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American Cancer Society: Funding in Research and Training

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1 American Cancer Society: Funding in Research and Training
Integrating the Life Sciences from Molecule to Organism The American Physiological Society American Cancer Society: Funding in Research and Training Charles Saxe, Ph.D. Scientific Program Director Cancer Cell Biology and Metastasis American Cancer Society Presented on April 26, 2017 Experimental Biology 2017 Chicago, IL April 2017

2 Kick Start Your Funding: Looking Beyond NIH and NSF
The American Physiological Society This presentation is part of the 2017 Trainee Symposium on Kick Start Your Funding: Looking Beyond NIH and NSF Organized by the APS Trainee Advisory Committee For more information and to listen to other presentations:

3 Charles Saxe, Ph.D.
The American Physiological Society Charles Saxe, Ph.D. Ph.D. (Genetics) - University of Arizona Postdoctoral training - Univ Pittsburgh & UC-San Diego Staff Scientist – NIH Faculty – Department of Cell Biology Emory University School of Medicine 2007-present – American Cancer Society

4 The American Cancer Society Extramural Research and Training Programs
The American Physiological Society The American Cancer Society Extramural Research and Training Programs Nation’s largest private, non-governmental, not-for-profit funder of cancer research in the US ACS Research Program began with $1 million raised by Mary Lasker Since 1946, ~$4.6 billion invested in cancer research Over 24,000 investigators at more than 1100 institutions have been funded More than 70% of junior faculty awarded ACS grants [2004-] have gone on to secure NIH R-level funding 47 ACS grantees selected for funding prior to winning a Nobel Prize ~70% of NCI-designated Cancer Centers are former grantees Many ACS grantees have subsequently been selected for the Lasker Award, membership in the National Academy of Sciences, membership in the National Academy of Medicine [IOM], MacArthur Genius Award, etc. Contributions to many advances in the understanding of causes, prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer; and contributions which improve patients’ lives

5 Focus of today’s presentation:
The American Physiological Society Focus of today’s presentation: Who we are Make aware of ACS funding opportunities Understand our processes; i.e., knowledge is power Avoid frequent mistakes

6 Who we are… The American Physiological Society
Experts in cancer research and training across the cancer continuum Our 6 Program Directors and SVP have a total of ~240 years of experience in, and commitment to, cancer research and training Reputation for outstanding programs of research and training Who we are

7 Extramural Research & Training Programs
The American Physiological Society Extramural Research & Training Programs Lynne W. Elmore, PhD Susanna Greer, PhD Ellie Daniels, MD, MPH Ginger Krawiec, MPA Clinical Cancer Research & Immunology Molecular Genetics & Biochemistry of Cancer Cancer Cell Biology & Metastasis Preclinical & Translational Cancer Research Cancer Control & Prevention Research Health Professional Training in Cancer Control Also acknowledge Bill Chambers and Bill Phelps Molecules Cells Animals Patients Populations

8 755 grants in effect - ~$407.2 million
The American Physiological Society 755 grants in effect - ~$407.2 million

9 Research Scholar Grants
The American Physiological Society Research Scholar Grants Support research projects initiated by investigators in the first six years of their independent careers. Initial awards are made for up to four years and up to $165,000 per year, plus 20% indirect costs. Exceptions: RSG applicants to the Cancer Control and Prevention Research Program ONLY may be at any career stage provided the focus of their project is either: health policy/health services research or cancer disparity reduction Unfunded applications for Research Scholar Grants Fellowships may be resubmitted twice. Make aware of ACS funding opportunities

10 ACS Applications Funded as a Percentage of Research Expenditures
The American Physiological Society ACS Applications Funded as a Percentage of Research Expenditures CY 2014

11 ACS* Funding of First Time RSGs vs. NCI† Funding of First Time RO1s
The American Physiological Society ACS* Funding of First Time RSGs vs. NCI† Funding of First Time RO1s Why are our grants important? Our focus is on new investigators

12 Critical Elements of a Research Scholar Grant Application
The American Physiological Society Critical Elements of a Research Scholar Grant Application Applicant…why are YOU the person to do this research? You will be judged entirely on your past accomplishments and your future potential. Do you show you are independent from your postdoc advisor? Do you show you are becoming a leader in the field? Do you show you are building a team? Do you have institutional support (dedicated lab space, startup funds, salary, term of appointment…all detailed in letter from your Department Chair)?

