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Process Requirements and Design Approach
Vishy Ravindranath LCLS-II 2 K Cold Box PDR September 27, 2016
Outline 2 K Cold Box Location
Inputs for Process Model: LCLS-II Heat Loads & Pressure Drop Calculations 2 K Process Model 2 K Cold Compressor Requirements 2 K Cold Box Design – P&ID, Interfaces, Utilities & Engineering Standards LCLS-II 2 K CBX PDR, Sept 27, 2016
Requirements Overview –First Light & Normal Beam Operations
1 Cryoplant 2 Cryomodule Strings U-Tube Connections 14 MV/m Gradient 2E10≤ Qo ≤3E10 Compressor System 4.5 K Coldbox LHe Dewar 2.0 K Norm Beam Operations 2 Cryoplants 2 Cryomodule Strings U-Tube Connections Removed Gradient - 16 MV/m 2E10≤ Qo ≤3E10 Compressor System He Gas Tanks 4.5 K Coldbox LHe Dewar LN 2 Dewar 2.0 K Coldbox U-TUBE JUMPER CONNECTIONS - IB IB Gas Header Interface Box 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BC Upstream Distribution Box Downstream Distribution Box 2 3 Downstream Distribution Box LH FC Upstream String L Downstream String 1.3 GHzGHz Cryomodule End Cap/Feed Cap Cryogenic Bypass Cryogenic Transfer Line . 3.9 GHz Cryomodule Cryoplant IB Vacuum Barrier 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 17 18 16
2K Cold Box Location -Cryo-Module to CDS
LINAC CRYOMODULES Up-stream LINAC 17 CM x 12 m ~200 m Down-Stream LINAC 20 CM x 12 ~ 240 m TUNNEL Transfer Lines LH BYPASS Length = 70 m; 90° ELBOWS = QTY : 4 BC1 BYPASS Length = 60 m; 90° ELBOWS = QTY : 4 VERTICAL TL LENGTH = 11 m ; 90° ELBOWS = QTY : 2 Distribution box 90° ELBOWS = QTY : 6
2K Cold Box Location-CDS to Interface Box
Compressor Room 1 Compressor Room 2 Cold Box Room 2 CDS Transfer lines Multichannel Transfer Line from CDS to Interface Box Transfer line length in the Klystron gallery ~ 50 m Transfer line Length from Klystron gallery ~ 30 m No of Elbows = 2
2K Cold Box Location-Interface Box to 2K Cold Compressor
9 1/4” Bayonnet Connections for Line B Interface Box (U-Tube Connections) for connecting the LINAC strings to their respective cryoplants Pipe Length = 5 m 90° ELBOWS = QTY : 4 Transfer line from Interface Box/Cans to 2K Cold Compressor Pipe Length ~20 m
LCLS-II Cryomodule Heat Load at 2.0K
REF: (1) SLAC LCLSII-4.5-EN-0179-R2, “Cryogenic Heat Load”. (2) Tom’s Excel Spread Sheet: “LCLScryoHeat-23Feb2016-FirstLight.xlsx” Tables show the “2.0 K Heat Load” (does not include the heat load on distribution system) A. First Light Configuration E = 14 MV/m, Qo = 2.7E10 E = 14 MV/m, Qo = 2.0E10 E = 14 MV/m, Qo = 3.0E10 Up-stream Down-Stream Total Static [kW] 0.158 0.186 0.344 Dynamic [kW] 1.100 1.200 2.300 1.462 1.608 3.070 0.968 1.083 2.051 Total [kW] 1.258 1.386 2.644 1.620 1.794 3.414 1.126 1.269 2.395 B. Normal Beam Operation E = 16 MV/m, Qo = 2.7E10 E = 16 MV/m, Qo = 2.0E10 E = 16 MV/m, Qo = 3.0E10 Up-stream Down-Stream Total Static [kW] 0.158 0.186 0.344 Dynamic [kW] 1.415 1.615 3.030 1.878 2.146 4.024 1.261 1.464 2.725 Total [kW] 1.573 1.801 3.374 2.036 2.332 4.368 1.419 1.650 3.069 E = 19 MV/m, Qo = 2.0E10 E = 19 MV/m, Qo = 3.0E10 2.569 2.987 5.556 1.717 2.024 3.741 2.727 3.173 5.900 1.875 2.210 4.085
