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Famous Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

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1 Famous Inventions of the Industrial Revolution
And why they are important

2 Standards SS.912.A Determine how the development of steel, oil, transportation, communication, and business practices affected the United States economy. SS.912.A Identify significant inventors of the Industrial Revolution, including African Americans and women EQ - What role did inventions, innovation, and inventors play in regard to the 2nd Industrial Revolution?

3 Bell ringer In your own words what does the word revolution mean?
What is the difference between invention & innovation?

4 Revolution What does revolution mean?
Revolution means dramatic, rapid change. (In this context).

5 Revolution THIS

6 Revolution TO THIS

7 Revolution OR THIS

8 Revolution TO THIS

9 Industrial Revolution
Time of unprecedented invention and innovation in Europe and America. Lasted from mid-1700’s in Europe and from about 1840’s – 1910’s in America. Created enormous economic growth as well as terrible pollution and social problems.

10 Why is invention/innovation important?

11 Why is invention/innovation important?
Brings about new tools and machines Manufactures products quicker Helps economic growth Provides employment

12 Difference between invention/innovation
Invention: Creating brand new machines or devices that improve the human condition. Innovation: Taking existing ideas/machines and improving them.

13 Difference between invention/innovation

14 Difference between invention/innovation

15 Patents/Copyrights Patent: a certificate from the government that proves you own the rights to your invention. Copyright: as above, but for a creative work, such as a song, book or painting.

16 The Age of Invention From 1865 to 1905 the US had a surge of industrial growth which became known as the Second Industrial Revolution What is the importance of the date 1865? This new era began with numerous discoveries and inventions that spurred growth in manufacturing, transportation, and Americans everyday life As Coal spurred the initial industrial revolution, Steel made the second industrial revolution possible Steel was used in the construction of heavy machinery that mass produced goods

17 Major inventions of the First Industrial Revolution

18 James Watt STEAM ENGINE YEAR: 1775
Steam power can move very heavy weights. It can drive wheels and shafts in mills. It can turn propellers in ships and wheels on trains and cars…

19 Eli Whitney Cotton Gin, Interchangeable Musket Parts 1793,1798
Cotton Gin automated cotton picking process Interchangeable parts streamlined and improved manufacturing.

20 Robert Fulton Steamboat Service on Hudson River YEAR: 1807
Service improved communication. Showed that ships with steam engines were feasible. Paved the way for larger, sea-going ships.

21 Robert Stephenson Invented Steam Locomotive Year 1826-29
Forerunner of modern locomotives. Used steam power. Went about 30 miles per hour, which was groundbreaking for its time.

22 Samuel F. B. Morse Invented Telegraph YEAR: 1836
Made instantaneous, long range communication possible. System of wires stretched hundreds of miles. “More Code” was a special language used

23 Transcontinental Telegraph

24 Elias Howe Invented Sewing Machine YEAR: 1844
Enabled textiles to be manufactured quickly. Led to a boom in the textile industry. Improved quality and lowered price of clothing.

25 Why is this important? These inventors and inventions powered the enormous American economic expansion that made America the world’s largest economy. During the 20th century, this power drove America to great heights of prestige and world influence. In addition, these inventions improved the quality of life for hundreds of millions of people across the globe. Areas such as communication, transport and manufacturing were transformed.

26 Major Inventions of the Second Industrial Revolution

27 The Second Industrial Revolution would not have been possible without inventors, innovators, and the great captains of industry Alexander Graham Bell Cyrus Field Samuel Morse Thomas Edison Nicola Tesla Edwin Drake Henry Ford Orville and Wilbur Wright Josephine Cochran John Albert Burr Sarah Goode Madam C.J. Walker

28 Assignment Using pages in the Gateway to US History book…identify the invention(s) of each person listed and then explain how that invention changed society

29 Alexander Graham Bell Invented Telephone YEAR: 1876
Allowed for instantaneous communication between individuals from their own homes. Rapidly increased the flow of information between businesses.

30 Inventor Invention Impact Alexander Graham Bell Telephone Allowed for instant communication Cyrus Field Samuel Morse Thomas Edison Nicola Tesla Edwin Drake Henry Ford Orville and Wilbur Wright Josephine Cochran John Albert Burr Sarah Goode Madam C.J. Walker

31 Journal Assignment #4 Choose one inventor and his/her invention, that you believe had the greatest impact on American society, and write a paragraph explain why you think so

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