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Health Select Health Ownership Reaching Our Clients Carol Calvin RN MS CPHQ RVP Customer Analysis and Solutions UnitedHealthcare.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Select Health Ownership Reaching Our Clients Carol Calvin RN MS CPHQ RVP Customer Analysis and Solutions UnitedHealthcare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Select Health Ownership Reaching Our Clients Carol Calvin RN MS CPHQ RVP Customer Analysis and Solutions UnitedHealthcare

2 Defining Health Ownership
We define Health Ownership as making choices that optimize not only health, but also the right healthcare service and value. The end result of Health Ownership may improve physical and financial health and wellbeing. Optimal Health I live tobacco-free I manage my chronic condition I maintain my ideal body weight I manage stress in my life Optimal Services I use shared decision making with my physician to choose appropriate care I use alternatives to the emergency room when appropriate I obtain evidence-based screenings Optimal Value I use in-network providers I use tier one drugs whenever possible I use cost transparency tools to find the best price for care

3 Current U.S. Health Care Situation Unsustainable
Achieving individual health ownership may help. 80% Increase in family coverage costs since 20031 50% Patients who leave their doctor’s appointment not knowing what they were told or what they are supposed to do5 52% Estimated U.S. population expected to have diabetes / pre-diabetes by 20202 100,000 Number of deaths every year linked to poor health literacy5 41% Consumer health care decisions that are less than optimal4 50% Medications not taken as prescribed.1 Introduction So why is helping employees adopt a healthier lifestyle so important? Because as they adopt a healthier lifestyle they may achieve greater health ownership. The numbers say it all. There are a lot of numbers and information here and I’m not going to read every statistic. In short, they illustrate that the current health care situation in this country is unsustainable. We’ve seen an 80% increase in the cost of family coverage since 2003; Health literacy is poor. Half of patients leave a doctor’s appointment not knowing what they’re supposed to do and an equal percentage of people aren’t taking their prescribed medications. If you consider that more than 40% of consumer health care decisions are less than optimal and nearly 30% of your health care costs are due to avoidable diseases … … it is in our collective best interest to act now. *********************************************************** We believe so strongly that achieving individual health ownership is important to the success of the United States’ health care system that we built a framework to support it – one that may promote individual health ownership and drives sustained reductions in cost. And we can help you understand where to start based on the specific needs of your population. 50-75% Health care costs driven by lifestyle decisions3 25-30% Employer health care costs due to avoidable diseases Kaiser/HRET Survey of Employer Health Benefits. 2. UnitedHealth Center for Health Reform & Modernization study “The United States of Diabetes: Challenges and Opportunities in the Decade Ahead.” 3. Centers for Disease Control, “Healthy Communities,” 4. UnitedHealthcare Consumer Activation Index AHIP Coverage 2013.

4 Lifestyle, Behaviors & Health
80% of all heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and up to 40% of cancer could be prevented if people: ate healthier exercised more stopped using tobacco1 To make a difference in health and wellbeing it all comes down to individual behavior. Research shows that 50-85% of all diseases are associated with modifiable health risks. This means that many are preventable. It is the decisions we make everyday that may impact our health the most – what we choose to eat, if we exercise, if we choose not to smoke, if we get our preventive screenings, etc. Our decisions may make a significant difference when it comes to our health. Just look at the statistics on this slide. The majority of the chronic conditions we suffer from in the US could be prevented if we made more informed choices by eating healthier, exercising more, and not using tobacco products. Sounds easy, but we know it can be challenging for individuals to make these behavior changes. I will be talking about the many tools we have to help people make better decisions when it comes to their health. 1. World Health Organization (WHO), Preventing Chronic Diseases: A Vital Investment, Geneva, 2011

5 UnitedHealth Wellness® Overview
1. Awareness Tools Health Assessment : Rally Survey Personal Health Record Onsite Screenings, Programs & Counseling Educate & Inform Create Awareness Support Behavior Change Encourage & Reward 2. Education Tools Rally Personalized Health Report Healthy Mind Healthy Body Newsletter® Resources United At Work Podcasts Here we have what we call our wheel of wellness. First, we have tools that help people become aware of their potential health risks. The fact is that many people don’t know the basic statistics about their personal health. And not knowing may mean big and expensive problems. For example, a person who unknowingly suffers from uncontrolled high blood pressure may not realize it until he or she has a stroke. Once individuals are aware of their health risks they may be more receptive to education. We have many educational tools and resources for our members. Lastly, awareness and education are critical steps but they only take us so far. If we want to create real change we need to support employees efforts when it comes to changing their behaviors. UHC has a host of tools available to help your employees be successful in their behavior change efforts. Now I will start to walk you through some of these tools…. 3. Behavior Support Tools Online Health Activities and Tools Preventive Care Reminders Health Discount Program Virtual Visits

6 Components of Rally Experience
Health Survey Interactive questions with visual prompts hat personalize Rally experience. Creates a “Rally Age” and instant interactive results. Missions Activities or personal action plans the member selects, records progress towards completion (categories = Move, Eat, Feel and Care) Dashboard Daily to-do’s, check-ins and reward information, access to PHR and more making information more accessible Rewards Reward engagement and goal setting through Rally coins and other incentives if applicable Communities Provides conversation place to connect, inspire, learn and support others with common interests Our approach focuses on keeping people connected and keeping the experience relevant. We leverage proven consumer experiences designed to help increase health care engagement. Social networking Devices Gaming Suggestions for individuals to consider The result is a personalized lifestyle plan that creates a constant stream of communication with the consumer that may eventually lead to improved outcomes. Personal Health Record PHR content along with quick snap-shot of key metrics like Rally Age and Health Survey results in interactive format Join a step-based Challenge and track progress against others in the Challenge. Virtually explore Washington D.C. or San Francisco Challenges

7 Lose weight. Feel better. Be healthier.
Real Appeal Supports weight loss with an evidence-based approach Supports those with pre-diabetes and cardiovascular risk Entertaining, Hollywood quality Evidence-based, clinically sound Direct to consumer strategies Aspirational messaging Employers potential benefits Members potential benefits We all want to pay less for health care and see better results. Now there’s a way for members to get the motivation and support they need to improve their health and for employers to get the health outcomes needed to reduce health care costs. It’s all part of something we call UnitedHealth Personal RewardsSM. The program is designed to engage consumers in building their knowledge and improving their health through informed decision-making, creating a unique consumer health incentive solution that benefits employers and members alike. Employer benefits include: Integration of clinical and wellness programs to create a member-centric experience. Using data to understand member populations and recommend program design. Applying best-in-class behavior change strategies to boost engagement. Adaptable solutions that change as employer needs change. Member benefits include: Greater identification, focusing on identifying risk and helping people set achievable health goals. Higher engagement, using our new Rally health and wellness tool to create a fun, digital consumer experience. And keeping people motivated with personalized reminders and incentives. Better success, rewarding desired health behaviors to keep people engaged in achieving their goals. It all adds up to lower costs and better health outcome, including: 3.7 times higher identification for telephonic coaching; 6.4 times higher participation in biometric screenings and 11.4 times higher completion rate for health assessments; 2.6 times more members losing 10% or more of their body weight — plus a 5 percent improvement in body mass index, blood sugar and blood pressure targets. Employers win. Members win. And we all pay less and see better results. Improved engagement Potential for reduced medical costs Employee satisfaction Pay-for-performance pricing Customized plan Engaging, inspiring content Small, actionable changes Ongoing expert coaching Proprietary Information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.

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