LCLS-II Non-Cryomodule Heat Load at 2.0K
UPSTREAM NO Description SUPPLY-LINE A RETURN-LINE B Temp [K] Q_Nom [W] Q_Max [W] 1 Surface TL- Cryoplant to CDS 4.5 6.30 8.19 3.5 45.00 58.50 2 Male and Female Bayonnets Between Cryoplant & CDS [QTY = 4] 4.00 5.20 50.00 65.00 3 CDS- Distribution Box 2.1 27.00 35.10 4 Tunnel TL- LH Bypass 2.5 4.80 6.24 17.26 22.44 5 Tunnel TL-BC1 Bypass 4.30 5.59 15.30 19.89 6 Tunnel TL-Vertical 2.20 2.86 9.32 12.12 7 Tunnel TL-Within Cryomod 3.15 4.10 8.50 11.05 8 Feed Caps 25.00 32.50 9 End Caps 5.00 6.50 TOTAL 71.18 224.09 DOWNSTREAM NO Description SUPPLY-LINE A RETURN-LINE B Temp [K] Q_Nom [W] Q_Max [W] 1 Surface TL- Cryoplant to CDS 4.5 6.30 8.19 3.5 45.00 58.50 2 Male and Female Bayonnets Between Cryoplant & CDS [QTY = 4] 4.00 5.20 50.00 65.00 3 CDS- Distribution Box 2.1 27.00 35.10 4 Tunnel TL-BC2 Bypass 2.5 2.22 2.89 9.32 12.12 5 Tunnel TL-Vertical 6 Tunnel TL-Within Cryomod 3.15 4.10 10.00 13.00 7 Feed Caps 5.00 6.50 8 End Caps TOTAL 36.26 195.83 Heat Load on the 2.0 K RETURN LINE-B only contributes to raising the inlet temperature cold compressor suction REF: (1) LCLS-II CDS HEAT LEAK ANALYSIS, LCLS-II-495-EN-0299 (2) Bayonnet Heat Load calculated by Shirley Yang, 11/13/2015
LCLS-II Pressure Drop in LINE-B (Example for E=16 MV/m & Q = 2.7E10)
Nominal Beam Operation E = 16 MV/m, Q = 2.7E10 LINAC SAT TEMP = 2 K Location Item QTY NPS PIPE ID Area Length Press_in Temp Flow ρ Velocity mu Rey No F K Roughness DP in m^2 m Bar kg/s kg/m^3 m/s Pa-s bar mbar Cryomod to CDS Straight Pipe 1.00 10.00 10.48 0.06 350 0.0313 2.1 0.097 0.75 2.32 5.41E-07 8.58E+05 0.0145 4.60E-05 3.86E-04 0.386 90° Elbow 16.00 8.00 8.41 0.04 0.0309 0.74 3.66 1.07E+06 0.45 3.56E-04 0.356 Elevation 11 0.0306 0.73 2.38 7.90E-04 0.790 2-4K HEX 6.00E-04 0.600 CDS to IBOX 80 0.0292 3.5 0.093 0.41 4.12 8.93E-07 4.98E+05 0.0152 1.57E-04 0.157 2.00 0.0290 0.40 6.44 6.21E+05 7.52E-05 0.075 Bayonet 90° Elbow 4.00 8.36 0.0289 6.53 6.25E+05 1.54E-04 0.154 Bayonet pipe 5 0.0288 6.57 0.0153 3.11E-05 0.031 0.0287 0.18 12.72 1.21E+06 5.83E-04 0.583 0.0282 0.39 12.99 0.0147 1.15E-04 0.115 IBOX TO CC 20 0.0281 0.72 4.47 9.64E+05 0.0144 1.45E-04 0.145 SR 90° Elbow 7.00 0.0279 4.49 4.24E-04 0.424 3.6 0.0275 0.71 4.55 2.51E-04 0.251 TOTAL ΔP [bar] 4.07E-03 [bar] 2.72E-02 Inputs needed for pressure drop estimation: Pipe Lengths Elbows Pipe ID Upstream pressure Fluid temperature Pressure Drop from Linac to CDS = 2.13 mbar Pressure Drop from CDS to 2 K Cold Box = 1.94 mbar Total Pressure Drop = 4.07 mbar
2.0 K Process Model, E = 16 MV/m, Qo = 2.7E10
UPSTREAM LINAC Heat Input defined for LCLS-II (for various Qo & E) were used as input for the 2 K process model Cryomodule Heat Load E = 16 MV/m, Qo = 2.7E10 Up-stream Down-Stream Total Static 0.158 0.186 0.344 Dynamic 1.415 1.615 3.030 1.573 1.801 3.374 The process model establishes the process conditions at the suction of the 2.0 K Cold Compressor. Flow : 97 g/s CC suction Press. = 27 mbar CC suction Temp. = 3.6 K
