with watchtowers

5 Kardo maximus and decumanus were wider than the rest
of the streets These two streets ended at the four gateways to the exterior wall.

6 They protected the city from enemies
THE CITY WALLS They protected the city from enemies They had four gateways Roman wall of Caurium (Coria, Cáceres).

7 At the cross of both streets were the city's forum and
the market MARKET FORUM

8 The streets of the Roman cities formed a number
of equal components (little squares)

9 These components were necessary to design the public buildings
For example, the market was one component long The forum was two components long ...and so on

10 THE FORUM It was two components long
It was an open square in the middle of the city This place was full of statues, altars, arches and columns Forums were surrounded by temples and justice buildings


12 THE TEMPLE It was dedicated to the many gods and godesses
of ancient Rome There were also temples for famous romans Temple of Venus and Rome

13 THE BASILICA It was primarily a judicial hall
It was also a business place. Under its outside porticoes, shops were set up. Inside, there were money changers and bankers. The Basilica Julia

14 THE MARKET It was one component long
They sold fruit and vegetables, meat and fish

15 THE BATHS It was one component long
It was not only a place for washing, but also to meet friends or do business Trajan's Bathhouse (Rome)

16 THE AMPHITHEATRE It was two components long and one-and-a-half wide
The Roman Coliseum It was two components long and one-and-a-half wide In this place, prisoners and criminals were put to death Some of them were attacked by wild animals, others had to fight gladiators

17 THE CIRCUS In this place, chariot races were held
Circus Maximus In this place, chariot races were held The horses raced around the track for seven times


19 REMEMBER Rectangular shape Rectangular shape Rectangular shape
Surrounding walls with four gateways and watchtowers Two wider streets: Kardo maximus and decumanus At the crossing of the two streets The forum: 2components long Basilica and temples around The market: 1component long The bath: 1component long The amphitheatre: two components long and one-and-a-half wide

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