13 A Few Other Issues… The American Physiological Society
Your Research Plan; it obviously has to be outstanding…but is it also: Hypothesis driven? Novel? Do you suggest reasonable alternative approaches? Cancer relevant? Budget suggestion…actually think about it .

14 ACS Applications Funded as a Percentage of Research Expenditures
The American Physiological Society ACS Applications Funded as a Percentage of Research Expenditures CY 2014

15 Postdoctoral Fellowships
The American Physiological Society Postdoctoral Fellowships Designed to support a program of research training and study to enable a new investigator to qualify for an independent career in cancer research. For new PhDs with 0-4 years fellowship experience at time of expected award. Awards are made for 1-3 years. Progressive stipends of $48,000, $50,000, and $52,000 per year, plus $4,000 per year fellowship allowance. Unfunded applications for Postdoctoral Fellowships may only be resubmitted once.

16 Critical Elements of Postdoctoral Fellowships
The American Physiological Society Critical Elements of Postdoctoral Fellowships Applicant-why are YOU the person to do the research? Past accomplishments and future potential; productivity? Reference letters are CRITICAL. Experience? Motivation for cancer research?? Mentor Accomplishments. Record of successful mentoring. Stable funding.

17 Postdoctoral Fellowships are further
The American Physiological Society Postdoctoral Fellowships are further evaluated on… Mentoring Plan Absolutely critical that the mentor be invested in training this postdoc. This fellowship is meant to train the best and brightest fellows in the U.S. Does this mentoring plan accomplish that goal? Career development is key. Research Plan Cancer relevant? Pitfalls described? Innovative? Technical systems, animals, etc. in place to accomplish in the timeframe proposed

18 Final Thoughts for all Grants
The American Physiological Society Final Thoughts for all Grants Lay audience summaries are often more impactful if actually written for a lay audience. Reviewers will get into the weeds of your budget, institution, collaborators, basically ANYWHERE you invite them in… Listen to your reviewers; their comments are an honest effort to make your grant, and your science, better. Avoid frequent mistakes

19 American Cancer Society Peer Review Process
The American Physiological Society American Cancer Society Peer Review Process Two deadlines per year: April 1 and October 15 Grant applications are submitted on-line via proposalCENTRAL and are also mailed to the ACS Submitted grants are sorted into six programs and 19 peer review committees Applicants will be notified of committee assignments and approximate dates of review and outcome via proposalCENTRAL Understand our processes

20 I’ve submitted my grant to the ACS…what happens next?
The American Physiological Society I’ve submitted my grant to the ACS…what happens next? Two levels of peer review: Peer Review Committees (19): volunteer experts in field of study or practice review (critiques), rate and rank applications. “Research Stakeholders” or lay community advocates on Peer Review Committees Council for Extramural Grants: senior researchers and research stakeholders compare work of all committees and decides who is funded.

21 Review Criteria: The American Physiological Society
The qualifications, experience and productivity of the applicant. The scientific merit of the application; novelty, creativity. The promise of the research as related to the cause, prevention, detection, treatment or quality of life for cancer patients. The facilities and resources available; the institutional commitment. Career development potential.

22 American Cancer Society Peer Review Process
The American Physiological Society American Cancer Society Peer Review Process What does MY score mean? Outstanding Excellent Good Fair Non-competitive AD / SD Administrative / Scientific Disapproval

23 Funded! RANK NAME In the ‘Pay If Pool’ for 3 cycles
The American Physiological Society THE PAYLINE IS SET… RANK NAME 1 Watson 2 Blobel 3 Hartwell 4 Bishop 5 Baltimore 6 Perutz 7 Franklin Funded! PAYLINE PAY-IF LINE In the ‘Pay If Pool’ for 3 cycles Not recommended for funding

24 What feedback will I get?
The American Physiological Society What feedback will I get? To: Applicant From: Program Director Rating (not scores) Likelihood of funding Resubmission information Reviewer 1 Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations Karl Saxe, PhD Cancer Cell Biology and Metastasis Reviewer 2 Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations + Committee discussion comments (if any) and consultation

25 The American Physiological Society
Become familiar with what’s available and be aware of new offerings: Read Policies and Instructions carefully, especially the description of intent of grant, basis for review and award, eligibility criteria. Call program directors for additional information or clarifications. Ask the advice of successful grantees and mentors. Be persistent! Remind them of flyer containing all of the major funding mechanisms is here and available

26 For more information, to listen to other presentations,
The American Physiological Society For more information, to listen to other presentations, and for the PowerPoints with active links and/or other resources For further information, contact APS Education Office

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