Cold Compressor Requirements & Operating Modes
Operating Modes Specified in “Technical Specification for 2K Cold Compressors for the LCLS-II at SLAC National Acclerator Laboratory”, Specification NO: S001, Rev B. Cases Mode Flow [g/s] Inlet Temp. [K] Inlet Press. [mbar] Outlet Temp. [K] Outlet Press. [bar] Baseline Max. 215 3.5 27 < 30 1.2 Nom. 157 3.6 Min. 150 28 Downgrade 135 120 100 “Baseline” configuration will have compressor stages CC0 through CC4 For the “Downgrade” configuration: CC0 will be bypassed by adding a pipe spool piece connecting to the suction of CC1 (CC1 now becomes the 1st Stage). New stage CC5 will be added as the last stage compressor and pipe spool piece will used for connecting CC4 to the suction of CC5
LCLS-II 2.0 K Heat Load Compressor Map for 1st Stage-Baseline
Compressor Map for 1st Stage-Downgrade Description First light Normal operation Gradient (MV/m) E = 14 MV/m E = 16 MV/m E = 19 Mv/m Quality Factor, Q0 2x1010 2.7x1010 3x1010 CM 2 K Heat load (kW) 3.419 2.644 2.395 4.369 3.374 3.069 5.899 4.085 Flow from a Linac Seg to CDS (g/s) 93 75 68 115 92.5 85 155 110 2.0 K flow in single 2K box (g/s) 186 150 136 185 170 CPs needed 1 2 CCs Baseline Downgrade Heater in CM OFF ON CC Suction pressure (mbar) 27.2 28.3 28.6 27.7 24.7 27.4 CC Suction temperature (K) 3.56 3.67 3.73 3.47 3.6 3.38 3.49 Non Dimensional Flow Rate, Qad 1.17 0.92 0.83 0.95 1.16 1.06 1.05 0.90
LCLS-II Base Line Design
Pump Down Path LCLS-II Base Line Design LCLS-II Downgrade The process conditions at the suction of the 1stage compressor during pump-down have been provided to the vendor. The detailed pump-down path will be provided at the FDR for the cold compressors. 2K Cold Box Design Review 24 Aug 16
Design Status – Cold Compressors Specification Released
Technical specification includes: Scope of work…hardware, reviews, schedule, utilities, engineering standards & Requirements for Operating Modes. Technical Data for compressors, motors, variable frequency drives, instrumentation. Repair & Maintenance Plan & Past performance history
2 K Cold Box Design Approach - General
LCLSII requirements very similar to FRIB 2K cold box design that is underway at JLab Cold compressors procured to spec-“Technical Specification for 2K Cold Compressors for the LCLS-II at SLAC National Acclerator Laboratory”, Specification NO: S001, Rev B. Cold box fabrication procured by build to print
2 K Cold Box P&ID LHe Dewar Clean up return To 4.5K CBX Instrument Air
