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Serving Students in the Least Restrictive Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Serving Students in the Least Restrictive Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Serving Students in the Least Restrictive Environment
Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence Serving Students in the Least Restrictive Environment A New Model for Special Education Transportation Pete Meslin Director of Transportation Newport-Mesa Unified School District Background. Speaking about LRE, FAPE, Special ed. / Transp. Partnership Saving $ in special ed. / Transportation How to attend an IEP Wrote the state guidelines for transporting students with disabilities Prepared for the: 34th Annual Idaho Association for Pupil Transportation Summer Conference 20th National TSD&P Conference & Expo

2 Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence
A Related Service 2004 Revisions to IDEA What does LRE mean? What do other related services do? Why aren’t there expectations and goals about progress in transportation? If someone comes to us that is non-verbal, what do we do. Speech therapy vs. transportation 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

3 Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence
About 70% of the avg. school district’s special education population is appropriately served at a bus stop other than curbside. About 10% actually are. Small Bus Curbside service w/o “must be met.” Costs estimated up to 10x more to transport these students. 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

4 Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence
Obstacles For Special Education Administrators For Special Education Teachers For Transportation Departments Sped admin. - Partnership, Accountability for costs, Data, Language, Consistency, Understanding of IDEA,Fear of Compromising Safety Sped teacher – All that + parent pressure, Knowledge of transp. capabilities & options, Knowledge of skills needed, time, Support and recognition from above, knowledge on how to teach, accountability Trans. – All that + “Tail of the Dog”,Knowledge to customize systems for each student (and attend IEPs appropriately), Relationships with other services (nurses, therapists, etc.), don’t consider ourselves educators 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

5 Current Means to Overcome Obstacles
Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence Current Means to Overcome Obstacles Constant Work on the Partnership Training & Re-training Nagging errrrr Reporting frequently Attending IEPs Check with the “experts” Finding “Champions” Getting mandates Experts – Access & Mobility, Peggy’s book. Champion – Someone who gets it. Reward them. Give them recognition. We’re at 57% but isn’t there another easier way? 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

6 The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta’ put up with the rain.
Dolly Parton

7 It’s About Skills and Expectations
Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence It’s About Skills and Expectations Life skills learned at 19 aren’t internalized as well as skills learned and practiced at an earlier age. “Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations. “ Bob Beauprez Early language immersion example. The tyranny of lowered expectations. 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

8 Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence
Independence Matrix Program Pre-Kgn & Kindergarten 1st – 3rd 4th – 6th 7th – 9th 10th–12th Post 12th Autism Program SDC Curb Trans Cent. Fully Included Autism Program Cent Mild/Moderate SDC No Service Moderate/Severe SDC Adult Transition Program n/a Pub. Trans. VI RSP ED SDC DHH 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

9 Skills Ladder Overview
Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence Skills Ladder Overview Curbside Transitional Centralized (Neighborhood) Public Transit or Transportation Not a Related Service Does a ladder paint a better visual, how about progression 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

10 Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence
Transferable Skills Mobility skills are life skills. Social skills, like presenting passes or greeting drivers, can transfer to the transportation setting. Some skills, like reading a transportation schedule, may not transfer as easily Teachers should look for opportunities to teach transferable skills 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

11 Transportation No Longer a Related Service
Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence Transportation No Longer a Related Service If the student can access the educational program in the same manner as his/her typical peers. Program is located in the regular area of attendance. Student’s disabilities no longer are a factor preventing access. 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

12 A New Paradigm Teachers have educational tools, guidelines, & accountability The IEP team has assessment tools Students have expectations Transportation offers support at all levels of service Students progress towards independence

13 Independence Lesson Plans
Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence Independence Lesson Plans Practice with the educational staff. Practice with the driver in the classroom. Practice with the driver, attendant, and bus at the classroom. Practice with the driver and bus at the stop. This is not a new concept. CBI has been doing this for years. This is a just a little twist on it. 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

14 Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence
Implications Transporters as Educators Turns problem behaviors into areas for teaching skills (Pos. Behavior Support) / BSPs More Interaction supporting students Shouldn’t other services be teaching skills and striving for independence? Significant Cost Savings. 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

15 Light Tomorrow with Today
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

16 More Work for Transportation?
Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence More Work for Transportation? Bring a bus to the class Help create / teach a lesson Logistics of transitional stops Seating plans for shared buses Know a lot more about our kids Do a lot more FOR our kids!!! 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

17 I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.

18 What Independence Really Means
Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence What Independence Really Means Now I finally feel like a person. 15 year old student transitioning to public transit Henry O. 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

19 Meslin / Wolf Transportation Independence
Contact Me (714) 20th National TSD&P Conf. & Expo

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