Sub-atmospheric pressure He gas from cryomodules returns to the suction of CCs and is compressed from ~ 27 mbar to 1.2 bar in the 2 K coldbox. The compressed gas returns to 4.5K coldbox through an U-tube. For the test of 2 K CBX with LHe dewar, 4.5K cold vapor from LHe dewar is used to simulate the flow, with a 3 kW heater for controlling the helium temperature in the suction line. A bypass line for the overall CC train is included for 4.5K standby operation mode and pumping down. Safety valves are used for the protection of the 2 K coldbox, CC and process piping. Pressure and temperature measurement are installed at the suction of each CC and on the discharge pipe. A flow meter is installed in the discharge pipe of CCs for flow measurement and controlling of CC. The 2K coldbox provides vacuum insulation for the cryogenic part of CCs and the cryogenic process piping. Clean up and warm up piping are included. Utility piping (Instrument air, cooling water and guard vacuum) are included. Instrument Air Cooling water 3 atm He Guard Vac. From LINAC CM
Operating Temperature
Interfaces No. Interface Connection Operating pressure Operating Temperature 1 30 K discharge to 4.5K CBX 5-3/16” bayonet ~ 1.2 bar 25-30 K 2 3.5K suction line 10” internal pipe weld connection ~ 27 mbar ~3.5 K 3 4.5K vapor from LHe dewar 3-1/8” bayonet ~ 4.5 K 4 Cleanup return 1/2“ internal pipe weld 300 K 5 RT He supply 1” pipe 4 barg 6 Guard vacuum Weld < 10 Torr 7 Instrument air 6 barg 8 Cooling water 2” pipe weld ~ 300K
Utilities 1. Electricity 480 VAC +/-24V 3 phase – 60Hz +/-1Hz
2. Cooling water (For CC and Diffusion Pump) Maximum inlet temperature : 38°C Maximum return temperature : 49°C Maximum flow rate per compressor : 0.75m3/h (3.3 gpm) Pressure drop: <1bar 3. Vacuum guard (For CC and bayonets) Vacuum will be used for the sealing intercept instead of helium 4. Instrument air For 5 pneumatic control valves Supply pressure of 6 barg
Engineering Standards
SNO Topic CODES Edition 1 Pressure Vessels-Materials ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. II 2015 2 Pressure Vessels-NDE ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. V 3 Pressure Vessels-Welding & Brazing Qualifications ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. IX 4 Pressure Vessels ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Sec. VIII-Div 1 & Div II 5 Relief Valves API 520-Part 1, Sizing , Selection , and Installation of Pressur e-Relieving Devices in Refineries, Part I – Sizing and Selection 2014 6 CGA S-1.3, “Pressure Relief Device Standards Part 3 – Stationary StorageTanks” 2008 Process Piping ASME B31.3 Process Piping 7 Seismic LCLSII-4.8-EN-0227, LCLS-II Engineering Note on Cryogenic Plant Seismic Design Criteria 8 Control Valves ISA-S75.01, Flow Equations for Sizing of Control Valves 2007 9 Flow-Meters ISO , Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices 2003
Summary Specifications & performance requirements for the cold compressors have been developed based on detailed process calculations and used in the Technical Specification for the Cold Compressor- “Specification Number: S001, Rev B” The cold compressor specification accommodates the anticipated variation in the heat load. The design & interface requirements for the 2.0 K Cold Box have been clearly identified in the P&ID. LCLS-II 2 K CBX PDR, Sept 27, 2016
Questions ? LCLS-II 2 K CBX PDR, Sept 27, 2016
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